Hungarian foreign minister: Mass migration is the beginning of a new world order

Invasion of Europe news….

TOPSHOTS Migrants walk through the countryside after crossing the Hungarian-Croatian border near the Hungarian village of Zakany to continue their trip to the north on September 21, 2015. Croatia and Hungary have traded barbs on a national level, each pointing the finger at the other over their responses to Europe's escalating migrant crisis. AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEKATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP/Getty Images
Look closely! What do you see? I see an army of invading young men, only a few women among them. Migrants walk through the countryside after crossing the Hungarian-Croatian border near the Hungarian village of Zakany AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEKATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP/Getty Images

You probably know already that the EU voted to shove migrants (many are economic migrants, not legitimate refugees) down the throats of countries that object strongly to adding impoverished, mostly Muslim, third worlders to their populations.
There is a detailed description of what happened in Brussels this week at the UK Telegraph.
I’ve snipped a bit about what the Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said.  He is exactly right when he says it is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense” because today it’s 120,000 they are distributing and next month it’s another 100,000 (who are at this minute packing their bags throughout the Middle East and North Africa).  This plan does nothing to stop the flow.

The EU migrant quota plan to relocate thousands of migrants across the continent is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense”, Hungary’s foreign minister said, as Europe’s east-west division was laid bare on Wednesday.

As EU leaders meet in Brussels on Wednesday to approve a plan to relocate 120,000 attacked by eastern European countries, Péter Szijjártó called the quota scheme a waste of time.

Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary voted against the plan to take in refugees and migrants from Italy and Greece but it was forced through on Tuesday.

Under the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker’s plan, Hungary would receive 1,294 of the 120,000 to be shared by the EU countries.

Close the borders and build camps to discourage new arrivals.  It makes enormous sense to me—the camp dwellers can then go home when the civil war is over (and will be less likely to come if a refugee camp awaits them).
The Telegraph continues…..

But instead, the Hungarian government supports a pan-EU Greek border protection initiative which would deploy helicopters and infrared cameras to catch migrants, with Frontex and Greece setting numbers on troops and border guards.

Budapest suggested that the EU should then fund refugee camps for Syrians and finance new camps if required.

The Camp of the Saints

Mr Szijjártó described the plan as a waste of time and said: “The plan is unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense.”
He added:

“This is the beginning of a new world order; we are not talking about a refugee crisis, but about a wave of mass migration.”

Continue reading here.

Read Jared Taylor at American Renaissance:  Is this the Death of Europe? 

He begins (and ends) his very thorough examination of refugee law and how it impacts Europe with a discussion about the prescient decades-old novel by Jean Raspail, The Camp of the Saints. If you have not read it, you must.  But, be prepared to feel physically ill (mentally ill goes without saying).
Taylor explains more clearly than I can how we got to this point—to the point where we are asking this question—Is this the Death of Europe?   The next question of course is, so what about America?
Taylor closes his tutorial with this:

As Jean Raspail wrote in 1985:

[T]he West is empty, even if it has not yet become really aware of it. An extraordinarily inventive civilization, surely the only one capable of meeting the challenges of the third millennium, the West has no soul left.

He put it even more pithily in The Camp of the Saints: “The white race was nothing more than a million sheep.”

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.  We have been watching it unfold for years!

"Mama" Merkel in the news trying to extricate Germany from the "chaos" she created!

Invasion of Europe news….

Merkel is calling on Russia and the United States to do something!
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is busy these days casting about to save herself (and keep the EU from imploding!) in the wake of criticism that she and Germany began the stampede of migrants from, not just Syria, but from throughout the Middle East and North Africa as well.
BTW, the mostly economic migrants (not legitimate refugees!) themselves began the practice of calling Merkel “Mama” here.

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović accused Mrs Merkel of causing “chaos”

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovputs the blame where it belongs—on ‘Mama.’  Anyone with half a brain could see the pile-up coming as Germany first opened its borders and then abruptly closed them.
From The Telegraph (hat tip: Kurt):

Angela Merkel is responsible for the current refugee crisis in Europe, the president of Croatia has claimed.

In unusually blunt and undiplomatic language, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović accused Mrs Merkel of causing “chaos”.

“Mrs Merkel called them, and now she’s pulled the handbrake by saying Germany cannot absorb all these economic migrants,” Mrs Grabar-Kitarović told Croatian television.

“She makes out as if she wasn’t aware that pulling the handbrake when so many cars were on the road would cause chaos. This needs to be resolved now.”

Croatia has been struggling to cope with the influx of thousands of refugees since Hungary closed its border to them last week.
Most are trying to find a new route to Germany since the route through Hungary became impassable.

In August, as other countries turned them away, Mrs Merkel pledged that Germany would take in Syrian refugees.

But as German cities quickly ran out of places in refugee shelters, her government reimposed border controls nine days ago.

Here Merkel is calling on Russia and the US.  What are we supposed to do, other than destroy ISIS and it looks like Russia is going to beat us to that (Obama is in no rush)?
And, here she is at Deutsche Welle calling for a “fair” distribution of the migrants (the vast majority are NOT Syrians).  You can imagine the outrage in those smaller, formerly Eastern European bloc, countries (like Croatia) that didn’t invite the migrants to Europe, as did Merkel, apparently driven by wanting Germany to look generous and “welcoming.”
This line is buried at the end of the Deutsche Welle article:

Opposition Left party deputy group leader Sahra Wagenknecht said Germany’s poor, not its wealthy elite, would be hit by diversion of monies to fund the integration of refugees.

