Malaysia: Obama (today) meets with Rohingya (Burmese) Muslims on way to US

This story is a Drudge headline this morning:  Obama defiant: vows more refugees.
***Update*** November 22:  Almost 15,000 Burmese Muslim came in as refugees in last ten years, here.
He is in Malaysia, a safe Muslim country which is sending Rohingya Muslims (who arrive there illegally) to America!  So while we have anxiety about Syrian Muslims coming to the US, remember the US resettlement program has been bringing in Muslims from Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Burma (and other countries) for years.

Esar Met evil face
Meet Esar Met a Burmese Muslim sentenced to life in prison in Utah in 2014 when he was found guilty of brutally raping and murdering a little Christian Burmese girl in his Salt Lake City apartment complex. The medical examiner testified that she died in excruciating pain. Shame on the mainstream media for never reporting on this case outside of Utah.

The Rohingya are especially fundamentalist Muslims we have been following for 8 years.  We have an extensive archive (Rohingya Reports) with 182 previous posts just on the situation in Burma and surrounding countries with the Rohingya.  (Want to write a book on Rohingya?  Your research is right here on these pages!)
In 2013 we reported that Anastasia Brown, on behalf to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, lobbied the US State Department to allow Rohingya Muslims to enter the US with a P-2 Designation meaning that they need not prove individually that they are persecuted, but that they would be admitted to the US as a class.
In other words, all they need do is say:  I am Rohingya and they are eligible for resettlement in your towns and cities.
Thousands are already here.   In our earliest years of reporting on Rohingya, the US State Department was not admitting them for fear that terrorists were among them.   All that has changed.
See the AP story at Myway:

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Pushing back against efforts to bar Syrian refugees from resettling in the U.S., President Barack Obama vowed Saturday that his country will be a welcoming place for millions fleeing violence around the world “as long as I’m president.”

Obama commented Saturday at a learning center in the Malaysian capital that serves the poor, including some refugees. He met with boys and girls wearing crisp white and black uniforms and neckties as they sat at tables and worked on painting and puzzle projects.


Most of the children the president met with are Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic group. Tens of thousands of Rohingya have fled Myanmar to escape persecution by the country’s Buddhist majority, with many ending up in Malaysia, where Obama was attending a regional economic summit.


The refugees Obama met with have all been cleared to come to the U.S. and have been assigned to specific cities, the White House said.

Earlier this year we reported that 12,615 Burmese Muslims had been admitted to the US in the last ten year.  I’ll have to do an update of those numbers when I get a minute (Ha!).  BTW, the majority population of Burma (aka Myanmar) is Buddhist and they want the country to remain majority Buddhist.  Even the famed human rights activist from Burma has angered the humanitarian industrial complex by not speaking out on behalf of rights for Rohingya.
See why Obama is angry (in my opinion). His job was to get them in here as part of the UN agenda, and he has hit a roadblock!—YOU!
Addendum:  How could I forget.  Hillary has been touting her ‘success’ in Burma while Secretary of State.  Then why are we taking thousands of Burmese Muslims to the US if she has done such a good job?  You must see this post!  Podesta Group sent to Burma to shore up her image!

1,070 Iraqis admitted to US in first 6 weeks of 2016, 85% are Muslim

Since my two previous posts are so popular—the first is on Syrians admitted to the US in FY2016 (which began on Oct. 1) and the second on Somalis admitted in those same 6 weeks, I thought you might like to know about the Iraqis who have been coming into the US (over 100,000 since Obama took office. Here is one summary through 2013 and a large portion of 2014. I’ll get more complete numbers later).
My Somali post made it to Drudge!  What an honor!
This is where the 1,070 have gone in the last six weeks.  Top five Iraqi resettlement states so far this year are: Texas, California, Michigan, Washington and Colorado.
map Iraqis first six weeks
And here is how their religions break down (directly from the Refugee Processing Center data base, these are their categories and spelling):

Atheist:  3

Catholic: 69

Christian: 24

Moslem:  44

Moslem Shiite: 427

Moslem Suni: 435

Orthodox: 20

Yazidi: 40

Interesting isn’t it!  When you see almost equal numbers of Shiites and Sunis don’t you wonder why we are bringing in both sides of the warring factions?
Supposedly the bill being supported by Speaker Paul Ryan that seeks to get administration assurance that no terrorists are getting in through the refugee stream to America only involves Syrians and Iraqis.  What about Somalis?  And, isn’t it a bit late considering we have admitted over 100,000 Somalis and over 100,000 Iraqis to live in your towns and cities?
Anyone want to write a book on the Iraqi resettlement, we have 673 previous posts going back 8 years on that resettlement.

