Canada: Syrian airlift making history, 26,000 have arrived with 10,000 more being 'welcomed'

They are having a problem finding housing, but what the heck, let’em in!

Trudeau change
Boy Trudeau promised change and he is going to get it. Just make sure you keep them all north of the border!

From The Guardian:

Canada will take in an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees, adding to the more than 25,000 already received in the last few months, said immigration minister John McCallum.

McCallum told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp he was responding to complaints from Canadian groups who want to sponsor Syrian refugees but did not have their applications processed quickly enough to be among the government’s initial target of 25,000.

“We are doing everything we can to accommodate the very welcomed desire on the part of Canadians to sponsor refugees,” McCallum said in a phone interview with CBC News from Berlin, where he is meeting with the German interior minister.

By the way, Canada’s system is different from ours.  They have some government resettled refugees and some privately sponsored ones, ours are all taxpayer-funded refugees with no private sponsorships.   Although I think that legally a group/church could still sponsor a refugee family to America, but the resettlement contractors would probably scream bloody murder because it could cut into the numbers they are paid to seed throughout the country.
Read it all and see our Canada category by clicking here.

Two (more) state legislatures attempting to wrest some control from feds for refugee resettlement

South Carolina moved one step closer recently to advance a bill to try to get some control over who is being resettled in the state, and in Michigan bills were introduced to do the same.
I know it should be my job to explain the ins and outs of the various bills and attempt to predict what will happen with them, but honestly I don’t have the will power (or the legal skills!) to sort through it all.  So, instead, I’ll give you a couple of news accounts from this week (AB–After Belgium) for you to read yourself.
South Carolina…

Mark Wineka/Salisbury Post Ted Goins, president and chief executive officer of Lutheran Services Carolinas, headquartered in Salisbury, oversees an organization of more than 1,600 employees and an annual budget of about $115 million.
Ted Goins, CEO of Lutheran Services Carolinas told Think Progress: “South Carolina has a long history of welcoming those seeking refuge…” Well, actually no it doesn’t, it is one of the least refugee-populated states in the US (up until now).

First, check out what Think Progress says about the South Carolina initiative.  The closest they come to mentioning that Lutheran Social Services is a government contractor is to say they have been “tasked” with the job of getting refugees established in the state. No mention of the millions of your tax dollars paying them for their ‘task.’
Needless to say, if the South Carolina bill would become law, it will have a chilling effect on resettlement in the state as the Lutheran federal contractor could be held liable for crimes committed by their clients.
It is good to read publications like Think Progress from time to time.  You know it is a publication of the Center for American Progress (Soros, Clinton, John Podesta).
There is another article with wailing and moaning about the bill here.  For once, the contractors are on the defense.
Then there is the new effort in Michigan.
See Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily yesterday for the skinny on that pushback.
After telling us all the troubles Michigan is having with a rapidly expanding Muslim population, he reports that a citizens group (a pocket of resistance) has formed to push back.   Here is WND:
Mosques are mushrooming in Michigan, this one in Dearborn.

That is sparking an organized backlash from Michigan residents.

A citizens’ group called Secure Michigan has formed as a watchdog over the refugee resettlement program in the state. Secure Michigan issued a statement Tuesday after the jihadist attack on Brussels, Belgium, that killed 34 people and injured 200. The statement urged Michigan GOP Gov. Rick Snyder to renew his opposition to President Obama’s Syrian refugee program.

Obama wants to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the U.S., about half of them in Michigan.

All of this has put pressure on state lawmakers to do something to slow down the flow of Third World refugees into Michigan.

State Rep. Jim Runestad, R-White Lake, has answered the call. He introduced legislation to make refugee placements in Michigan both safe and more transparent, while also giving local government a voice in the process as required by federal immigration law.

“House Bills 5528 and 5529 will protect both our communities and refugees entering our communities.

Continue reading here.  Then see our complete archive going back to 2007 on Michigan, here.  For more on South Carolina over the years, go here.

How many Muslims will it take to change America?

How many did it take to change Belgium?

Brussels mourning
Brussels in mourning. For what? Their dead? or their naivete? Both? Photo:

A recent poll confirms that a large percentage of American Muslims here now would like to live under Shariah law.
Before I get to the article.  Think about it. Belgium did nothing that should have been seen as provoking the ire of Islam. They aren’t flying jets over the Middle East and Africa.  In fact all they have done for the last two decades is to warmly WELCOME migrants to live among them, and bend over backwards to meet Muslim demands for accommodation of Islam (Shariah).
And, what do they get for the naivete —-they get murdered in the name of Allah.
Here is the news from American Thinker (hat tip: Sodiumpen):

The poll’s results show that at least 37% – and possibly as high as 45% – of American Muslims believe that their religion should be either the main source or a contributing source of American law.

The results are in general agreement with a poll released by the Center for Security Policy in June 2015 that showed 51% of American Muslims agreeing that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”

For context, there are currently 3.3 million Muslims in the United States. If current population trends continue, the United States could be a Muslim-majority nation by mid-century. [BTW, CAIR claims there are 10 million Muslims in America.—ed]

It doesn’t take a Muslim majority to clamor for Shariah law, it only takes a population of just 3, 4, 5% in most cases we’ve followed around the world.
You know what I don’t get, how do those pushing for more and more Muslim migration to America think that somehow we will escape Belgium’s fate some day?  It is just a matter of numbers and percentages.

