German political party: Merkel has made “an unparalleled historical mistake”

Merkel cute
Borders open? Borders closed? Who knows how I’ll be feeling tomorrow.

Invasion of Europe news…..

That phrase I believe is being echoed around the world and most assuredly in the countries of Eastern Europe that are having to cope with German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s insane decision to allow unregistered refugees to flow in to Germany by the tens of thousands and who must naturally cross other sovereign nations to get to Merkel’s welcome.
That phrase is also near the very end of a detailed story about Merkel’s flip-flopping over first opening, then closing and now (maybe?) opening German borders to the swarming mass of humanity she has surely unleashed.
I’m running out of time now, but want to bring this latest news at The Guardian from earlier this afternoon.
Go here to learn more about Germany and the mess “Mama” Merkel has created.
A reader reminded me of this:  Do you remember Merkel saying that “multiculturalism has failed” in Germany?  Here in 2010.

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