Writer calls Lutheran Social Service of MN booklet on Islam, "fantasy Islam"

Dr. Stephen Kirby writing at Frontpage Magazine analyzed the 61-page booklet prepared by one of the major federal refugee resettlement contractors, ‘My Neighbor is Muslim, Exploring the Muslim Faith,’ and tells us the shocking news that they relied on an Imam with highly questionable ties for the ‘enlightenment’ of naive Minnesotans about the goals of their “new neighbors.”

Jodi Harpstead
Jodi Harpstead is the CEO of LSS of MN and as such is responsible for the deceptive booklet. She is making over $300,000 a year to seed St. Cloud and other Minnesota towns with Somali Muslims. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/03/26/lutheran-social-service-of-minnesota-is-responsible-for-the-somali-chaos-in-st-cloud/

In 2015 the Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota produced a 61 page booklet titled My Neighbor is Muslim, Exploring the Muslim Faith. The purpose of the booklet was to enable Lutherans to learn about Islam in order to better understand their “new neighbors” who were arriving as refugees.

Kirby then lays out his argument in great specificity (read it all!) and wraps up with this:

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota created a booklet seeking to educate non-Muslims about Islam and encouraging them to have a welcoming attitude toward Muslim refugees coming into their neighborhoods. Ironically, the Muslim imam selected to endorse this booklet appears to be a Hamas supporter, believes that Shariah Law should be enforced in American communities where Muslims are the majority, heads one of two mosques that have been the focus of articles about Somali youth leaving Minneapolis to fight for a terrorist organization, and was recently refused a government security clearance. Welcome to the neighborhood!

Part 2 will look at how Islam is presented in this booklet.  [watch for it!—ed]

See our many many posts on Minnesota by clicking here.   Lutheran Social Service has been resettling Somalis in that state for three decades.

Salt Lake City: Violent Somali teen shot by police

Update March 2: No surprise! Protesters come out in rage against police, here.
Update March 1: Mohamed was resettled in Utah by Catholic agency, here.
You watch, this will turn into another story about overzealous police.  There will be no mention of the refugee resettlement program bringing Somalis and other Muslim refugees to colonize Utah and no mention of the huge problem with many refugees not assimilating.  Or, maybe they are assimilating—-to American black gang violence.

Utah shooting
17-year-old Abdi Mohamed (a Somali refugee) was shot when he wouldn’t put down his “metal object” weapon

Here is the news.  Wish I had the energy to tell you more about what is happening in Utah where, although the Mormon Church doesn’t directly resettle refugees, they encourage their Catholic brethren to do so.
From Fox 13 Salt Lake City (hat tip: Utah reader):

SALT LAKE CITY — The day after an officer-involved shooting sparked unrest on the streets of Salt Lake City, the police department has issued an official statement on the incident and family members say they’ve learned the teen has awoken from a coma.

Family of 17-year-old Abdi Mohamed tell FOX 13 News detectives have told them the teen is now awake and speaking in a hospital room Sunday evening, but they have not yet been able to see him. He was reportedly in a coma after being shot three times by police.

According to a press release from the Salt Lake City Police Department issued Sunday afternoon, officers witnessed two males with metal objects attacking a male victim around 8 p.m. in the area of 300 South Rio Grande Street.

The release states, “Officers confronted the two suspects and ordered them to drop the weapons. One of the males complied and dropped the weapon, the other continued to advance on the victim and was shot by officers.”


The teen was taken to a hospital in critical condition, and Sunday his family identified him as 17-year-old Abdi Mohamed. Mohamed reportedly lived in West Valley City with his girlfriend and their son. He reportedly moved to the U.S. from Kenya about 10 years ago.  [Gee, so who pays for the care of the girlfriend and the son—I’ll wager you do, the taxpayers of Utah and America!—ed]

We get a large number of our Somali refugees from Kenya.  Note that in the line above the police weren’t willing to identify the ‘man’ but his family did.  Then this is no surprise:

The press release from police states that immediately after the shooting, a crowd gathered and became hostile, with some people throwing rocks or bottles at police. Officers asked the crowd to disperse to allow police and medical personnel to respond to the scene, but many in the crowd did not comply.

More here.
See our previous posts on Utah by clicking here.  Just yesterday I was telling a reader (who was looking for refugee crime stories) about that dreadful case of Burmese Muslim Esar Met raping and murdering a Christian girl in Salt Lake City, here.  Oh, and by the way, we have 1,931 refugee crime stories categorized from all over the world, here.  Feel free to mine that archive if you are working on a report, legislation or letter to the editor.
And, for more information on who resettles refugees in Utah, our Utah reader sent this story.  Here come the Syrians!


