Comment from a Brit: We are headed for a disaster of epic proportions

Editor:  This is a comment we received from a regular reader ‘misterpaul5a’ to this post this morning.  To say he is frustrated would be a gross understatement. The events of the last week should be galvanizing all of us to do more, to dig deeper into our reserves of energy, to save Western Civilization for OUR children and grandchildren.
Misterpaul5a (we have broken the text into paragraphs for easier reading and highlighting is mine):

Once again Cameron has reneged on a promise. “We will not be taking refugees, we will be taking refugees”, “we will reduce immigrants to TENS OF THOUSANDS” (as if that were not thousands more than we need) instead of which we took in ,wait for it, 350,000. These people simply have no SHAME. What a coward he is proving to be. In the Obama mold to a great extent The man is a pathetic puppet being pulled this way and that by forces we do not see but certainly devoid of courage.

Securing a future for the British people or for the Muslim migrants? David Cameron caves:

The only person we can trust in British politics today is Nigel Farage. The only person in the USA, Donald Trump.

Without a shadow of doubt we are heading for a disaster of EPIC proportions unless there is a complete sea-change in our handling of this massive fraud perpetrated on the civilized West.

This state of affairs just cannot continue. I have been of a conservative nature all of my life until fairly recently, having chosen the UKIP path a couple of years ago. BUT! There MUST be a revolt by the people who really keep our countries afloat, and that is the put-upon guys and gals who, whether they like it or not, are having their hard- earned funds, in the form of taxes, snatched away from them at every turn – simply to be spent on a work-shy, bed-hopping, alcohol -swilling, dope-peddling, self-centred underclass of Orwellian proportions.

I am no longer able to carry the flag forward at any great pace – my batteries are running down. But even at my age I know I would be able to lend a hand to those true folk who are willing to, take up the challenge and oust the self-seeking jerks who call themselves ‘politicians’ – what a grubby, lying, greedy breed they are.

And the most shameful thing of all in the coming years will be those among us who will further disgrace our ranks by putting their crosses against the names of Muslims both in the USA and in Europe on voting slips, thus contributing to our own impending downfall.

NO! I have NOT given-in! But the stark warning I have been giving in these pages, consistently since I joined the discussions, is that we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for the tragedies to come – our kids and grandchildren will curse their elders til the end of time if the challenge of the evil of Islam is not faced – AND NOW!

We have a special category, here, for comments worth highlighting and guest commentary. This post is filed there.
By the way, you can be sure that Obama will not allow himself to be upstaged by Angela Merkel and David Cameron, so watch for a dreadful announcement from the White House this month.

Three articles at WND on migrant crisis in Europe and spillover to the US; is it time to demand a moratorium?

Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily has been doing the best, most detailed, work by far of any American journalist in chronicling the actions of the US Refugee Admissions Program with a critical eye.  Checking our archives I see that we have posts about Hohmann’s indepth research into the UN-driven refugee program beginning at least as early as the summer of 2014.

A petition making the rounds very reasonably demands that decisions to resettle refugees in American towns must involve local citizens in the decision-making process. As of this morning 2,351 of you have signed it. In light of the news coming from Europe in just the last few days, and that the push is on for an astounding number of Syrian Muslims to be admitted to the US beginning 4 weeks from now–65,000-100,000!–maybe it is a moratorium we should be demanding! Are we being too nice, too reasonable in the face of a death blow to America which is what 65,000 would be?

This past week he produced three articles which easily serve as tutorials on what is happening in Europe as the invasion there reaches new and frightening heights and links it to activities in the US in certain ‘pockets of resistance’ where citizens are demanding and expecting answers about what the federal government and its nine hand-picked resettlement contractors (which monopolize all decisions in the US on refugees) have planned for your towns.
I urge all of you, especially new readers, to read all three important pieces, at least one of which was featured on the Drudge Report.  Then sign the petition. ***Update*** in addition to Hohmann’s reports urging readers to sign the petition, I see an American Thinker writer is also urging readers to sign, here.
Because Hohmann has written extensively on the topic, each article links back to previous news and thus is very useful to new readers who want to quickly catch up on the issue of the century!   Why do I say that?  Because what we (and Europe) do about migration right now will determine whether Western Civilization lives or dies—it is that simple.
As they say, we are blessed to live in interesting times.
Read these three articles at World Net Daily:

Muslim hordes causing chaos in Europe

Hungary-style refugee invasion fears in US

ISIS Smuggler: “We will use refugee crisis to infiltrate the West”


The resettlement contractors started a White House petition (less than a week ago) urging Obama to admit 65,000 Syrians to the US in FY2016.  They have 35,477 signatures to date! (how many Syrians and others in the Middle East have signed?)
Just a reminder! Of the thousand or so Syrians we have admitted to the US in 2015, 97% are Muslims (data at the US State Department).  That number will not change much going forward because the UNHCR is picking our refugees from their camps housing Muslim, mostly Sunni, Syrians!   We are not saving the Christians! 
And, I see they have a new petition posted Thursday to lift the ceiling from the usual 70,000 refugees a year from all countries to 140,000 for FY2016 (which begins in 4 weeks).

Is it time for us to start using the ‘M’ word—moratorium!—because our national security is at risk!

Martin O'Malley on the bandwagon: US should take 65,000 Syrians in 2016

Martin O'Malley
As Mayor of Baltimore, O’Malley encouraged diversity as thousands of impoverished refugees were deposited there among Baltimore’s American minority poor.

