Petition to the White House: Bring in 65,000 mostly Muslim Syrians to live permanently in US!

Editor:  I know some of you who have subscribed to RRW don’t like getting too many e-mails in one day, but honestly this issue is reaching a fever-pitch and we must at least try to keep up with the news being driven by the events in Europe and the uptick in lobbying activity by Obama’s federal refugee contractors as they push for massive numbers of refugees, especially Syrians, to be admitted to the US in fiscal year 2016 which begins on October 1 (in a few short weeks).  As a subscriber you will be getting more e-mails that are directly generated by wordpress.  Also, if you are a longtime reader and think we are repeating too much information, keep in mind that we have hundreds (yesterday thousands!) of new readers every day and they need to be brought up to speed.  ***Update*** If you would like to keep up with more news that interests me, but I can’t post, follow me on twitter, here @refugeewatcher.

Here then is additional confirmation that the nine major federal refugee contractors*** are going warp speed to press the Obama Administration to bring 65,000 Syrians to the US in the closing months of the Obama Administration.  I know the number 65,000! sounds like insanity (and it is), but remember these are hard left NGOs that are working to change American communities by colonizing them with third world ‘diversity’ and to top it off they are paid by the head to do it—by you, the US taxpayer!

They need to get as much done as possible in case a certain Republican is elected in 2016.

Yesterday we told you about the International Rescue Committee David Miliband’s press release pushing for 65,000 (and remember the UN is picking the Syrians from their camps and that so far of the 1,400 or so we have admitted since January 2012—95% are Sunni Muslims).  The percentage jumps to 97% for this year.  They are not clamoring to save Christians!

Lavinia Limon
This is Lavinia Limon the CEO of USCRI. She was Bill Clinton’s director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. To learn more about her see our many posts over the years here:

Now we see that another contractor, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), has started a White House Petition asking Obama for 65,000 Syrians!
Time is of the essence!  Obama will be sending his annual “Determination Letter” (for FY2016) to Congress for consultation in a few short weeks.  Congress usually rubber stamps whatever the President asks.  You must make sure they don’t rubber stamp it this time!
Here is the White House Petition (no mention of persecuted Christians!):

Resettle Syrian Refugees in the U.S

By the end of April 2015 , the UN estimated 6.5 million people had been displaced in Syria, while more than +4 million refugees had fled to countries such as Lebanon (1.2 million), Jordan (608,000) and Turkey (1.75 million) and thousands more in Europe.

Germany expects to accept 800,000 asylum seekers this year, four times more than in 2014 and more than any other EU country. The US has so fare admitted less than 1000 Syrian refugees.

United States of America; the most powerful nation, the largest economy, and the champion of democracy and human rights should stands for its values .

The International Rescue Committee has argued for the U.S. to accept at least 65,000 refugees.

We are asking the President and the government to pledge to resettle at least 65,000 Syrians by 2016.

As of this writing they have 10,180 signatures and hope to reach 100,000 this month!

See our petition here.

Citizens concerned about what is being done to their communities are only asking for a say in how much resettlement they get, while the contractors are looking to virtually double the number of needy people to be “seeded” into unsuspecting towns. (In recent years, Obama has admitted about 70,000 refugees each year from all over the world, 65,000, of course, would nearly double the number for FY2016).
For our thousands of new readers, here (below) are the nine major refugee contractors that like to call themselves Voluntary Agencies but are largely paid by the US taxpayer to colonize American towns.  These nine phony non-profits (quasi government agencies!) are choosing the towns where Syrians will be resettled.
If you are affiliated with one of the six (in red) so-called faith groups, it is time to ask what the h*** are they doing to America in your name!

One final thing!  This is a list of USCRI subcontractors around the US.  Note they are the contractor operating in Twin Falls, Idaho. This petition tells you exactly what USCRI has in mind for your town—-hundreds, perhaps thousands! of Syrians for each of them! You need to look at the list!
On second thought, one more thing!  Go here to the list of 190 or so refugee subcontractors around the US.   If your town or city is on the list, or even within 100 miles of any of these offices, you are a target!
Contact local elected officials and do some preemptive community organizing and demand that your community have a say in the secretive resettlement process.
I put the word “permanently” in the title of my post because I think some new readers think that we take refugees on a temporary basis.  Make no mistake!  If the civil war in Syria ended tomorrow and the pipeline of Syrians was fully open, the resettlement would go on for years and all those getting in would be US citizens in short order.

