Asst. Sec. of State for PRM Anne Richard is a busy beaver, gotta keep the UN happy and get those Syrians in!

As Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard is the head honcho in the Obama/Kerry State Department responsible for the refugees admitted to the United States.

Richard and Guterres Kentucky post
Anne Richard (left) and UNHCR Antonio Guterres (former President of Socialists International): we both think that 18-24 months is too long for Syrians to wait to get into the US. NPR interview:

Tomorrow she is scheduled to testify before the House Foreign Relations Committee (Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa).  See if your representative is a member of the subcommittee by clicking here.
If your ‘pocket of resistance’ is located in one of the districts represented on this subcommittee make sure your Representative knows how important this testimony is to you.
By the way, this reminds me that there is a lot of foot-dragging going on over in the House Judiciary Committee (Goodlatte and Gowdy) which has jurisdiction and a LEGAL requirement to review the President’s Determination for FY2016 that is now already going on 4 weeks old.   An oversight hearing had been planned weeks ago on the Refugee Admissions Program—what happened to it?
Late last week Ms. Richard was pushing the Syrian resettlement at a college in Kentucky (it is about the children!)
What you see happening here is that the US State Department is sending out big-wigs like Richard to help spread the propaganda (to head off the development of ‘pockets of resistance’) and say that everything is going to be just peachy as we admit 10,000 (or more!) Syrians who cannot be properly screened according to the FBI.
The Obama Administration is going to be having a tough time finding enough “welcoming” communities for Syrians so they must get out to states like Kentucky—we reported that Kentucky had gotten the most Syrians so far two weeks into the new fiscal year. Apparently Mitch and Rand are too busy to pay attention to the colonization of Kentucky with Muslim Syrians!  (See also first Syrians arrive in KY with help of Islamic charity.)

Senator Rand Paul’s home town!

See Richard at Western Kentucky University and right under Senator Rand Paul’s nose, here and here (at the Bowling Green Daily News—Rand Paul’s home town!***).  Hat tip: Robin.
And, here she is giving an interview to NPR this past week.  Be sure to see it because the interviewer says thousands of you are sending e-mails to “advocates” opposing the resettlement of more refugees.  That must be in reference to the ACT campaign, here.
You really need to know who these people are—-who are working to change America by changing the people.  Anne Richard is one of those who moves in and out of government from federal contracting agency and back in to government (and will move back out as an activist advancing mass migration to America).  See her bio here.
*** Bowling Green is also the location where the two Iraqi refugee terrorists were doing their ‘work.’  So how does Rand Paul propose to keep America safe if he isn’t watching what is going on in his own backyard!

Canada: Libs want 25,000 Syrians (mostly Muslims) admitted before the end of 2015!

I’ve not posted much from north of the border recently, but Canadian readers continue to be at the top, or nearly at the top, of the list of faithful readers from around the world who visit RRW regularly, see here yesterday.

Canada’s new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau celebrates with supporters.

We knew as soon as we heard the news about Justin Trudeau being elected Prime Minister last week that this meant more Muslim migration to Canada.
What is interesting about this news from the National Post is that it dances around a critical issue that effects both Canada and the US and that is that we are allowing the UNITED NATIONS to almost exclusively choose our refugees.  That means that in the case of the Syrians, they will come from UN camps that house mostly Sunni Muslims.
97% of the Syrians who entered the US in FY2015 were Muslims chosen by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Thus even if Canada wanted to select truly persecuted Christians and/or Yazidis, they have no system in place to do so in large numbers—neither do we in the US!  We have given that power to the UN!
From the National Post (emphasis is mine):

TORONTO — As the Liberal government gears up to meet its promise to bring 25,000 government-sponsored Syrian refugees to Canada by the end of 2015, experts say time may be too short to effectively settle refugees and navigate security concerns.

“The numbers are not difficult numbers. The timeline is a difficult timeline,” said Naomi Alboim, a Queen’s University professor and former deputy minister of citizenship in Ontario.

With more than four million Syrian refugees in need, the first order of business will be identifying those to bring to Canada. Government-sponsored refugees are typically referred to Canada by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which confirms their refugee status and passes on the most urgent cases. Canadian visa officers then review their claims, and put refugees through security checks and health screenings. The process can take months, if not years.


