Little Lewiston, ME has 34 languages in the school system!

And, one in four students is in an ELL class.
We haven’t mentioned Lewiston much recently (no Somali kids have burned down apartment buildings there in the last few years).
This is your usual fluffy story about coming to America and I’m just posting it to tell you about the school system challenges your town will face if it “welcomes” refugees this year.

Trying out headscarves
Changing America one town at a time. Photo:

Besides the expense to the school system, this family obviously entered the US illegally and are in Maine where the welfare is good for so-called ‘asylum seekers.’  They are hoping to persuade an immigration judge that they are legitimate refugees and they have been told to go to Maine to wait out the legal process.
BTW, the article tells us Dad had a job selling cellphones and computers throughout Europe, so why didn’t he simply take the kids on one of his trips to Europe and ask for asylum there?  There must be much more to his ‘story.’
From the Lewiston-Auburn Sun Journal:

LEWISTON — Joao Rodrigues and his children moved to Maine this past winter from Africa.

His children are among the city’s 1,374 students in the English Language Learner program. One out of every four Lewiston students is in the ELL program; most are Somali children, but ELL students speak a total of 34 languages.


Speaking Portuguese and communicating through an interpreter, he shared how he and his children fled their native Angola, a country of unrest and violence. They escaped to the Democratic Republic of the Congo before making their way to the United States. [“making their way” is code for arriving through questionable means—ed]

They arrived in New York in January with nothing. A pastor there recommended he take his family to Maine, where there are African communities and where he could get help.

See our very large archive on the Somali capital of New England—Lewiston—here.  And, click here, for much more on Maine the welfare magnet where the governor was trying to slow the giveaways to non-citizens, but not sure he ever succeeded.

Human Rights First wants to prove to the world that we aren't bigots (then they will love us!)

Remember that Pew poll I told you about here yesterday.  It seems that the numbers have those, like Human Rights First, that welcome Muslim refugees to America, worried.
They noticed too that the fearful-Democrat numbers are pretty high too!

Human Rights First hated the Bushies but when they can use one for their purposes, why not! Because of his complete misunderstanding about why ISIS exists, Michael Chertoff is one of the reasons we are in the mess we are in!

They want all of you Trump supporters to know that ISIS and other Muslim extremists are watching to see how bigoted and hypocritical we are.  The theory goes that ISIS will lose power if other Muslims love us and they will only love us if we take in hundreds of thousands of them as welfare-dependent refugees.
From Human Rights First:
Editor: These numbers indicate to me that Trump has a lot of room for expansion of his voter base (are we one terrorist attack away from President Donald J. Trump?)

The Guardian reported on a recent Pew poll that found 85 percent of Donald Trump supporters believe that refugees from Iraq and Syria are a major threat to the United States. As for the other presidential candidates, 74 percent of Ted Cruz supporters felt the same, followed by 59 percent for Kasich, 40 percent for Clinton, and 34 percent for Sanders.

If we prove we aren’t bigots (goes the theory), the bad Muslims will leave us alone! And, the good ones will love us! (and that is all that matters):

As Michael Chertoff, former DHS Secretary under President George W. Bush, told the Wall Street Journal: “[Resettling refugees] allows us to truthfully say that we’re not hypocrites or bigoted against Muslims or people from other cultures. That has a positive impact in terms of the disposition people around the world have toward the U.S. You don’t want to play into the narrative of the bad guy. That’s giving propaganda to the enemy.”

Click here for more illogical thinking from HRF about how bringing questionably-screened refugees from Iraq and Syria to America, scattering them to hundreds of towns, and adding them to our welfare rolls will keep us all safer.  What it will do is advance the Hijra and the eventual Islamification of America because it isn’t just terrorist attacks we should fear. (Just look at Londonistan!)

Bowling Green, KY nervous about planned Syrian resettlement

It sure looks like another ‘pocket of resistance’ is forming, this time in Bowling Green, KY (a growing Muslim community) the hometown of Senator Rand Paul and the resettlement site of two convicted Iraqi refugee terrorists who had been placed there a few years ago.
Before you read the story, you should visit our very large archive on Bowling Green by clicking here. There has been much turmoil over the years with resettlement there generally relating to refugees being dumped by their resettlement contractors.
And, consider the fact that Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell has never (to my knowledge) ever lifted a finger to question the program in his own state, it tells me that the program is driven there by Big Meat, the Chamber of Commerce and other industries who want a continuous supply of cheap immigrant labor.

