US Ambassador: 17,000 Syrians in pipeline to America

If you are getting confused about just how many Syrians you will be expected to ‘welcome’ to your towns and cities, that is probably the Administration’s plan—to confuse you.
Just recently we heard the number 8,000 bandied-about for next year.  We know the refugee resettlement contractors want 65,000!  And, as a wise observer recently noted, they may be throwing the 65,000 number out as a ‘head fake’ so that you will give a sigh of relief over the comparatively smaller 8,000-17,000.

UNHCR camp
The vast majority of Syrian refugees who will be admitted to the US are in UN camps which house mostly Sunni Muslims. As of early July, 94% of all Syrians entering the US as refugees were Muslims.

Here is CNS News.  Did you know that resettling refugees was involved in Obama’s plan to defeat ISIS (huh?):

( – U.S. Ambassador Brett McGurk said that 17,000 Syrian refugees have applied to enter the U.S. and that the nation will likely take in “more” of them next year.

“We took in about 1,500 last year. We think we’ll take in more next year,” McGurk, who serves as the deputy special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, said Sunday on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd.

McGurk’s comments came in response to Todd’s question about whether the U.S. would increase the number of refugees it takes in from Syria.

“The United States takes in more refugees than any country around the world. We took in about 70,000 refugees last year, 20,000 asylum seekers. We have about 17,000 Syrian refugee applicants now to come into the U.S.,” he said.

“We took in about 1,500 last year. We think we’ll take in more next year,” he said.

 McGurk went on to discuss the refugee issue as part of a broader effort to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).


In just a few weeks, by the end of September, the Obama Administration will be sending its FY2016 Presidential Determination Letter to Congress for “consultation” (I understand that in the past the pertinent committees simply rubber stamp the President’s refugee admissions plan). They will send it to Congress around Sept. 30th since FY2016 begins on October 1.   I am very concerned that instead of the usual 70,000 refugees the Obama Administration has been bringing in each year, that they will dramatically increase the number for 2016 to accommodate an extremely large number of Syrians that the United Nations wants us to take (even 8,000 will be a large number!).
The reason I suspect a rat is that it has been very very quiet ever since the Jihad Caucus wrote to Obama to demand the admission of tens of thousands of Syrians.   I’m guessing Obama/Kerry told them to hush-up for now because something is in the works!  
Watch for it!
We will be watching to see if any Member of Congress or US Senator has the spine to speak up if Obama does what we fear he will do!

IBD Opinion: Trump would crack down on Muslim immigration

Presidential candidate Donald Trump hasn’t said much on the subject, but from personal experience I know the subject interests him.

Trump in Alabama
I’ve been told to watch Trump’s Alabama speech, but have not had time yet while traveling. See it here:

Here is a hopeful-sounding opinion piece from Investors Business Daily from a few days ago.
Muslim immigration is a national security issue (where have I heard that before!):

Border Security: There are two ways Islamofascists plan to conquer America — one by violent jihad, the other by mass immigration, or “al-hijrah.” Our president has aided the latter. Donald Trump wants to stop it.

Lost in all the coverage of the GOP presidential hopeful’s plan to seal the Mexican border is his proposal to curb Muslim immigration, which Obama is dangerously abetting through liberalized refugee programs. In fact, this administration has been ushering in immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries at the rate of more than 100,000 a year.

Citing national security, Trump would stop the flood of immigrants from Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Syria and other Muslim countries posing a terrorist risk.

“Additionally,” he said in his five-page immigration reform proposal, “we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm.”

“From the 9/11 hijackers to the Boston bombers and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us,” he added.

Trump is right. This is a national security issue. Importing more hard-core Somali families and male Saudi students raises our risks of being attacked.

There is more, go here.
At least he is willing to talk about it which is more than can be said of any other Presidential candidate!  Oops!  Except Rand Paul who a couple of years ago thrilled me by speaking out on the refugee program (after those Iraqi refugee terrorists were found living in his home town of Bowling Green, KY).  Senator Paul wanted to know why we were bringing all these refugees in from countries like Iraq and signing them up for welfare.  To follow Paul on the subject, type Rand Paul into our search function and see his ups and downs on the subject over the last few years.  (No time to find the links for you while still traveling.)

In Sweden refugee murderers are NOT "dark forces in society," Swedes are

Unbelievable!  The “dark forces” in Swedish society are the Swedes who want to save their country from the invaders!

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news….

I had mentioned the IKEA store knife murder a few days ago just as an addendum to another story about the invasion of Sweden, but so many of you have sent me links suggesting I post it.  So I am. You are right it deserves a whole separate post of its own.
By the way, Swedish authorities are not releasing details of the murders which reminded me of the secrecy surrounding the Maine murder this week.  In both cases, what are they hiding?

ikea knife
“The IKEA blades are sharp for sure. They slice through vegetables and fruit quite easily. The only thing is, I notice I needed more strength to cut with these knives as the blade itself is quite thick.” Photo and description here:

Here is Breibart on the Swedish death-wish story as IKEA takes knives off store shelves:

The IKEA superstore near Stockholm which witnessed a double murder this week by Eritrean asylum seekers has responded by ending the sale of kitchen knives in-store, and the government has stepped up its policing at asylum-lodgings to defend against a backlash.

The response of the Swedish authorities to the ‘stabbings’ which killed what is reported to be a Swedish native mother and son shopping in the Västerås branch of IKEA – the largest in the country – has mystified some international observers.