These alternative approaches require Canada to pick refugees and decide whether to focus on groups that have been especially brutalized by ISIS, such as Syria’s Yazidi minority, or on everyone fleeing the dangerous civil war, said Guidy Mamann, an immigration lawyer based in Toronto.

“Normally, in refugee law, we are looking to protect those who are persecuted, those who suffer the greatest,” he added.
But Canada, which relies on UNHCR for refugee referrals, has no system for picking refugees by itself. In addition, most Syrian refugees are outside of camps, making them harder to identify.

Continue reading here.

Martin O'Malley In Dearborn, Michigan: Bring in the Syrian Muslims! Michigan needs more!

They are just like my Irish ancestors! 

I know, O’Malley is going nowhere in his bid to knock out Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and still possibly Joe Biden to become the Democrat nominee for President of the US, but since he was Maryland’s governor and Baltimore’s mayor, this news interested me (a Marylander). And, LOL! I think I might be in that “shadowy network” he refers to (but, it is not so shadowy).

Martin O'Malley
Former MD Governor Martin O’Malley: Muslim refugees just like my County Mayo ancestors. (I know I have used this photo before, but I love it!)

From the Detroit Free Press:

Speaking to Arab Americans in Dearborn, Democratic presidential candidate and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley slammed “Islamophobia and xenophobia,” saying the U.S. should take in more Syrian refugees.

“I stand for a more compassionate America,” O’Malley said to about 200 people at the University of Michigan-Dearborn as part of a three-day conference held by the Arab American Institute. “We are a nation of immigrants and refugees. It’s in our DNA…The enduring symbol of America is not the barbed-wire fence. It is the Statue of Liberty.

O’Malley spoke Friday afternoon in a city whose population is more than 40% Arab-American Muslim. His remarks were the most extensive of any presidential candidate so far this year about Arab-American and Muslim issues. Before his talk, he met with Syrian and Iraqi refugees in metro Detroit, listening to their stories.

O’Malley called for bringing in 65,000 Syrian refugees, more than what the U.S. government currently plans to take in. Noting that Germany is taking in 800,000 refugees, he said: “As a nation, we should step up…we are a large nation. We must do better.”  [I think he hasn’t been properly briefed—all of his pals on the hard left are pushing for 100,000 Syrians now, 65,000 was sooo last spring!—ed]

Muslims are just like my Grandpappy from Ireland!

“When I look in the eyes of immigrants, I see my grandparents,” he said.

Bad boys—Donald and Ben!

O’Malley slammed Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Detroit native Dr. Ben Carson for making anti-Muslim remarks. He said there is a disturbing pattern of anti-Muslim sentiment, saying “houses of worship…have been denied permits, worshippers exiting the mosque in Phoenix (Arizona)…greeted with protesters carrying assault rifles.”

O’Malley said that a “shadowy network of hateful” groups is “scapegoating and marginalizing Arab and Muslim Americans.”

I don’t think there is anything shadowy about those thinking it’s absolutely INSANE to bring in 65,000-100,000 (or even 10,000) Syrian Muslims (97% entering the US right now are Muslims) and disburse them throughout America. We are all quite out in the open!
Note to the “shadowy network” in Michigan….
O’Malley is not alone—Michigan Republican Governor Snyder wants to boost the Muslim population of Michigan too!   Here is more news on that which I won’t have time to post separately.  See if you can figure out for what Michigan is receiving $3 million from the feds.  If it’s for the school system that would be a drop in the bucket for what the refugee kids cost state taxpayers.

DNA testing required in wake of widespread Somali family reunification fraud

In an otherwise whining piece about how the feds are too slow to admit family members of refugees, at least this Frontline ‘news’ story admits that thousands of Somalis entered the US fraudulently resulting in a 4-year closure (in 2008) of the so-called P-3 family reunification program of the US State Department.

Somali refugees in Dadaab, a massive UN camp in Kenya. Truth be told, there is no way to thoroughly screen the refugees we accept from the UN any better here, than those we are accepting from UN camps in the Middle East. Photo:

You should read the whole long article, but here (below) is the segment on Somali fraud (btw, none of those who got in here by lying were ever deported).
For our thousands of new readers:  We covered the discovery and aftermath extensively, here.  The fraud was originally reported at the Wall Street Journal in August of 2008.
The nine major federal resettlement contractors fought tooth and nail to keep the State Department from requiring DNA testing.
Frontline on DNA testing:

Even if those restrictions are loosened, refugees applying for family reunification will face another hurdle to clear: DNA testing.

