Join ACT for America next week in Washington, DC

There could not be a more perfect time for you to attend the annual ACT for America Conference scheduled for September 6th and 7th in Washington, DC.

Brigitte Gabriel
Brigitte Gabriel: The time is now as Congress returns from a long summer break and addresses the funding for Obama’s last refugee wish list.

Hear from Brigitte Gabriel and a host of important speakers on the topic of immigration, refugee resettlement and the security threats we face from both.
ACT is the only national grassroots organization that puts reform of the Refugee Program as a top priority!
A very special guest will be Phil Haney, Department of Homeland Security whistleblower and author, who will speak on ‘Refugee Vetting: Is our security at risk?’
And, this is what Ms. Gabriel said in a recent e-mail recognizing the critical need to let Congress know now how you feel about the ever-expanding UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and how it will impact you and your town.

This is an “all hands on deck” moment. Congress can decide to not fund those numbers or not. Congress can stop him.


Our counter voice needs to be heard. We need to show up in force and send a clear message to Congress. Not only NO but Hell NO to more unvetted refugees in America.

Due to this impending event [lobbying push by the advocates for 200,000 refugees for next year—ed] , we have dramatically slashed our national conference rate to our rock bottom cost of only $229/registration. We are doing all we can to have you with us. This is a crucial showdown between the patriots who love this country, and those who are trying to destroy it.


If you are not there, Congress will assume Americans don’t care. They will only hear the loud voices of our rivals and will assume we are perfectly OK with more refugees. This is why it is critical that we have you with us at ACTCON 2016 so we can tell Congress “NO” to Obama’s proposal.

Silence from those who oppose refugee resettlement is the same as support for them. This is the time when patriotic Americans must speak up.

I want to say that some of the hardest working, patriotic and most dedicated citizen activists I met on my 30-day tour of American communities facing refugee overload problems were the ACT for America members.

You have until tomorrow, September 2nd, midnight, to meet some of those great people in Washington!

Go here to register!

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?

Update: Be sure to see the even juicier story from Buffalo. Muslim convenience store owner charged with ripping us off to the tune of $2 million and his wife and daughter flip the bird to news camera (to America)!  You can’t make this up!  Click here.
I haven’t written about food stamp fraud in awhile, but darn it I wish someone would!
If you don’t know how trafficking in EBT benefits works, I’m going to send you to dozens and dozens of posts I’ve written on the subject over the years, click here.
Thanks to my friend Diana for bringing this gigantic one to my attention.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake with her pals at Islamic Relief USA. She has been a leading proponent of bringing more Muslim refugees to Baltimore.

From CBS Baltimore: 14 arrests and $16 MILLION fraudulently obtained by trafficking in food stamps.  Are these stores part of Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s highly touted immigrant entrepreneur project?
Here are the names of  those arrested (see a pattern?):

Walayat Khan, 36, of Reisterstown
Barbara Ann Duke, 50, of Owings Mills
Shaheen Tasewar Hussain, 60, of Ellicott City

Kelym Novas Perez, 34, of Baltimore
Jose Remedio Gonzalez Reyes, 50, of Baltimore
Mulazam Hussain, 54, of Windsor Mill
Mahmood Hussain Shah, 57, of Catonsville
Muhammad Rafiq, 58, of Reisterstown

Mohammad Shafiq, 50, of Gwynn Oak, Maryland; and his daughter,
Alia Shaheen, 24, of Baltimore

Mohammad Irfan, 59, of Nottingham
Muhammad Sarmad, 40, of Nottingham
Rizwan Pervez, 38, of Essex
Kassem Mohammad Hafeed, a/k/a Kassam Mohammad Hafeed, 51, of Baltimore

I swear this is connected to the Investor visa program and it makes me wonder if they have training programs abroad in how to buy convenience stores in the US and rip off the dumb (infidel) Americans!
How much do you want to bet some of your $16 million left the country!

Northhampton, Massachusetts will become new resettlement site

This is a short news item at New England Public Radio.
Because the resettlement contractors are wearing out their welcome in places like Springfield, Mass. they are moving out to fresh territory.  Moves like this one (20 miles up the road) are also to accommodate the large increase in the number of refugees expected in 2017 if Obama gets his way in September. (If Paul Ryan lets him have his way!)

alisa Klein
Alisa Klein is one of two city council members who promoted a resolution to urge the resettlement of Syrian Muslims (99% of those arriving are Sunni Muslims) to Northhampton. Learn more about her here where she got in trouble for remarks about the police last year.

City council members last fall said they wanted Northhampton to be a sanctuary for Syrians, here.

Residents of Northampton, Massachusetts, are laying the groundwork for the likely arrival of refugees in the next year.

Catholic Charities, based in Springfield, expects to resettle 51 refugees from Syria, Iraq, Burundi, and the Congo, and they’re focusing on Northampton, where the city council last year passed a resolution to welcome the groups.


Catholic Charities says the first refugees could come as early as January.