Melinda Hill
Commissioner and Mayor Pro-Tem Melinda Hill is an outspoken critic of the Syrian resettlement plan for Bowling Green. Photo here:

Senator Rand Paul has spoken up a few times over the years, but with a ‘conservative’ governor there now and if Paul sticks with past comments, it’s time to reevaluate Kentucky’s WILSON-FISH program.
Here is the news from WKU radio:

Bowling Green is preparing to welcome Syrian refugees later this year who are fleeing their country’s civil war. The Warren County-based Kentucky International Center has agreed to resettle 40 Syrians, but the decision is raising concerns in the local community.


The plan to open the city’s doors to Syrian refugees is creating backlash in what has otherwise been a welcoming environment. City Commissioner and Mayor Pro-Tem Melinda Hill has been one of the most outspoken critics of the plan to resettle Syrians in Bowling Green. She says she doesn’t have confidence in the federal government’s screening process.

“Our country has systems in place where our criminals, we know what they did, when they did it,” Hill tells WKU Public Radio. “Many of these people are from countries that do not have systems like that in place, or if they did have them, these people have not been entered into the system, they’ve not been kept up to date, or those systems have been destroyed. We don’t have access to any background checks. It’s all questions and answers.”


Some locals residents are more apprehensive since the 2011 arrest of two Iraqi men living in Bowling Green. Both are now in prison for conspiring to send weapons and cash to the terrorist group Al-Qaeda.


The Syrians represent a small fraction of the 400 other refugees coming to Bowling Green this year, including from Africa, Asia, and Cuba. If approved by the federal government, 40 Syrians will start a new life that they hope won’t be derailed by fears of terrorism.

Concerned Kentuckians should be letting your governor know that he could be the one brave governor needed!  Go here and see what he could do!  If he is worried about being alone, he could call upon Chris Christie and Sam Brownback to join him! Three brave governors is surely better than one!
P.S. If anyone knows Commissioner Hill, please send her this post.  She may not know some information we have linked in here.

Surprise! Missoula, Montana expected to get mostly Muslim refugees after all

Update April 28th:  A little inside baseball about how Missoula got so lucky to get a refugee office, click here.
Have you been following our posts on the plan to open Montana to refugee resettlement?  If not, click here for background (no time for rehashing!)
In this news story from the Missoula Independent about a phony letter that was sent to the US State Department that purported to rescind an earlier invitation by the county commission for the federal government to start sending refugees to Montana, we learn this much more important news toward the end of the article.

Bait and switch!

Mary Poole of Soft Landing Missoula. Will she be the resettlement sub-contractor for the International Rescue Committee? Poole tells the Missoula Independent that she is so excited to be welcoming Syrian Sunni Muslims to Montana!

(Other ‘welcoming’ cities pay attention! You will not get what you have been told!)
In earlier news accounts the feds and the International Rescue Committee suggested that Montana wouldn’t get Syrians, but what do you know, all of that has changed because the Obama surge is on the way!
Not only will they get Syrians (99% at the moment are Sunni Muslims), but they will get refugees from Afghanistan and from Burma who are Muslims too!

Rohingya are Burmese Muslims that up until a few years ago the State Department did not consider for refugee status to America!

Here is what the Missoula Independent is reporting now!

When the IRC’s request was approved, the prospect that refugees placed in Missoula would actually originate from Middle Eastern countries such as Syria seemed slim, as Syrians make up a small portion of those currently entering the United States.

However, IRC officials now say resettlement of Syrians appears more likely. Most refugees who relocate to the U.S. are placed with relatives, but Missoula’s fledgling program will likely draw from the roughly 30 percent of all arriving refugees who don’t have U.S. family ties. [When you get refugees with no ties, this is truly a SEEDING process—ed]

IRC officials explained the outlook during a Thursday reception hosted by local refugee advocate group Soft Landing Missoula. They told attendees the Missoula office expects initial arrivals may include Syrian families ranging in size from four to 10 individuals [big subsidized housing apartments available?—ed], Congolese families and single woman-headed households, Afghans or Rohingyas from Myanmar.  [Congolese*** are mostly non-Muslim, but all the others listed here are Muslims!—ed]

Ambitious readers! To learn more about the very ‘devout’ Muslims known as Rohingya, please see our category entitled ‘Rohingya Reports’ with 188 previous posts going back years.
Then this:

We were kind of operating under the impression that there might not be a possibility of us getting Syrian refugees for quite a while, and that seems to have slightly shifted,” Soft Landing founder Mary Poole said at the event, “… so that’s really exciting because they were our catalyst.”