Immediately after the attack by the newly arrived migrants, who shared a room in a government asylum shelter and had only arrived in the country less than four weeks before, Swedish police rushed to protect migrant communities from “dark forces in society”.


IKEA itself has now joined in with Västerås store manager telling local media that knives will be removed from shelves, a “temporary” move the chain presumably hopes will neuter the desire some in society feel to murder strangers.

After the stabbing on Monday, the store reopened this morning. News Agency AFP reports Swedish police have been “tight-lipped” over what precisely happened in the store, and have refused to confirm various claims in the local and global media, from the identity of the victims and perpetrators, the exact nature of the murder weapons, to whether it was a beheading. There are unconfirmed suggestions in the fringe press that the killers shouted “Allah Akbar” as they struck.

If you see more news, send it our way.
Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news.  And, here for our Sweden archive.  I warn you that both are large archives now.

Idaho: Uzbek Refugee Convicted of Terrorism Conspiracy Charge in US

My title is the headline on the AP story from Wednesday reporting that Fazliddin Kurbanov has been convicted in Boise, Idaho on terror charges.
It looks like, at a minimum, he will get ten years in the slammer at your expense.

Fazliddin Kurbanov
This photo is from Kurbanov’s facebook page and can be found in an informative story about his brother defending him. What interested me is the discussion of how his parents got asylum in the US after converting to Christianity, but that Kurbanov himself went back to Islam (after he got to the US?). Also, beware the Uzbek truck drivers in America.

You know why I’m featuring the AP’s headline?  Because when Kurbanov was first arrested in 2013 it was extremely difficult initially to figure out if he was a refugee admitted through the US State Department and deposited with a resettlement contractor in a town near you, or was he in the US through some other means.
The media is usually loathe to tell us the immigration status of a foreign criminal, so it is a milestone to see a headline like this one in the mainstream media with the word “refugee” so prominently mentioned.
Learn more about Fazliddin Kurbanov in our archives, here.
Read the AP story here.
And then be sure to see James Kirkpatrick’s take at VDARE (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum):

Idaho was such a boring, white bread state with no culture. It needed vibrant refugees to spice things up.


Lost in the debate over what to do about Islamic terrorism and the Islamic State is the simple reality that the United States is actually importing an Islamic terrorism problem. Neoconservatives used to tell us that we “have to fight them there, or we will have to fight them here.” However, our current government policy is for us to bring them from over there, so they can fight us here. We don’t have a “radical Islam” problem. We have an immigration problem.

There is much more, he goes on to talk about the ‘government’ money sloshing through the system that perpetuates refugee resettlement!  Continue reading here.
We have a growing archive on Idaho mushrooming especially lately as a ‘Pocket of Resistance’ has formed in Twin Falls.
For more on Uzbeks click here.  Kurbanov is not the first Uzbek arrested in America on terror charges!
The next time you hear the contractors or the US State Department assure you that the security screening for refugees is rigorous, think about this case!
Incidentally, there is something very fishy about an airlift to America of Uzbek refugees during the Bush Administration, but I guess we will never know what the State Dept. and the CIA were doing!

Daniel Horowitz: Carly is in no position to punch Hillary on immigration issue!

told you the other day, I’m a one issue voter.  If we don’t get immigration (how many and who we allow to become permanent residents) slowed (stopped!) nothing else matters.

Carly Fiorina happy to support Dream Act and Gang of Eight!

So, just thought you should see what Daniel Horowitz writing at Conservative Review yesterday tells us about Carly Fiorina on the issue of immigration (among many other issues).  Here is the immigration portion, but please go read the rest of his good analysis.
By the way, it sure looks and sounds like Fox News is doing a Carly coronation these days!  I’m thinking that Rupert Murdoch would love to see a Rubio/Fiorina ticket because they could be controlled and move his open-borders agenda forward!
From Conservative Review:

In 2010, while running for Senate in California against Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, Carly affirmed her support for the DREAM Act amnesty, noting “I would support the DREAM Act because I do not believe that we can punish children who through no fault of their own are here trying to live the American dream.” The DREAM Act has served as the foundation for Obama’s cycle of amnesty and Fiorina’s defense is the heart and soul of the arguments Hillary can and will use during the general election. Don’t we need a candidate who will be able to throw what is perhaps our biggest punch with full force?

Carly also opposed fixing the birthright citizenship loophole for illegal aliens and referred to it as an “emotional distraction.” She also accused some opponents of amnesty as taking on a racist tone. Again, that is exactly what Hillary says. How can she throw the immigration punch with such vulnerabilities?

In February 2013, when the Gang of 8 released the worst comprehensive amnesty bill of our time, Carly was one of its biggest cheerleaders on the Sunday shows. Appearing on Meet the Press, she said “I applaud and salute the Gang of Eight`s proposal. Let`s move forward and vote on that.” She appeared on This Week on February 3 praising the bill as a “carefully crafted” balance and a “good first step,” while expressing hope that the Democrats would not oppose it. This bill was the embodiment of what is wrong with the very political class she now inveighs against in her well-honed stump speech. Yet, when people like Cruz and Sessions were fighting to stop this bill, which emboldened Obama to expand his executive amnesty and create a new wave of illegal immigration, Carly was cheering the armpit of the political class. This is unbelievable. Hillary can eat her alive.

Read it all.
On the Gang of Eight bill, just remember it would have greatly expanded the role of the federal refugee resettlement contractors and consequently they all lobbied heavily for it.