Did your state get Somalis in October? Minnesota number one destination!

That Minnesota is the state receiving the most Somalis is no surprise as the US State Department and its contractors work to help create the new Somalia in Minnesota.
Since I was checking numbers this morning, see Syrian refugees in previous post, I thought I might check Somalis too.  (Of course all Somalis are Muslims, or almost all of them.)

595 in the month of October were distributed around the US.

Go here to see how many Somalis we have admitted since the mid 1980s and ask why the heck are we still bringing them in here?
And, go here to see where I’m getting this data.
map Somalis Oct
Here are the top ten states for Somali resettlement for the first month of FY2016 (some numbers aren’t clear on the map):

Minnesota (80)

Arizona (73)

New York (51)

Texas (47)

Ohio (42)

Massachusetts (31)

Pennsylvania (29)

Kentucky (27)

Missouri (25)

Washington (23)

Minnesota pay attention!

Then I decided to check where they went in Minnesota in the last 4 weeks and the numbers surprised me (I think it will surprise Minnesotans more!).  It was only two weeks ago that Minnesota Governor Dayton caused a stir when he said if you don’t like the Somali migration to Minnesota, find another state in which to live!  BTW, infidel Dayton won’t have a political future in the state once the Muslim population reaches a certain level.
Of the 80 who were placed in Minnesota in the last 4 weeks, here (below) is where they went. If 80 (or so) continue to be resettled in MN this year (FY2016), the state will see another nearly 1,000 needy Somalis arrive from Africa and elsewhere in the world (in addition to 1,000-2,000 secondary Somali migrants from other parts of the US that regularly arrive in MN as part of the colonization of the state).

Mankato (1)

Marshall (4)

Minneapolis (33)

Richfield (1)

Rochester (1)

Saint Cloud (32)

St. Paul (1)

Willmar (7)

Meanwhile the UNHCR is returning Somalis to Somalia from camps in Kenya, so why do we still have to bring them here?

Germany investigating terror suspects in refugee flow (surprise!)

Invasion of Europe news….

On October 25th, Angela Merkel (left) and UNHCR Guterres (right) spoke about plans to welcome the migrants to Europe. On October 29th, in Washington DC, Guterres brought an audience to laughter explaining in humorous detail why terrorists wouldn’t bother to slog with the masses to infiltrate Europe. He said they would just buy a plane ticket and fly in (and what! be able to get through airport security screening). Of course they are in the flow of humanity. See my report from Washington. Photo: http://theworldweekly.com/newswire/reader/european-countries-agree-100000-more-spaces-in-refugee-centres/5379/

From The Telegraph:

Germany is examining 10 cases of refugees accused of being a member of a terror organisation or taking part in war crimes abroad in an admission by the country’s police chief that will raise fears of terrorists among migrants.

Holger Muench, head of the BKA federal police, said that the influx of refugees posed a domestic security threat as migrants continued to cross into the country.

More than 8,000 streamed over the Austrian border to Bavaria on Wednesday and officials believe up to 800,000 migrants could enter the country by the end of year. Some predict it could be as high as one million.

Many of the migrants coming to Europe via the western Balkans route through central and eastern Europe are from war zones in the Middle East. Those fleeing to Germany were encouraged by Angela Merkel’s welcoming comments earlier this year, saying that Syrians would be given refugee status.

More than four million have fled the country since the start of the four-year civil war and nearly eight million have been displaced inside Syria.

The German chancellor has been criticised by allies and political foes and many say the influx has left Germany struggling to cope.

Some migrants also pretended to be Syrian to guarantee successful asylum in the country.

More here….. Be sure to see the informative graph showing where the refugees are coming from.  Almost as many are coming from Afghanistan as are those coming from Syria.
BTW, when you read the article, you will see that German officials refer to Islamic motivated terrorists as ‘Salafists’ which is a word describing a hard core group of Islamists.  In the US we refer to Al-Qaeda or ISIS and so forth, but in Germany they often use the broader term Salafism.  Also know that Salafists are Sunni Muslims and 97% of the Syrians we are admitting to the US are Sunni as well.
Photo caption: My report from Washington is here.  Gee!  I guess Guterres is wrong already! Guterres also told the audience of open borders activists that if Europe make the migration legal they wouldn’t have this problem—huh?
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive click here.

Why is Bill Kristol's mag pimping for Hebrew refugee contractor's lobbying campaign?

With friends like Bill Kristol, who needs enemies!

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is one of nine federal contractors (paid by the head to resettle refugees) and is pushing for the admission of 100,000 Syrian Muslims to the US before Obama leaves office.
So why is the Weekly Standard simply parroting what HIAS says, here at its blog?
There is not one critical mention of who and what HIAS is!
Sometimes I want to scream!  As more of the Washington insiders and smart people (LOL!) pay attention to the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department, more ignorance is demonstrated.  It is so scary to think these are the people who are helping to set immigration policy for America.
For our extensive archive on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, go here.
Update:  Check it out! HIAS (crows!) tweets Weekly Standard.