If you live in Missoula, you must ask these county commissioners if they have ever seen the R & P Abstract for your community. I bet they haven’t! If they have, demand that you, the taxpaying public, gets to see it too!
*** See also Congolese refugee women arrive with expensive mental health treatment needs.

NGOs called out, care more about flooding Europe with 'diversity' then with the well-being of refugees

Invasion of Europe news…..

I didn’t know that major international ‘humanitarian’ organizations had threatened to quit helping refugees in Greece in protest against the German/Turkish deal to return many migrants to Turkey.

US resettlement contractor, the International Rescue Committee, tells us that one of the first questions the ‘starving, persecuted refugees’ ask when they arrive in Greece is “do you have wi-fi?”

But (whether true or not), the important thing this article reaffirms is that legitimate refugees have a right to ask for care, they don’t have a right to go country shopping.
For instance, every ‘other-than-Mexican’ who arrives at the US Southern Border is NOT a candidate for asylum in the US (although they are being granted asylum) because they could have asked for asylum in Mexico or whatever FIRST safe country they came to in their flight.
If a Somali has traveled via the Middle East, to Russia, to Cuba, to somewhere in South America and then northward to our border, that person should not be granted asylum here.  If they were truly persecuted they could have asked for asylum in half a dozen other safe countries on that journey.
Likewise those migrants passing through Turkey, then hopping over to Greece, could claim asylum in Turkey (a SAFE country), but are instead shopping for a better deal in say Germany or Sweden.  They really don’t even want asylum in Greece.

Again, legitimate refugees do not have the right to shop for the country of their choice.  And, those who have no evidence that they are personally persecuted for one of several reasons have no right to ask for asylum (refugee status) at all.

So here is the article at Commentary Magazine from earlier this month about “rights groups” being exposed as, first and foremost, concerned with politics and changing Europe than with the care of individual refugees.

Israel and its supporters have argued for years that many “human rights” organizations are far less concerned with human rights than with pushing a political agenda. But as long as that political agenda consisted mainly of attacking Israel, most Westerners remained convinced that these groups still deserved their credibility and moral haloes.


The “human rights community” is outraged by the EU’s recent deal with Ankara, under which all migrants entering Europe via Turkey will be promptly returned there. The Council of Europe’s commissioner for human rights, Nils Muiznieks, declared that such “automatic forced return” is “illegal,” and the only acceptable solution is for EU countries to “ramp up the relocation of asylum seekers” into their own borders. Human rights groups similarly asserted that the deal violates international humanitarian law, inter alia, because they claim Turkey is unsafe for refugees. Amnesty, for instance, termed the deal “abhorrent.”

Then, angry over the EU’s refusal to accept their view, the organizations halted assistance to tens of thousands of migrants already in Greece. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Medecins Sans Frontieres, the International Rescue Committee, the Norwegian Refugee Council and Save the Children all suspended operations in Greek refugee centers to protest the deal.


….if Turkey is willing to continue hosting these refugees in exchange for benefits like billions of euros and visa-free access to Europe, there’s no earthly reason why those refugees should be entitled to relocate to the EU instead. Indeed, if Turkey’s drawbacks suffice to entitle refugees to resettle in Europe, at least half the world’s population would be similarly entitled.


Similarly, refugees in Turkey don’t have it easy, but they’re surviving. Thus, relocating them to Europe isn’t necessary to fulfill the refugee convention’s goals; it’s necessary only to achieve a political purpose: remaking Europe by flooding it with millions of migrants.

Continue reading here.
Remember every person on the move around the world is NOT a refugee, but these organizations making a living in this industry want you to think they are. What we are witnessing in Europe is truly an invasion aided and abetted by the NGOs.
And, go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.