The inspiration for this requirement was born in East Africa, where more than 1 million Somalians have been displaced from their country by civil war and famine. In the mid-2000s, the U.S. was providing refuge to about 10,000 Somalians a year*** — many of whom went on to apply to the family reunification program to bring over relatives.

Immigration officials suspected that some were inventing “ghost children,” and filling out applications for children not related to them. There had even been some reports of brokers who sold the ghost children’s slots for profit, according to a U.S. Department of State official who spoke to FRONTLINE but asked not to be named.

So in early 2008, the State Department launched a pilot program to determine the extent of fraud by testing relationships using DNA.

In the initial pilot of 476 applicants in Nairobi, Kenya, only 16 percent were genetically related to every person they said was in their family. Another 39 percent tested false for at least one family member. In the remaining 45 percent of cases, applicants either refused to participate or didn’t show up for the test.

Officials interpreted these results as proof of widespread fraud. The P-3 program was suspended, and did not reopen for more than four years.

This stunned refugees around the world, many of whom had spent years waiting for P-3 applications to be approved. Most were told to apply for an alternate visa, but it was even more restrictive than P-3 and soon had a multi-year waiting list.

There is much more, read on.
*** We admitted 8,858 this past fiscal year, (9,000 the year before that!):

As the UNHCR is sending Somalis back to Somalia from its Kenyan camps we admitted 8,858 Somalis to the US in FY2015, here (many from the Kenyan camps!).  Somalis are the third largest ethnic group admitted to the US this past year.

Go here to see how many Somalis entered the US through the Refugee Admissions Program since its inception.  Notice some of the biggest years are in the George W. Bush Administration.

Why are we still admitting Somali refugees after three decades?

Think Progress has Rep. Brian Babin in its crosshairs….

…..not happy that Rep. Babin (R-TX) told Laura Ingraham we should only take Syrian Christian refugees.
No surprise that Think Progress should faint at the thought that someone might actually say ‘let’s prioritize persecuted Christians’ in our Syrian refugee stream.

Photos of Laura Ingraham in her studio after the Laura Ingraham Show, as she talks with her producers who are off camera. (Photo by Rich Lipski/The Washington Post/Getty Images)
In 2013, talk radio host and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration.

Think Progress is the media arm of John Podesta’s Center for America Progress, one of Washington’s hardest left (if not THE hardest left agitation groups) and a great friend of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.  Here is one post we wrote on Podesta in 2009.
The article is a bit muddled indicating that the writer doesn’t understand the Refugee Admissions Program, but I’m posting this to show that the Left hates this argument—if we are going to bring in Syrians, why not Syrian Christians who we know are being persecuted and whose screening would be much simpler since they don’t have a reputation for terrorism.
Here is Think Progress writer, Emily Atkin, apparently gasping in outrage that someone should say such a discriminatory thing—America should prioritize Middle East Christians.

A Texas Congressman is calling for an immediate halt to the Obama administration’s plan to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees, saying the plan is a threat to national security and that more should be done to ensure Christian refugees are getting help.

Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) appeared on the Laura Ingraham show on Monday to tout his latest bill, which calls for an immediate suspension of the Refugee Resettlement Program pending a “thorough examination” of the program’s costs and national security risks. The program allows the U.S. government to admit refugees when it is justified by humanitarian concerns.

But according to Babin, the program is a conduit for terrorist groups like ISIS to “set up bases of operations” in the United States, and should be suspended. At the same time, though, he said the U.S. should be doing more to accept Christian refugees.


….the vast majority of refugees to Europe are coming from Syria — and among those, the vast majority are Sunni Muslims, according to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. And advocates say biases about which religious groups should be prioritized for resettlement could leave many affected Muslims in the dust.

By the way, one of the top posts of all time here at RRW is this one—Laura Ingraham calls for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to America.
See posts on Rep. Babin, here.
Just a reminder readers, that the number of refugees matters too—the US cannot take in the whole world or our economy will surely collapse.

Be sure to see Leo Hohmann’s latest at WND (from last night) on how the Left is reacting to the resettlement pushback going on in many states, here.