It has really been an unbelievable thing to watch—how Leftist politicians the world over are falling all over themselves to invite mostly Muslim Syrians (no mention of the persecuted Christians by O’Malley, or any of them for that matter!) to permanently move into western countries and American communities.
Here (at CNN) former Open Borders Governor of Maryland and 2016 Democrat Presidential candidate Martin O’Malley sings the 65,000 Syrians song.  He was moved he said by the now discredited propaganda story of the dead toddler on the beach (facts be damned!).

Washington (CNN) Martin O’Malley wants the U.S. to welcome at least 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016.

“I support the call from humanitarian and refugee organizations for the United States to accept at least 65,000 Syrian refugees next year,” he said in a statement Friday. “If Germany — a country with one-fourth our population — can accept 800,000 refugees this year, certainly we — the nation of immigrants and refugees — can do more.”

Syrian refugees are flooding Europe following the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syrians due to ethnic violence in the Middle East. The migrant crisis has engulfed Europe, leading many to ask whether the U.S. would take refugees from the continued fighting in Syria.

O’Malley said the number of refugees the U.S. is scheduled to accept next year is insufficient.

Amazing to watch.  All reason is thrown to the wind. I always wonder if there were Romans who saw the fall of Rome on the horizon.

LA Times story: US not doing enough for refugees, but look what creeps in at the end (a warning!)

O.K. So the news story entitled, ‘U.S. response to refugee crisis is nowhere near that of Europe,’ starts out just like what you would expect from the LA Times carrying the water for the open borders Leftists who complain that the US is not acting fast enough to bring in tens of thousands of mostly Muslim Syrian refugees.  Blah! Blah! Blah!
But, then check out the last few paragraphs as a warning creeps in from a Professor, Jeffrey Bale, of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey.  I am heartened to know that there are professors like Bale in academia, and that mainstream media publications are quoting him!

Security concerns with refugees are legitimate!

We know that, but do readers of this LA Times story know it?  Here is what reporter, Carol J. Williams, has helpfully added at the end of her story (for readers who get that far!):

Some scholars of terrorism chafe at the criticism that the U.S. doesn’t do enough to help refugees from the Middle East’s caldron of conflicts.

“I don’t really agree with the premise that the U.S. is somehow being unresponsive,” said Jeffrey Bale, a professor of nonproliferation and counter-terrorism at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey. “On the contrary, the refugee resettlement program in the U.S. has already taken in hundreds of thousands of Somalis and a significant number of Iraqis, and is now recommending taking in tens of thousands of Syrians, even though those Somali refugees have since created lots of problems.”  [By the way, we have admitted almost 150,000 Iraqis since Bush’s last year in office and at least two thirds of them are Muslim Iraqis—ed]

He was referring to increased crime rates and welfare dependency, as well as security threats posed by inadequate vetting of migrants to prevent Islamic extremists from gaining entry to the United States and other Western countries.

Why aren’t rich Arab gulf states taking refugees, why are these refugees the responsibility of the West?

“Nor do I believe that it is mainly the responsibility of Western countries to resolve the refugee problems in non-Western parts of the world marked by war, other kinds of violence, poverty and disease. Why don’t the wealthy Arab gulf states, which are awash in oil money, take in tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of these Muslim refugees? Or why don’t nearby Muslim countries put pressure on [Syrian President Bashar Assad’s] regime or take military action against jihadist groups, actions which might significantly reduce the number of internal and external refugees in the first place?”

Go here and watch Professor Bale talk about the woeful lack of understanding by our security analysts of the apocalyptic ideology of Islam especially as it relates to the Islamic State.  The Islamists are telling us exactly who they are and what they want, why don’t we listen?

Frontpage magazine: What we are seeing in Europe is the hijra

Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch has penned an excellent piece describing how what we are seeing in Europe is not a spontaneous wave of humanity simply looking for a better life, but in fact we are seeing the hijra—emigration for the cause of Allah.

Is the hijra coming to America? I think it is already here and I wrote about it. (Published by the Center for Security Policy and available at Amazon)

Remember how former Libyan leader Col. Gaddafi famously said Europe would be conquered:

We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.

Hundreds of thousands more are on the way.  Will it take a “few decades” or will one decade effectively finish western civilization in Europe as we know it?
Spencer (emphasis is mine):

Approximately 104,460 asylum seekers arrived in Germany during the month of August, setting a new record. That makes 413,535 registered refugees and migrants coming to Germany in 2015 so far. The country expects a total of around 800,000 people to seek asylum in Germany this year. And that’s just Germany. The entire continent of Europe is being inundated with refugees at a rate unprecedented in world history. This is no longer just a “refugee crisis.” This is a hijrah.

Hijrah, or jihad by emigration, is, according to Islamic tradition, the migration or journey of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in the year 622 CE. It was after the hijrah that Muhammad for the first time became not just a preacher of religious ideas, but a political and military leader. That was what occasioned his new “revelations” exhorting his followers to commit violence against unbelievers. Significantly, the Islamic calendar counts the hijrah, not Muhammad’s birth or the occasion of his first “revelation,” as the beginning of Islam, implying that Islam is not fully itself without a political and military component.

To emigrate in the cause of Allah – that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act. “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,” says the Qur’an. “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (4:100) The exalted status of such emigrants led a British jihad group that won notoriety (and a shutdown by the government) a few years ago for celebrating 9/11 to call itself Al-Muhajiroun: The Emigrants.

And now a hijrah of a much greater magnitude is upon us.

There is much more, continue reading.   Spencer discusses how ISIS actually promoted the hijra we are watching now with great trepidation.
Be sure to read Sam Solomon’s ‘Modern Day Trojan Horse:  The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.’
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive contains over a hundred posts, go here to learn more.