Is yours a hot Somali city?

Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily on Friday has posted a very detailed report on a vexing question.  Does it make any sense for US taxpayers to pay for programs to keep Somali refugee youths from becoming Islamic terrorists while those same taxpayers shell out millions of tax dollars every year to bring more unwilling-to-assimilate Somalis to America?
Please read his excellent analysis (you may have seen it on the Drudge Report already).  But, I wanted you to see this very cool graphic posted there.
Is top Somali resettlement site, Minneapolis, on the way to having its own Molenbeek (the Islamic section of Brussels)?
US-map-Somali refugees
If you haven’t read it, go here for the whole story.
And, just so you know (if you think more have arrived in your city than are shown here), these are only the top cities where Somalis were directly resettled by the contractors.  These numbers do not include ‘secondary migrants’ —refugees who were seeded elsewhere but moved to be with THEIR own kind of people.  Minnesota receives several thousand more Somalis each year who move there from the site of their original resettlement.
See our recent post on the ISIS threat to Minnesota police, here.

Question to refugee: why Germany? Answer: money

Invasion of Europe news….
Can Angela Merkel prevent Europe being eaten away at its core? 

merkel kiss
Merkel loved in Baghdad, in Berlin not so much!

That is the title of an op-ed by Timothy Garton Ash at The Guardian on Thursday.  Here is a bit of it:

Why did you come to Germany and not Italy? I ask Jawad, a skinny 16-year-old from Afghanistan, standing outside his family’s blanket-tented six square metres of home at an emergency refugee reception centre in an east Berlin sports hall. Six months ago he spoke no German, but now he replies without hesitation: “Italien hat kein Geld!” Italy has no money! Short and to the point. A million Jawads arriving in a single year have so shaken up rich and bourgeois-liberal Germany that a xenophobic, anti-immigrant party has just won nearly a quarter of the vote in one east German state.

Around the world people are asking: can Europe’s centre hold?

Politically and economically, Germany is the centre of Europe. The “grand coalition” government of centre-right Christian Democrats and centre-left Social Democrats is the centre of Germany. And Angela Merkel is the centre of that centrist government. In a real sense, therefore, Merkel is the centre of Europe.

Faced with a bad result for her CDU in regional elections in three federal states, she remains outwardly unmoved, sticking to her proclaimed EU-Turkey strategy which the EU summit is being asked to approve in Brussels today. Is this the patient, pragmatic steadiness that has won her so much trust? Or is it the hubris that sets in, as if by some law of physics, when a politician has been in power for more than 10 years? (Margaret Thatcher, Helmut Kohl, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – the list goes on.)


The electoral success of AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) has been the cover story around the world.

It is not just the lower and struggling middle classes in Germany that are rushing to AfD!

Everyone I talked to in Berlin agreed that a striking feature of AfD is the support it enjoys among the educated middle class: professors, doctors, entrepreneurs, lawyers, people who know exactly when to say “Frau Doktor” and are themselves often “Herr Doktor”, if not “Herr Professor”.

Continue reading here.
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
Just now I watched the almost non-stop footage of the recent terror take down in Brussels and wondered how any thinking person couldn’t understand that mass Muslim migration would eventually doom a city and a country.
Say NO to Molenbeek for your town!

Islamic State lists 36 Minnesota police officers on "kill list"

So, this is one of the joys that diversity brings “welcoming” communities.

Minnesota man ISIS
Take heart, this one is dead. (But he left 9 kids and several wives here for you to take care of!)

Of course, readers here know that Minnesota is the top resettlement state for Somali Muslims.
And now, we learn here at the Washington Times, that one in four “Americans” who have gone to join jihadists elsewhere in the world hail from refugee-rich Minnesota.
We raised these Somali ‘youths’ with our money (taxpayer dollars) and this is what we get!
Washington Times:

A group of hackers loyal to the Islamic State terrorist group have reportedly posted a “kill list” with the names and personal details of 36 policemen in Minnesota.

The list, published by the “Caliphate Cyber Army” on the encrypted mobile app Telegram, includes full names, home addresses, email addresses and phone numbers of all the policemen, according to Vocativ.

The cops reportedly live in cities across Minnesota, but the majority are located in and around the Twin Cities.

Minnesota has a large population of Somali immigrants, with the Cedar Riverside community in Minneapolis housing the largest Somali community in the country. Since 2007, two dozen men from the Cedar Riverside community have left to join extremist groups.

A congressional report from last November said one in four Americans who has attempted to join the Islamic State group is from Minnesota.

We have a gigantic archive of posts on Somalis and Minnesota, use our search function to find them.  But, be sure to see this one—10,000 Somalis resettled in Minnesota in ten years.

Washington Post: Boo hoo, Syrian resettlement to US going sloooowly

It appears that the reason the resettlement of mostly Sunni Syrians to the US (less than 1,000) in roughly the same time period as Canada is seeding 25,000 throughout our neighbor to the north, is that the US is taking serious security measures while Canada is not.

Andrew Harper
The UN’s man in Jordan, Andrew Harper: Canada was able to get thousands moved to Canada because they are less interested in security than the US government is…hummm!