As predicted, ME migrants riot at Greek border as stricter controls are placed on European borders

Invasion of Europe news……

We told you (here, pressure cooker!) on Saturday that the flow out of Greece was effectively halted when many countries north of Greece closed their borders to the invaders wanting to get to Germany.

Macedonia border
Border pressure builds at Greece/Macedonia checkpoint. Photo and story at the BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34026114

Today there were riots at the Greece/Macedonia border.  Al Jazeera says this:

A riot broke out as hundreds of desperate refugees stranded at the Greek-Macedonia border smashed down a gate guarded by security forces on Monday.

The razor-wire barrier was ripped open and border guards fired tear gas in response.

Angry crowds shouted and pushed towards the barrier. Several men used a large steel post to ram the gate while trying to pry it open.

The Balkan route
Map and story at Deutsche Welle: http://www.dw.com/en/hampered-by-new-border-controls-migrants-make-case-for-asylum/a-18869422

Nearly 8,000 refugees are in limbo at the overcrowded border camp – with a capacity of 2,000 – at the village of Idomeni, according to Greek officials.

The Idomeni camp is rapidly turning into the main focal point in the largest migration crisis in Europe since World War II.

It was set up to shelter refugees as they wait for passage to Macedonia, which has greatly reduced the number of people allowed to pass in recent days.

For readers who might not have been paying attention until just now and are wondering how and why so many are in Greece, look to Turkey for allowing them to launch from Turkish shores.
Go to the interactive map that tracks the movement in to Greece and northward and see how many arrived in Greece in this last week alone and how few moved north!
Go here for all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

European ship headed to Asia to help rescue Rohingya (why you should care)

If you are saying to yourself, ho hum, this doesn’t affect me, think again!
Rohingya Muslims by the tens of thousands are piling up in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia (both safe Muslim countries!) and we end up bringing thousands to America.

Rohingya at sea
It isn’t just Syrians we should worry about. Rescued Rohingya are being resettled in the US by the thousands. They can’t possibly be screened any better than Syrians!

You don’t hear much about it because the Rohingya are slipped into your towns and cities right along with the Burmese Christians and other ethnic minorities and all are labelled simply Burmese.  Last fall we learned that 13,000 Burmese Muslims were already in the US.
This is the rescue ship story which is really a ho hum story, but I’m mentioning it since we haven’t talked much about Rohingya lately, although we have an entire category, here (185 previous posts), devoted to the subject.
From the International Business Times:

A rescue ship credited with saving thousands of migrants stranded in the Mediterranean Sea is to embark on a new mission in south-east Asia. The MY Phoenix, owned by charity Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS), has been used to rescue almost 13,000 people making the perilous journey from north Africa and the Middle East to Europe.

But now its crew is sailing the 40-foot vessel to the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, where it will spend four weeks helping rescue Rohingya refugees. Last year tens of thousands of migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh attempted dangerous sea crossings to reach Malaysia and Indonesia.

By all means, save them at sea, but resettle them in Muslim countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia!
About the photo:  It is here in a story from May 2015.   The story tells us about the latest round of violence between the Rohingya and the Buddhist Burmese and leaves you with this line (below) that gives the impression that all the deaths and displacement were on the Rohingya side of the ledger.  It just isn’t true!
We followed the conflict as it boiled up in 2012 and it started when Rohingya men raped and murdered a Buddhist girl!  But, in the retelling, the pro-Muslim propagandists never tell you that!  Buddhists were among the dead and homeless!

Clashes in 2012 between the state’s Buddhist community and Rohingya Muslims, a long-oppressed linguistic and ethnic minority in this majority Buddhist country, left hundreds dead and more than 140,000 people homeless.

Visit our ‘Rohingya Reports’ category.  In 2013 the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (testimony here) asked the US State Department to bring in more Rohingya (it is only ‘fair,’ they imply, since we have resettled so many Christians!).  Doesn’t it make enormous sense to bring in the centuries-old warring factions?  Not!

Invasion of Europe 2016 off to a quick start!

Below is a map posted at the website for the International Organization on Migration (IOM) that tells us (that less than 8 weeks into 2016) over 100,000 migrants have reached Europe (and this is still winter!).
We don’t talk about it often, but you should know that the IOM is also a US federal contractor and prepares refugees for their trip to America among other things.
Notice that the vast majority of illegal migrants are coming through Turkey to Greece, so does that mean Turkey is behind the invasion of Europe?  I think you can say that!
map arrivals Europe 2016
More here!
Be sure to check my favorite map, the interactive one, that tells us how many are coming each day and how they are spreading out throughout Europe.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.
For new readers:  You might find it informative to visit our category ‘where to find information’ (over 400 posts, but just scroll through the titles).