Comment on FY2015 refugee program to US State Department from Illinois reader

We assume regular readers have been following our news from the US State Department about how first they cancelled this year’s public opportunity to give testimony (in person) on the “size and scope” of refugee admissions for FY2015, and then they have foolishly kept all written testimony secret by refusing to release it to the public.

Rep Trey Gowdy is a busy guy, but we feel sure he can do more than one thing at a time!

If you sent testimony to the State Department * for the May 29th deadline, please be sure, in addition to sending a copy to your elected representatives, to send it on paper to:

Rep Trey Gowdy, Chairman

House Judiciary Committee

Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security

2138 Rayburn House Office Bldg.

Washington, DC 20515

Tell the Chairman what happened and that you have not been allowed to see the testimony, especially the testimony of the refugee contractors which are almost completely funded with federal tax dollars, and ask him to investigate.

We offered to publish your comments, since the State Department won’t.

Here is John’s excellent testimony from Illinois:

Dear Ms. Spruell,

I am sending this email so that Anne C. Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, US State Department, Washington, DC can read my comment regarding the admission of more refugees. I will be sending the same to some members of the US Senate Judiciary Committee and also to House of Representative Judiciary Committee who are part of the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.

First and foremost I am against that more refugees should be admitted. I am speaking from personal experience and will recount what I have personally experienced. I have met many of these so called refugees and they all come here based on some silly reason that they are being persecuted, and they get admitted to the US. We must put an end to this because most of them use the refugees program as a ticket to gaining permanent residency here in the US. Most of them come from cultures that are totally alien to the United States and do not assimilate at all. Their children too do not assimilate and even if they do, they end up assimilating into the gang culture by getting into black or Hispanic gangs. Most of them still keep the ways of their so called oppressive homelands and have no intention of becoming American.

I am not saying that all refugees are bad or that they are all falsely trying to get into the United States. I have met people from European countries that came here as refugees and they are happy to be here and bless this country and its people for welcoming them with open arms. That is because they have values common with America. I have met refugees from African, Asian and Hispanic countries and they do not have any gratitude to America. They are mostly on welfare and curse America especially white Americans. Why does America have to put up with this sort of ingratitude? I think it would be better if countries that are similar in culture to the homeland of these refugees, should take them. For example, if a group of refugees come from Asia, then find an Asian country that has a similar culture as this group. There they will be happy and content in a culture they miss so much and familiar to them. India and Pakistan can take in refugees from Nepal, Burma and Bangladesh. Muslim refugees can go to Saudi Arabia or Kuwait or some other rich Muslim country. Same for a group of Africans and Hispanics, find a country that has similar African or Hispanic culture as these groups. It is simple as that. No matter where people go, they still have their hearts in their homelands and culture. American culture is alien to these people.

I know of one African person in particular who came here on a student visa and then immediately after coming here applied for refugee status. He was very nice and worried that he would not get his refugee application approved. He even claimed that he was in a so called concentration camp where he was made to do forced labor. Now he had not one scar on his body or a healed broken bone to show that he had been forced to do any work and he was healthy as any person I know. He even took that story to his immigration interview and magically he got his application approved in 6 days. After that he started condemning America and Americans especially white Americans claiming that their generosity is all a sham. Really!!! If Americans were all just doing it for a sham, why would we even bother to bring so many of them? Now why do we need these ingrates?

Therefore we need to be careful about who we let into the country. Another good example is the case of the Somalis that come here and then go back to Somalia to be trained as terrorists to destroy Americans and other westerners. We have seen the same case with the Boston Bombers last year. This is clearly a case of biting the hand that feeds them. If we do not learn from these lessons, I am afraid that we are only destroying ourselves. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Blood of innocent Americans killed by refugees will be on the hands of people like you and other politicians that allow these future terrorists to enter the US. We also need to stop the importation of the Hmong, Laotian, Cambodian and Vietnamese refugees into the US. The war ended a long time ago and we need not keep our promise to the Hmong people that if they helped us in the Vietnam War, they could immigrate to the US. That promise expired a long time ago. Those that came when the war ended have somewhat assimilated, but those that are coming in now are not doing so and are joining gangs.

If churches want to bring in people, then they should not be funded by us taxpayer money nor should they be diverting the money taken from the collection plate for refugee programs. They need to come up with their own money and fund and also support these refugees and not allow them to become public charges. The religious organizations and churches should be ashamed that they are misusing Christ’s teachings of charity to bring in people who are not compatible with American society. Moreover, they bring in these refugees to fill in the pews which are unfortunately being abandoned by the Americans.

Therefore I humbly ask that we limit the refugees that come in. We cannot be the welfare state that takes anyone in that claims to be in trouble. There is a shortage of jobs in the United States and Americans are out of work. The refugees together with legal immigrants, work visa workers, and illegals fighting for jobs, Americans who are legally entitled to have a job are being short changed. We need to learn from Australia. Put AMERICANS FIRST! I repeat, it would be good for America and for the refugees to put the refugees in a country that has a similar culture as them, and only let into America people whose culture is similar to ours and who can assimilate. Therefore I say that we almost completely scrap off this program and let in only very limited people who really are being persecuted and who can assimilate and contribute to American society. Not destroy it.