Obama has promised 10,000 will be resettled here before September 30th (the last day of fiscal year 2016), but so far deep in the bowels of our security apparatus some officials are taking their jobs seriously.  That said, the WaPo tells us that the screening is being dramatically stepped up right now.
Here is the Washington Post (skipping the obligatory ‘poster mom and kids’ that open the report!):

….by the end of February, less than 1,000 Syrians have made it to the United States, and resettlement experts question whether the United States can reach its target by September.


Between February and April, the State Department and Homeland Security Department are pulling in additional staff to Jordan to help interview more and more Syrian applicants. The U.S. Embassy in Jordan said 30 officers from Homeland Security have been posted to Jordan and a new facility has been opened. Similiar efforts are underway in Lebanon and Iraq.


The U.N. refugee agency, which first interviews Syrians and refers vulnerable cases to U.S. authorities, also have shifted into a higher level of energy. Staff have been relocated to Amman from across the region, with evening shifts being put in place. In phone banks, U.N. staff members call refugees who may eligible for resettlement.


Andrew Harper, the U.N. refugee agency’s representative to Jordan, said the speedy resettlement of 25,000 Syrians in Canada has shown what can be done. But the big difference between Canada and the United States, Harper acknowledged, is their level of security concerns.

More here.  It simply is not true what the ‘humanitarians’ claim that terrorists don’t get in to the US as refugees.  Even the New York Times admits they do, here.
Just a reminder!  If Bernie or Hillary are elected President in November, you can be sure there will be no interruption in the flow of Middle Eastern and North African Muslims to the US.  It will be all over for us because after 4 or 8 more years of unabated flow, erasing America will be a done deal.  Get everyone you know to the polls this year!

NJ Rep heading new effort to get tens of thousands of Syrians into the US ASAP

But some of the Democrats cheering earlier for more Syrians have dropped like flies! (amazing how edifying a few Islamic terror attacks can be!).
As you know, Canada’s boy Trudeau visited Obama in the White House this week which became the news hook for those members of Congress pushing for tens of thousands of mostly Muslim Syrians for your towns.

Ah, I see said the blind man. Learn more:

I was interested to see that 37 members signed the March 7th letter, while back on September 11th, 2015, 72 members had signed a similar plea.  So they’ve lost 35! (did Paris and San Bernardino drive off a few signers?).
Also, note that the letter this week doesn’t specify a number while their letter of September 11th (imagine the nerve to date it on that anniversary) said they want 100,000 Syrians seeded into America by the end of 2016 (the end of Obama’s term).
Here is the news at

United States Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-9th Dist.) is urging President Barrack Obama to follow our northern neighbor’s lead and take in more Syrian refugees.

In letter sent to Obama this week, Pascrell and other U.S. congressmen urge the president to use a visit by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday as a chance to discuss taking in more refugees.

Pascrell noted that the U.S. has only taken in 3,000 Syrian refugees since 2011, while Canada has taken in 25,000 in the last four months alone.United States Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-9th Dist.) is urging President Barrack Obama to follow our northern neighbor’s lead and take in more Syrian refugees.

In letter sent to Obama this week, Pascrell and other U.S. congressmen urge the president to use a visit by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday as a chance to discuss taking in more refugees.

Here are those who signed the letter this past week:

Signatories include U.S. Representatives Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ 9th District), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR 3rd District), Michael E. Capuano (D-MA 7th District), Matt Cartwright (D-PA 17th District), Judy Chu (D-CA 27th District), David N. Cicilline (D-RI 1st District), Yvette Clarke (D-NY 9th District), Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA 11th District), Debbie Dingell (D-MI 12th District), Lloyd Doggett (D-TX 35th District), Donna Edwards (D-MD 4th District), Keith Ellison (D-MN 5th District), Chaka Fattah (D-PA 2nd District), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ 3rd District),  Luis Gutierrez (D-IL 4th District), Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL 23rd District), Michael M. Honda (D-CA 17th District), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX 18th District), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX 30th District), Marcy Kaptur (D-OH 9th District), William R. Keating (D-MA 9th District), Rick Larsen (D-WA 2nd District), Brenda Lawrence (D-MI 14th District), Barbara Lee (D-CA 13th District), John Lewis (D-GA 5th District), Ted W. Lieu (D-CA 33rd District),  Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY 18th District), Betty McCollum (DFL-MN 4th District),  Jim McDermott (D-WA 7th District), James P. McGovern (D-MA 2nd District), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-Washington D.C.), Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ 6th District), Chellie Pingree (D-ME 1st District), Mark Pocan (D-WI 2nd District), Mike Quigley (D-IL 5th District), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL 9th District), Juan Vargas (D-CA 51st District), Marc Veasey (D-TX 33rd District).

You might want to go back to the earlier letter and see if your favorite Democrat (they are all Dems) signed both letters or perhaps your rep has had a change of heart since Paris and San Bernardino.
Go here to see a map of Pascrell’s district which includes the location where Donald Trump observed Muslims celebrating on 911.
And, one last thing!  Any of you who are planning to not vote, or write in someone, if Trump is the nominee, remember, you will be voting for tens of thousands of Muslim refugees to be admitted to the US (under either a Clinton or Sanders Administration).