Trying to reach the welcoming arms of "Mama Merkel," migrants are buying fake Syrian passports

There is so much ‘Invasion of Europe’ news now that I’ll post just those stories that strike my fancy.
First, I would be remiss in not telling you that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is being called “Mama Merkel” by migrants anxious to get to the good life in Germany, see here.  (Psst! Don’t tell Obama, he will be wantin’ some of the lovin’!)

Mama Merkel
“We love you”

Then this is from ABC News (hat tip: Joanne) yesterday.
What a headache Europe has ahead sorting through the tens of thousands of migrants and trying to figure out who fits the definition of refugee (refugees must prove they are PERSECUTED, but Syrians are automatically assumed to be no matter which side of the conflict they are on!).

A number of migrants arriving in Turkey hoping to reach Europe are purchasing fake Syrian passports in order to claim asylum at the end of their journey, the head of the European border management agency Frontex told French radio today.

“There is a traffic of Syrian passports,” Fabrice Leggeri told Europe 1, “because it’s extremely lucrative for smugglers.”

Syrian citizens are legally entitled to refugee status in any European country because of the civil war in their country.

Those using fake passports, Leggeri said, are mainly from North Africa or the Middle East, migrating for economic reasons. But he admitted that authorities do not have a complete picture of those migrating to Europe.

“We have an idea of nationalities but we don’t have full profiles,” Leggeri said.

Asked by the radio host whether terrorists could be reaching Europe, Leggeri said “it is not impossible but we are extremely vigilant.”

For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, go here.  For more on Germany, go here.

Why should US/Europe take Syrian refugees while Gulf Arab states take ZERO?

Update September 7: More here at Breitbart. Gulf States fear terrorists in refugee flow!
Update September 4:  Maybe Obama will ask the Saudi King why they aren’t taking in any of their fellow Muslim refugees (don’t hold your breath), here.
Update September 3: The world is beginning to notice! More here.  Far Left US refugee contractor confirms they want 65,000 Syrians admitted to US before Obama leaves office!
And, why is the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) completely silent on this glaring hypocrisy?  Muslim countries who brag about their Islamic compassion (see this post from 2009 where the UNHCR had the nerve to suggest that it is Islam—Shariah law!—that first welcomed the stranger and not Christian or Jewish charity) do not allow their co-religionists to live among them.
Once in awhile over the last many years, we see a story like this one where someone dares to ask why rich Arab countries like Saudi Arabia get away with this—with importing cheap domestic labor while not “welcoming” a single Syrian Muslim refugee.

Somalis who got into Saudi Arabia to work and seek asylum are deported back to Mogadishu in 2014.

From The Interpreter (emphasis is mine):

The humanitarian tragedy unfolding daily in Europe has forced the West to again try and redefine its obligations to those who have been made vulnerable as a result of conflict in the Middle East, particularly the Syrian civil war.

But it may also have stirred a desire to question why the burden is shared by so few countries. In particular, why are wealthy Gulf countries still able to salve their consciences by donating money to UN agencies, along with weapons to Syrian rebels, while at the same time refusing to sign the UN Refugee Convention or accept any refugees for resettlement.


It seems to be no great sacrifice for them to open their doors to fellow Arab Muslims, allow them to settle in their countries, and in due course become citizens.


There is something intrinsically wrong when Saudi Arabia can source 1.5 million people to act as domestic help, and a country like Bahrain can issue visas for more than 33,000 housemaids, and yet they can’t even resettle one Syrian refugee.

There is more at The Interpreter including links and a humorous (sort of) cartoon.
The answer to our question seems pretty obvious to me—the Gulf States want to maintain their racial and cultural superiority (LOL! NO multiculturalism for them!), they are racists, and they would like the West to be further Islamized via migration.  We apparently are dumb enough to acquiesce!
And, by the way, Saudi Arabian money is building mosques in America.  They know what they are doing!
We have written a lot over the years about Saudi Arabia and refugees, go here to learn more.