“We cannot stand by idly+watch the largest humanitarian crisis of our generation unfold.” Story on

Libertarian/Muslim groups urge private sponsorship of Syrian refugees in US

Before I give you this latest turn of events reported by the Huffington Post’s Elise Foley*** let me say that we have advocated that if US citizens want to welcome impoverished third worlders that the refugees should be privately sponsored by churches, synagogues or other civic organizations or wealthy individuals—and I mean completely sponsored for a year or two until they found employment and were not a “public charge”  (completely self-sufficient with no food stamps, no subsidized housing, no free medical care, no cash assistance).

David Bier
David Bier (drafted letter to Obama) is director of immigration policy at the Niskanen Center. He is an expert on visa reform, border security, and interior enforcement. From 2013 to 2015, he drafted immigration legislation as senior policy advisor for Congressman Raúl Labrador, a member of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. Previously, Mr. Bier was an immigration policy analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. https://niskanencenter.org/about/

The whole concept of immigrants being welcomed into America at one time in our history centered around those who would not be dependent on the US taxpayer for anything—now refugees are dependent on us for virtually every aspect of their lives.
If individual sponsorship was required, the number we admitted to the US would then be determined by the willingness of Americans to shell out their own personal money for their charitable desires.
In other words, the availability of private charity would naturally limit the number of refugees admitted (it goes without saying that security screening would still be of paramount concern).

Private sponsorship on top of the existing Refugee Admissions Program!

This proposal drafted by a Libertarian think tank (!) and supported by a whole host of mostly Muslim organizations is not that—it is NOT complete private sponsorship.
They see this plan to be in addition to the billion dollar federal program that now funds nine contractors which monopolize all refugee resettlement in America.
It is about getting even more Syrian Muslims into the US!
It does not recommend throwing out the system now that revolves around the money-grubbing contractors and thus it must be opposed.
Here is the story at the Huffington Post (be sure to read through and see the excuses a representative from Church World Service gives—clearly not wanting any program that might interfere with the stream of your money to their coffers).

When did these LIBERTARIANS start working with the likes of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islamic Society of North America?

WASHINGTON — Some opponents to taking in more Syrian refugees argue it’s simply too expensive. Refugees need significant help with housing, food, transportation, education and more when they get here, and they contend that the United States can’t afford to help more people.

But what if outside groups — community or religious organizations, cities, companies or even individuals — foot the costs instead?

A coalition led by the Syrian American Council plans to send a letter to President Barack Obama on Wednesday asking him to consider creating a program for private sponsorship of Syrian refugees, the involved groups told The Huffington Post.


The fact that these calls are coming from Americans could make it more politically viable, said David Bier, director of immigration policy for Niskanen Center, the nonprofit libertarian think tank that helped draft the letter.

“It seems like an idea that’s politically a no-brainer — it’s a lot easier to sell to the American people refugee resettlement if they know, hey, my neighbor is the one who wants these people who were brought over and it’s not just something Washington cooked up,” he said.

Who the hell cares what your neighbor wants, is the neighbor paying all the bills and taking full responsibility (including LEGAL responsibility if the refugee breaks the law)?
Then this…. Ahhhhhhh!

Along with the Syrian American Council, the letter was signed by Syrian American Medical Society, Syria Relief and Development, Arab American Institute, Turkish Heritage Organization, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Islamic Society of North America, Karam Foundation and Watan USA.

Read it all.
***You know what is very funny?  I wrote about Elise Foley here in 2013 she was blasting Libertarian Senator Rand Paul who was brave back then (before he was running for President) and she reported this (in snide tones):

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said on Wednesday that the U.S. should be skeptical of accepting refugees, from Iraq in particular, because they take welfare and could plan attacks on American soil.

Endnote:  If you missed yesterday’s post about Rep. Raul Labrador and Rep. Paul Ryan, go here.  Libertarians want more immigration!

Slovenia invaded! Prime minister warns EU is near death

Not just the European Union, but, I believe, Europe itself!

Advancing hordes of Muslim invaders march through farm fields in Slovenia.

The Invasion of Europe continues…….
And, no wonder we have had hundreds of new readers from Slovenia visiting these pages in the last week.  I only wish there was something we could do to help them.
Slovenia map closeup
From Breitbart London:

The tiny nation of Slovenia has received 60,000 Middle Eastern and North African migrants in the past week. Thousands remain stranded near the Austrian border, as the prime minister warned the crisis could be “the end of the [European Union] EU.”

Dramatic drone footage filmed near the Croatia-Austria border shows thousands of migrants and refugees crossing through farmland on foot.

The migrants have been diverted through Slovenia since Hungary closed its border at the beginning of September. Viktor Orbán’s government built a razor wire fence and made illegal crossings a criminal offence.

For opening the gates to the Hijra, I predict that German Chancellor Angela Merkel will go down in history as one of the greatest traitors of Christian Europe the world will have ever seen.  But then again, to the Islamists (who will be writing the history books) she will be the hero for Allah.
For all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ posts go here (they extend back several years and I mention that because there was time to stop the invasion early if European leaders in Germany, Italy, France and the UK had any guts, they didn’t).