We have many posts on Springfield, Mass (click here) where the mayor there begged for relief as his city became overloaded a few years ago.
Like Ithaca, NY there seems to be no resistance in Northhampton to the arrival of impoverished and not thoroughly screened refugees.
Just a reminder to have a look at ‘Ten things your town needs to know when welcoming refugees.’  51 might not seem like much, but once the door is opened, I guarantee the numbers will mushroom year after year.
I was recently shocked to see that in ‘welcoming’ Lancaster, PA they get 700 refugees a year and that the local school district is now embroiled in a costly legal battle about how best to educate older teenage refugees.  Are you ready Northhampton?
Hey! I just remembered!  Whatever happened to the Syrian refugee resettled to Lowell earlier this summer and ultimately arrested for an unwanted sexual advance on a little girl at a public swimming pool?  Does anyone know?

Georgia mosque plan: Commissioner asks will it bring refugees here?

Yes, it most likely could, mosques are part of the hijra (the migration), however a resettlement contractor spokeswoman quickly said, NO.  She doesn’t believe refugees can be successful in this county.
Hmmm! Wonder where all the new Muslims (enough for a big new mosque and cemetery) are coming from then?
Here is the news from AP at Fox News (is Fox calling CAIR a civil rights group in its headline?):

ATLANTA – A proposal to build a mosque and Muslim cemetery has so angered some residents of Newton County outside Atlanta that their commissioners have temporarily banned all building permit approvals for religious institutions.

amy crownover
Crownover: Newton County need not fear it will become a refugee magnet. Refugees could not be successful there she said. Photo:

The moratorium prompted the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the NAACP to request a federal civil rights investigation in Newton County. A spokesman for U.S. Attorney John Horn confirmed receipt of this complaint Tuesday, but declined comment.

Mohammad Islam, the religious leader behind the proposal, said he doesn’t intend to take any legal action; instead, he met Tuesday with local leaders of other faiths in Newton County, seeking their support for a fresh start.


One commissioner questioned whether the project would make Newton County “a prime area for the federal government to resettle refugees from the Middle East” in an interview with The Rockdale Citizen, a local newspaper. Two public meetings were held, both crowded with angry opponents who clapped and cheered when people expressed fears about global terrorism.


But places like Newton County need not fear becoming magnets for refugees, said Amy Crownover, spokeswoman for New American Pathways. The organization is one of five refugee resettlement organizations in Georgia that are contracted with the federal government to assist refugees arriving in the United States.

“We work in partnership with communities, looking for communities where refugees can be successful,” which requires easy access to public transportation, jobs, English classes and other services. Newton County “isn’t an ideal setting,” Crownover said.

I’m wondering if she is implying the folks there are unwelcoming? But, of course, we know that hasn’t stopped the contractors in other locales.
Georgia has been a real hot bed of controversy and is one of the original pockets of resistance to the Refugee Admissions Program, click here for our Georgia archive.

Note to Soros and Sutherland on DC rally this Sunday: the jig is up

Writer Willliam Jasper at The New American isn’t pulling any punches as he lays out the strategy and the actors for this Sunday’s Rally for Refugees in Washington, DC. (We told you about it here).

Breitbart London also confirmed the link between Sutherland and George Soros and the globalists plan to open borders world wide.

Here is Jasper yesterday (emphasis is mine):

The professional Soros migration/refugee agitators are rallying the street radicals to come to Washington, D.C., this Sunday, August 28. The aim of #DCRally4Refugees is to whip up the appearance of popular support for the UN’s September 19 Refugee Summit and President Obama’ plan to “surge” thousands more Syrian “refugees” into American communities.

The #DCRally4Refugees is being organized by dozens of radical-Left groups funded by billionaire hedge fund mogul George Soros (shown) and his Open Society Foundations. As we reported last week, hacked documents from the Open Society Foundations (OSF) database have confirmed what was long known to readers of The New American: that the plethora of “grassroots” NGOs lobbying for the United States to take in more refugees and more migrants is, in reality, a phony Astroturf setup of professional revolutionaries financed by corporate globalists.

Moreover, OSF’s secret e-mails, memos, and reports posted by the hacktivists also reveal the incestuous, behind-the-scenes coordination among the Soros-financed street revolutionaries and their high-level consorts in the Obama administration and the United Nations.

One of the key globalist Insiders in the planned massive refugee resettlement scheme is the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative on International Migration Peter Sutherland. As we have pointed out in previous reports, Sutherland, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs International and British Petroleum (BP), is a top-level member of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Transatlantic Policy Network, and other world-government-promoting organizations, and is one of the key architects of the ongoing Muslim migration tsunami that is currently devastating Europe. Sutherland will also be one of the principal speakers at the UN Refugee Summit in September, according to the UN’s press office.

As part of its effort to project the appearance of popular support for more refugee resettlement, the #DCRally4Refugees is urging activists to sign online and postcard petitions to Congress stating their strong support for the refugee influx and their opposition to legislative efforts in Congress that would impede the planned migration deluge.

Continue reading here to follow links.  There is much more including a full list of the sponsors of Sunday’s planned propaganda stunt. Mysteriously absent is one usual player—-the US Conference of Catholic Bishops/Catholic Charities.  Boy would I like to know what that is all about!
Jasper’s list seems to have omitted Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service which was in the original list.  But, the USCCB is absent and thus 8 of 9 federal resettlement contractors will be backing the event which is ultimately aimed at bringing more money (your money!) into their coffers.
We previously reported on Sutherland’s role in changing Europe by changing the people, here.