Here, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban rejects Merkel’s “moral imperialism.”
See also this lengthy report at Der Spiegel about ‘mother’ Merkel.
You can see live updates of the crisis, here at The Guardian.
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ news which we have been reporting FOR YEARS.  How could European leaders not have acted before now?   More on the German mess, here.

Jewish groups blast Obama: No leadership! Proposed Syrian refugee numbers too low

Of course this is no surprise to long-time readers, but it is one of the first strong criticisms I’ve seen of Obama who has been the darling of the one-worlders of the No Borders American Hard Left.  Back in 2007, there was no reluctance to excoriate George W. Bush when he was going cautiously on admitting Iraqi Muslims to the US.

Hetfield from twitter
Hetfield: Obama is not showing leadership on Syrian resettlement numbers. 10,000 is too low! We want 100,000!

Remember that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society*** is paid by the head to resettle refugees of all religious persuasions (including the mostly Muslim Syrians) as very few Jews are in the refugee stream to America these days.  HIAS and the other eight federal resettlement contractors would have to close up shop without their infusion of your money!
I’m so sick of lazy (or purposefully deceptive) reporters who never mention the financial incentives behind resettlement.
From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Two U.S. Jewish organizations said the Obama administration’s offer to absorb at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year was inadequate.

“Increasing the total number of refugees from 70,000 to 85,000 for next year and to 100,000 for the year after is a nice symbolic gesture,” Mark Hetfield, the president of HIAS, a Jewish group that assists in refugee resettlement and advocates for immigration reform, said Sunday in a statement. “It is a baby step in the right direction. But it is not leadership.”

The Reform movement also said in a statement Monday that Secretary of State John Kerry’s proposed numbers did not meet the mark.

See all of our coverage of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, here.  Go here to see if HIAS is working in your city.  If one is near you, call the office and ask how many Syrian Muslims they are bringing to your community.  Ask them point blank if they will advocate for the persecuted Christians first!
Our huge archive on Syrian refugees is here.
*** Have a look at the most recent Form 990 for HIAS (which re-branded itself and dropped the word Hebrew from its name awhile back).  It is a $31 million dollar a year supposed ‘non-profit’ group that receives 55% of its funding from the US taxpayer.
Federal grants total just over $16 million and that is to resettle refugees!  And they receive other funds related to their refugee resettlement efforts including over $500,000 in processing fees for loans (refugee air fare loan collections).
Hetfield pulls down a salary (and related income) of just over $300,000 per year and there are 5 other employees in the six-figure range.

Germany: ISIS recruiting among refugees

Invasion of Europe news……

Of course, what else would you expect!
From the UK Express:

Hans Georg
Germany’s Security Agency head Hans-Georg Maassen: we fear Islamists are exploiting refugees. (Duh!)

There are now 7,900 Salafi*** jihadists roaming the streets of Germany, according to Germany’s security agency, with many trying to lure asylum-seekers into their ranks.

The agency – the Office for the Protection of the Constitution – said numbers had risen from 7,500 in June.

Agency head Hans-Georg Maassen, said: “We are very concerned Islamists in Germany are trying, under the cover of humanitarian assistance, to exploit the situation of the refugees for their own ends and to proselytise and recruit among asylum-seekers.”

So far 740 radical Muslims had left Germany to join jihadists in Syria and Iraq, 20 percent of them female. Around one-third have returned to Germany, while about 120 of them have been killed.

He said spies are keeping close watch on jihadists given their “significant radicalisation potential” within the migrant community.

He added: “We are keeping a particularly close eye on unaccompanied minors among the refugees, who could be easy targets for Islamists.

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.  More on Germany here.
*** In Germany they use the word ‘Salafi’ to accurately describe the Sunni Muslim extremists, while in the US, the media, if it mentions it at all, simply says ‘radical Islam’ assuming you are too dumb to be given the grown-up words.  See simple discussion of the Salafi movement, here.   Don’t you just want to pop those Fox News commentators every time they say radical Islam!

Germany: Asylum seeker brags that he killed for ISIS

Invasion of Europe News……

Update:  In a different case, an ISIS member posing as an asylum seeker is arrested, here.
Here is the brief story at the Daily Mail:

Merkel grumpy
Meanwhile ‘Mama Merkel’ says the migrant crisis in Europe is everyone’s responsibility. After she put out the German welcome mat, didn’t she see that hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners would head for Germany (and must cross other countries that don’t want to be colonized to get to Germany)? Vast numbers of them are so-called “economic migrants” and not legitimate asylum seekers.

Police are investigating whether an asylum seeker living in Germany fought for Islamic State, it has been reported.

The Syrian man, who lives in a shelter in the north-east region of Brandenburg, allegedly told other refugees he had been a member of ISIS.

German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, reported that the man was filmed boasting about his blood-thirsty past.
Investigators are now trying to determine whether the Syrian was a member of ISIS, the newspaper reported.

Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office said the suspect was filmed by other refugees boasting about having killed for the terrorist group.

The Guardian  reported overnight that European leaders will gather on Wednesday to try to figure out what the h*** they are going to do about the invasion. (not their words!)
See our extensive archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ going back years, here.  Even casual observers have seen this crisis building for a long time and the chickens in the EU leadership did nothing to get in front of it.
Our archive on Germany is here.  Previous posts on Merkel are here.