States with large number of mosques correlates with top refugee resettlement states

A reader, Dick, sent us this map (below) of the US which shows the number of mosques located in each state.   There is a maybe not-so-surprising correlation to the top states receiving refugees.
By the way, as I noted in my little book, mosque construction is a way to stake-out territory often in advance of the arrival of any large population of worshipers of Allah.  The mosque actually serves as the magnet for further migration to that location (the Hijra).  Mohammed instructed his followers to migrate, to spread Islam, not just from country to country, but also from town to town and neighborhood to neighborhood.
Mosques in America
Here are the Top Five States (for 2014(in descending order) for refugee resettlement and in parenthesis is its position on the Mosque map.  Coincidence?

Texas (#3 in number of mosques)

California (#1)

New York (#2)

Michigan (#6)

Florida (#5)

Ohio surprise!
Find out how many refugees your state has received this fiscal year (as of July 31st), here.  Wow!  It looks like OHIO has moved into the #6 spot—gee! I wonder why?  Do they really think they will get all of those new registered voters signed up in time for the 2016 election?  Ohio is pretty high up on the mosque map too!
Remember readers that the numbers depicted on this map only represent refugees brought to your state by the resettlement contractors.  The numbers do not include those moving in to your state as ‘secondary migrants’ (refugees resettled elsewhere who decide to move to your state).  They do not include asylum seekers or successful asylum seekers (called asylees) or the ‘unaccompanied alien children.’
For our Virginia readers, I see the number of mosques (map above) for the state is not clear.  The number is 88.

President to decide on refugee quota for FY2016 NOW! Will Congress lift a finger to protect America?

It is September and as we speak, the Obama Administration (US State Department) is putting its final touches on their annual Determination Letter and accompanying report to Congress.

Obama shushing
Don’t tell Congress and let’s slip this by them again—maybe this time with 65,000 Syrians!

The new fiscal year begins on October 1 and by the 30th of this month Obama will send to Congress for “consultation” a document which states how many refugees and from what regions of the world we will be “welcoming” refugees to America.
This so-called “consultation” with Congress is a legal requirement. However, it is common knowledge that the House and Senate Committees responsible for analyzing this information have in the past been silent.
In fact, Ken Tota (who recently served as the interim director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement) was overheard saying that “in his entire almost 30-year career, Congress has never questioned the numbers.”
State Department scoping meetings
For our many new readers, this year there was no US State Department hearing on the “size and scope” of the refugee program (or, LOL! they kept it very secret!).  We can only assume that was because in the three previous years they heard testimony that they didn’t like from citizens that were concerned about the program.  Here is one post of dozens on the topic.  Readers of RRW had flooded the State Department with negative testimony about the program.  In fact, we testified that there should be a moratorium on the program.  See my 2014 testimony here.
I mention this because the Presidential Determination being prepared now is the culmination of the annual process that began with those late spring ‘hearings’ (and again there was no public opportunity to comment this year that we were aware of).
Also, regular readers know that we have been discussing, and attempting to obtain, R & P abstracts the subcontractors located around the country prepare for Washington—those are part of the process as well. Just as taxpaying citizens had no opportunity to testify to the State Department this year, taxpaying citizens have no input in the abstract preparation process either.
Presumably one final check in the system to protect America is the “consultation” with Congress in September of each year.

However, if this year is like all others, our elected representatives in Washington will not lift a finger to question the size and scope of this year’s proposed refugee quota!

And, this could be the year that plans to resettle tens of thousands of Syrians will be announced!
Click here for last year’s Presidential Determination, and here for the lengthy report which was sent to Congress on September 18th last year.  The report begins:

This Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2015: Report to the Congress is submitted in compliance with Sections 207(d)(1) and (e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The Act requires that before the start of the fiscal year and, to the extent possible, at least two weeks prior to consultations on refugee admissions, members of the Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and the House of Representatives be provided with the following information….

Note that the report goes to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.  Chairmen of the full committees are Bob Goodlatte and Chuck Grassley respectively.  Subcommittee Chairmen responsible for Refugee Resettlement are Trey Gowdy and Jeff Sessions.
Will those chairmen help protect America this year by holding hearings when the Presidential Determination for FY2016 arrives on the Hill which by law should be in about two weeks!  Or, will they (yet again!) simply rubber stamp what Obama wants?