Yes! Refugees and children of refugees have been connected to terror plots in the US

Abdirahmaan-Muhumed (1)
The No Borders Left and the refugee resettlement contractors (in that conference call yesterday) are telling everyone who will listen that no refugees have committed terror acts, but it just isn’t so.  We have many cases of terror arrests/convictions (and some dreadful murder and rape cases) perpetrated by refugees or their children in the US archived on these pages.
I don’t have the time to dig them all out, but I don’t have to as the UK Daily Mail has pulled them altogether here today and so has Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily, here, yesterday.
Remember this guy?  We learned about him here in 2014 (over 23,000 readers clicked on this post this week!).  Virtually all Somalis in the US are here as refugees or the children of refugees.  The US Refugee Admissions Program has brought in another 827 Somalis in the last six weeks alone.
***Update*** November 19:  A reader reminded me of the Idaho Uzbek refugee terror case, here.

Do governors have any power when it comes to resettlement of third-worlders to their states?

We are going to find out as the latest news is that 27 governors have in one way or another said—count me out when it comes to Syrian resettlement.

CNN map
From CNN:

[I hope to get time today to post some other considerations—one that I want everyone to understand is that we have been admitting tens of thousands of Muslim refugees for years from Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Burma and Uzbekistan, just to name a few, and I am not confident they had any thorough screening either, especially the Somalis.
And, please remember that the problems we (and France) are having with terrorists in the immigrant population is that most have been raised in the protective bosom of our generous social welfare systems.  So the parents might have come in as (vetted) decent people, but their children became radicalized right here among us.  
All the vetting in the world isn’t going to save us from the toddlers coming in with Mom and Dad from Africa and the Middle East who thumb their noses at the ‘good life’ and become radicalized 20 years down the road.  The only true solution is a complete moratorium on Muslim immigration.  (See White House Petition). Will these governors have the will for that?  I doubt it!]

Back to the news…..

CNN filed this story about the governors’ power (or lack of it).  We know that ol’ Ted Kennedy and ol’ Joe Biden were very clever indeed when they crafted what became the Refugee Act of 1980 which is run almost completely by the US State Department, the Dept. of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement and the ‘non-profit’ contractors who play a huge role in changing the demographics of your states.  There is very little role for Congress in the law either (short of the power of the purse which they are increasingly scared to use!).

(CNN)A wave of governors — mostly Republicans — issued a cascade of press releases Monday voicing objections to Syrian refugees landing their states, following the Paris attacks.

Kevin appleby cspan
Appleby is the chief lobbyist for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, the federal contractor that resettles the largest number of Muslim refugees in the US. Last time I looked the Bishops were getting around $70 million annually from US taxpayers to do this work. We have many posts on him here:

Experts say that while the states may not have the legal authority to block their borders, state agencies have authority to make the process of accepting refugees much more difficult.

“When push comes to shove, the federal government has both the plenary power and the power of the 1980 Refugee Act to place refugees anywhere in the country,” said Kevin Appleby, the director of migration policy at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the largest refugee resettlement organization in the country.

Appleby said one thing the states could do was to cut their own funding in the area.

This is the power the governors have—cut funding for welfare and other social services (most don’t even have a clue how much state and local taxpayers are shelling out for a program that was supposed to be fully-funded from Washington 35 years ago and with the additional financial help from the non-profit contractors).

American University law professor Stephen I. Vladeck put it this way: “Legally, states have no authority to do anything because the question of who should be allowed in this country is one that the Constitution commits to the federal government.”

But Vladeck notes that without a state’s participation the federal government would have a much more difficult time. “So a state can’t say it is legally objecting, but it can refuse to cooperate, which makes thing much more difficult.”

Indeed that is going to be the real test!  It is easy to spout-off with a letter now (after Paris), much harder to really put action behind those words. Be assured we will be watching!

The Hill is reporting that 16 governors want Syrian resettlement suspended due to security concerns

***Update November 17*** CNN says 27 now.
***Update*** More states here (scroll for updates).
Update of previous post!  (Guess the NYT will have to update its map)

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan becomes the first Democrat to want an opt-out on Syrian refugee resettlement. Of course, we wonder if the US State Dept. will be honoring their requests, but you can be sure we will be watching with great interest! The govs may be soon get an unwelcome message on states rights.

From The Hill:

Fifteen Republican governors and one Democrat have announced plans to block Syrian refugees from resettling in their states in the wake of last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley issued statements Sunday saying that they wanted to prioritize the safety of the residents in their states.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott; Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a GOP presidential candidate; Arkansas Gov. Gov. Asa Hutchinson; Indiana Gov. Mike Pence; Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant; Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner; Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker; Florida Gov. Rick Scott; North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory; Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican presidential candidate; Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey; Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker; and Maine Gov. Paul LePage joined them on Monday.

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan, who is challenging Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R) for her Senate seat, became the first Democratic governor to call for halting the acceptance of refugees until the vetting process is reviewed.

More here.
I don’t want to diminish this major breakthrough in garnering attention for this here-to-fore secretive refugee program, but tomorrow, when I get a minute I am going to have to remind readers about the thousands and thousands of Iraqi, Afghan, Burmese and Somali Muslims pouring into the US through the RAP (Refugee Admissions Program) every year as we fixate on the small number of Syrians so far.
I’m telling you they can’t screen most of those any better (especially those Somalis who have left Africa and traveled illegally to places like Malta in Europe where we scoop up their illegal aliens, call them refugees, and fly them to America—including to South Carolina as we learned earlier this year).