Syrian refugees being resettled in "safe" Baltimore

Editor: There are so many stories coming my way from all over the country about where Syrians are being resettled that I will never be able to post them all.  I do tweet as many as I can, so please follow me on twitter and see my twitter feed in the right hand column here at RRW.

Yikes! While researching this story I found this. Islamic Relief USA working with Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlins-Blake to help refugees get established in Baltimore.

I’m posting this one on Baltimore because it made me laugh.  The International Rescue Committee (one of nine major federal resettlement contractors) is touting “safe” Baltimore as a place to drop off mostly Muslim Syrian refugees.

We’ve told you about Baltimore here, just after the riots earlier this year. And, we wonder what the African Americans of Baltimore think of this—jobs and a free apartments for refugees!

Do you think this insertion of ethnic diversity is more fuel for Baltimore’s fire?  I do.

From CBS Baltimore:

The International Rescue Committee in Baltimore has welcomed 26 Syrians by providing them with the tools to succeed, including a furnished apartment and even employment.


“When you get a safe place like Baltimore or the U.S. and you have the opportunity to rebuild your whole life,” said Chandrasekar, “how motivated do you think you would be? That’s what we see everyday when we welcome a refugee into the Baltimore area.”

The Baltimore office is primarily funded through federal dollars, but a lot of donations come from the community.


Over the last 15 years, the IRC has resettled 12,000 refugees from all over the world here in central Maryland.

About the photo:

I told you here that the questionable Muslim charity—Islamic Relief USA—was helping Syrian refugees get established in Kentucky.

Please go to the Clarion Project and learn about how this huge charity is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood!

Is Islamic Relief USA helping fund refugee resettlement in your city or town? 

CAIR: Bring Syrians to St. Louis!

Once again confirming what we all know, the majority of Syrians in the pipeline to America are Muslims, or otherwise why would the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) be helping to stage a ‘bring them here’ rally.

You can bet he is not rallying to save the Christian Syrians!


( — Demonstrators gathered in the Delmar Loop Sunday calling for St. Louis to bring in thousands of Syrian Refugees.

The rally and march, billed as the ‘Bring Them Here’ march, was meant to bring awareness to the millions of refugees displaced by Syria’s civil war.

An estimated 6 million have left their homes since the start of Syria’s civil war in 2011, and many have no hope of ever returning.

Faizan Syed, an organizer from the Council on American–Islamic Relations, or CAIR argued St. Louis is perfectly positioned to help, pointing to the thousands of Bosnians who came to the city in the late 1990s.

History lesson for new readers: it was Bill Clinton who brought thousands of Bosnian Muslims to the US.
When the Pope comes to the US on September 22nd, make no mistake, if he admonishes us to take in Syrian refugees, it will be Syrian Sunni Muslims he is promoting and not the Syrian Christians since so far, he hasn’t said a word about saving Christians first, nor have the US Bishops!
See Hungarian Bishop stands up to Pope, here!
Go here for our many posts on St. Louis.

In Eastern Europe: Protesters tell migrants to GO HOME

Invasion of Europe news…..

TOPSHOTS Participants hold flags and a banner during an anti-immigration rally organised by an initiative called "Stop Islamisation of Europe" and backed by the far-right "People's Party-Our Slovakia" on September 12, 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia. AFP PHOTO / Samuel Kubani

Participants hold flags and a banner during an anti-immigration rally organised by an initiative called “Stop Islamisation of Europe” and backed by the “People’s Party-Our Slovakia” on September 12, 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia. AFP PHOTO / Samuel Kubani

Another sign read:

“Multiculturalism is a utopia, don’t open the borders”.

I wonder do some of these countries have a better understanding of totalitarianism and thus want no part of Merkel’s form of it (or the Islamic version of it either)?

From Samaa.TV:

BRATISLAVA: Thousands of people joined anti-migrant protests in three eastern European capitals on Saturday after leaders from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia opposed an EU scheme to fix refugee quotas.

In the Polish capital Warsaw, nearly 5,000 people, many chanting anti-Islamic slogans, marched through the city, an AFP correspondent said. “Islam will be the death of Europe”, one of the banners said.

Organisers claimed the demonstration drew 10,000 people but police refused to confirm the figure.

“We’re here so that the government hears our voice and abandons any plans to welcome Muslims,” shouted one of the organisers after starting the march with prayers which identified the participants as Roman Catholics.

Members of far-right fringe parties and football supporters chanted “Poles against migrants” and “Migrants today, terrorists tomorrow”.

More here…
And go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Germany: Surprise! (not!) ISIS fighter caught posing as asylum seeker

Invasion of Europe news…..

Well, here you go, you knew it had to happen.  At least they caught this one!  I wonder how many more there are?

Germany refugees
German politicians (and industrialists?) optimistic that they can handle hundreds of thousands of young men seeking asylum.

From The New Observer (hat tip: Joanne):

An ISIS terrorist posing as an “asylum seeker” has been arrested by German police in a “refugee” center in Stuttgart, and German customs officers have seized boxes containing Syrian passports being smuggled into Europe.

According to a report carried by RTL’s German language service, the terrorist is a 21-year-old Moroccan using a “false identity” who had registered as an asylum seeker in the district of Ludwigsburg. He was identified after police linked him to a European arrest warrant issued by the Spanish authorities. He is accused of recruiting fighters for ISIS, where he acted as a contact person for fighters who wanted to travel to Syria or Iraq.

Fake Syrian passports seized!

This first confirmed arrest of a bogus “asylum seeker” came simultaneously with the admission by a German finance ministry spokesman that “boxes” of fake Syrian passports, destined for sale and distribution to the hordes of nonwhite invaders seeking to settle in Europe as bogus “war refugees,” had been seized.

That news, carried in a report by the German Tagespiegel newspaper, also revealed that 10,000 fake Syrian passports were seized by police in Bulgaria, on their way to Germany.

The finance ministry official said both genuine and forged passports were in the packets intercepted in the post. Possession of these passports is a vital part of claiming “asylum” as “war refugees.”

Do you know that in the process of “screening” Syrians and others from the Middle East destined for America, prospective refugees are asked if they have ever been involved in terrorist activities.  So what do you think they are going to answer—a big fat NO!

Take action!

Every one reading these pages must contact your Member of Congress and US Senators and tell them ‘no’ to admitting Syrian Muslim refugees!  Time is of the essence because Obama could announce any day now that he will be opening the floodgates to Syrians.

You don’t think he is going to let Merkel, Cameron and the Pope be the humanitarian big shots do you?
While you are talking to your elected officials tell them that we have had enough Iraqi, Somali, Uzbek, Burmese, and Afghan Muslim refugees as well.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.  Our archive on Germany (aka ‘New Syria!’) is here.