On the day of the Brussel's carnage, a man writing from Germany reports on the annihilation of Western civilization

Invasion of Europe news….
Early yesterday morning, while I was writing on the slaughter in Brussels (a post which went viral thanks to the Drudge Report and Breitbart), a man named Alex sent me the second post on his new blog from GermanyReal Facts Media.  The timing was stunning to say the least.  He told me he had posted it just hours before the news broke of the Islamic attack in the heart of the capital of Europe.
It is a very brave blogger to be saying what Alex Charles says (from Germany!) in his post yesterday entitled: ‘Mohammed, Islamic History, and the Bloody Future of the West.’
This is just a small bit I’ve snipped to give you the flavor of it, but please visit and read the whole thing.  It’s an excellent review of Islam and the goal of its adherents which is nothing short of replacing Christianity, democracy and our western culture with Islam as a complete political system.  (Emphasis is mine)

Islam is a Civilization, Which Extinguishes all other Civilizations

Forget about Islam being just a religion that can peacefully coexist with other religions.

graph from Alex
Be sure to see Alex’s previous graph as well which shows the progression of the death of Christian Turkey to when it became predominantly Muslim (before 1800) and up to today when its population is virtually all Muslim. Frankly there is no way of getting off this trajectory, unless something very dramatic is done NOW!

Islam is much more than a religion. It is an entire civilization that must completely dominate every aspect of a society.

Turkey illustrates the gradual process of how a country that was once 100 percent Christian becomes 99.7 percent Muslim (today).

Germany is the perfect example of this process unfolding today in the West. In the 1960s the German government opened its doors to mass immigration of Muslims Turks. (Note: mass immigration from Muslim countries is still underway in nearly every Western country throughout the world.)

Today in Germany we have “No-Go zones” under Sharia law, schools that have been forced to ban all pork meat, the elimination of traditional Christian holidays celebrated by German children, segregated swimming pools, and an increasing number of Muslims who refuse to see doctors of the opposite sex. Berlin opened Europe’s first clinic devoted to treating victims of female genital mutilation – a disturbing practice in Islamic society.

As Muslims grow in number, through high birth rates and mass immigration, the results are always the same. The native culture, people, and civilization are annihilated and totally replaced by Islam and Sharia law.

Please read the whole thing and subscribe to get more reports directly from someone living in frankly what I believe are the end times for Europe.
This is what Alex says about himself and his blog:

About Alex Charles (Editor)

As an American expat living in Europe, I get to witness the dramatic changes taking place in our society from a unique perspective. It’s an exciting time to be alive.

Hopefully, by looking at the difficult facts and making better policy decisions, we can ensure a more peaceful and free society for our children and future.

For our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.

Somalis in Ft. Morgan, CO say they can't assimilate without a mosque

(Why what Donald Trump says is resonating with voters!)
This is just one more story about Ft. Morgan, Colorado (we have been following their experiment with a growing Somali population for years, click here for our Ft. Morgan archive).  See also Leo Hohmann at WND on Friday—why are we still taking Somali refugees after three decades?

Cargill in Ft. Morgan
Cargill Inc. in Ft. Morgan is responsible for the influx of an estimated 1,200 Muslim Somalis to the small city in the northeast corner of Colorado. Photo:

Ft. Morgan has Somalis because it is a meatpacking town.  If they had no meat packer, there would be no Somalis clamoring for a mosque.
BIG Meat is changing the face of the American heartland!
From AP at the Santa Fe New Mexican:

FORT MORGAN, Colo. — For the last decade, Somali refugees have flocked to this conservative farm town on Colorado’s eastern plains. They’ve started a small halal mini-market and a restaurant, sent their children to the schools and worked at a meat processing plant run by Cargill Inc.

As much as Fort Morgan’s small town feel reminds many of their rural villages back home, some say they will feel like outsiders until they get what has so far eluded them: a permanent mosque. They are renting two small rooms for a makeshift version, for now.

They say they’ve tried to buy property to build a mosque but believe no one wants to sell to them.

“If we can own a mosque here, we will be more a part of the community,” said Abdinasser Ahmed, a local Somali leader and public schools teacher who fled war-torn Mogadishu, Somalia, in 2003, arrived in Fort Morgan in 2009 to work at the plant and is now a U.S. citizen.

Some longtime residents say they don’t want one in their city of 12,000, a step too far especially at a time when fears of terrorism have grown following the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif.

Putting a mosque “right in the center of town” would be a symbol “as if to claim the town,” said Candace Loomis, who runs a coffee shop and whose grandparents settled this country of sweeping horizons in a two-room sod house.  [Loomis is right, the mosque will mark their Islamic territory.  That is what mosques are!—ed]

Continue reading here.  Montanans and Wyomingites pay attention!
If anyone was really serious about assimilation, it would require a moratorium on mass migration to America right now. Just as in the 1930s when America wisely closed the spigot to allow the masses already here to assimilate, we should be doing the same now (if anyone in leadership positions had guts).
In fact, if Republican leaders had ten years ago worked to close, or at least slow, immigration, instead of following the likes of Senator John McCain off a cliff, there would be no Donald Trump in 2016.