* Even if you didn’t send testimony, tell Rep. Gowdy what you think of the refugee program and ask him to hold hearings!  And, by the way, I learned recently that sending a letter the old fashioned way, on paper, is more attention-getting than sending it electronically.

US State Department to keep testimony secret! No public record available of recent hearing

It is just as we predicted!

Anne C. Richard, Asst. Secretary of State (running scared?): The public will not be permitted to know what refugee contractors recommended for FY2015.

Your testimony went into a black hole at the US State Department which makes it even more important that you get your statement to your US Representatives and US Senators.   Also, complain to your elected officials about the State Department keeping the comments secret.

It really is outrageous that in past years the statements were available to the public if one attended the hearing, but with no public opportunity to comment in person this year, we are not permitted to see what the contractors asked for in their statements!

We just received this e-mail from the State Department:

The Department of State values the input you have provided to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. We also received your request to have access to comments made by other members of the public. We regret that we are unable to fulfill this request, due to privacy considerations. The Federal Register notice did not indicate that comments submitted would be made public.

I guess it is Freedom of Information Act time.

If you would like to see your testimony in print, send it to us.


VDARE writer shares testimony on FY2015 refugee admissions

Editors note:  Daily readers know that the US State Department asks for testimony every year on the “size and scope” of the Refugee Admissions program for the upcoming fiscal year.

In past years in addition to mailing in testimony, the State Department invited members of the public to appear and comment in person.  This year that did not happen and we can only assume the long-established procedure was abandoned as members of the public who had concerns about the program came to outnumber the contractors and their supporters (I joked with one of our friends there two years ago that I bet everyone in the room was there on salary except us!)

This year only mailed-in testimony was accepted.  If you sent testimony and would like it published, please send it to us for our consideration.  And, don’t forget to send it to all of your elected officials!

So that testimony doesn’t disappear into a black hole, write to Delicia Spruell ( and ask for the entire public record of the consultation/hearing.

Burmese Muslim Esar Met convicted of raping and murdering child in first month in America. Walker: …stupid-generous America offered the problematic, unemployable young man a new home in the First World.

Below is longtime VDARE writer Brenda Walker’s excellent statement.

Walker:  It is neither morally right nor Constitutional for the government to harm Americans so that foreigners may be helped, no matter the initial good intentions.

For that reason, the refugee resettlement program should be shut down as an improvement for the American people.

Here is how the California native begins to build her case:

America is in its sixth year of a jobless “recovery,” yet the State Department continues to import tens of thousands of unskilled refugees from the Third World as if the economy were bubbling along with jobs for all who want them. The entire program seems painfully out of touch with the degree of economic suffering in the country and the effect on our poorest citizens of increasing job competition.

Here in California, the unemployment rate has dropped below 8 percent for the first time in six years as of April, indicating the long difficult struggle to climb back from the recession. Child poverty is running around 22 percent this year, another sign of the state’s poor economic performance. But the State Department resettled 5,173 refugees in California in 2012 when the economy was even more dismal.

Also in 2012, it was reported that the government placed hundreds of lead-poisoning-impaired Burmese refugees in Oakland, a chronically depressed city with too much homegrown crime and poverty. The federal program of dumping poor Third World people with learning disabilities has added to an already crushing burden on the city, and seems altogether a cruel use of government power.

Go to VDARE and read it all.

All posts relating to this year’s hearing are archived here:  Testimony for 5/29/2014 State Dept. meeting.

It is not too late, you have until 5 p.m. Eastern time today to submit comments to the US State Department

If you are arriving here for the first time and missed it, the US State Department is accepting comments on how many refugees the US will resettle in Fiscal Year 2015 and from where they will come.

Go here for instructions on how to submit your testimony.

We encourage all of you to make your opinions known.  You do not need to be an expert!  None of us are!

You don’t need to get your statement to your elected officials today, you can do that tomorrow or next week, but please get your testimony to the State Department by 5 p.m. Eastern today!

Don’t forget to ask for a complete copy of the hearing/consultation record.  Last year, readers of RRW submitted more comments than the “humanitarian” lobby did.

All of our previous posts on this year’s hearing are here.

Three days remaining to send comments to the US State Department

Please take a few minutes sometime in the next three days to send comments on what you think should be the “size and scope” of the US refugee resettlement program for FY2015.    

Go here for instructions!  You have until 5 p.m. on May 29th!

Anne C. Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration will be the recipient of your testimony. She revolved into the State Department from her former position as a VP for the IRC—a contractor.

It is really simple, you don’t have to write a book or be an expert (none of us on the outside are experts!), just tell the State Department calmly and politely how many refugees they should take and from where in FY2015 which begins on October first of this year.

I’ll be telling them there should be a complete moratorium on the program until Congress holds hearings to review the whole thing and abolishes or reforms it.

And, here are the most important things for you to do!

*Tell the State Department you want a copy of everyone’s testimony (including the advocates’ testimony).  They can do it electronically by making a link available, or the old fashioned way—they can send you a hard copy of the entire stack.

*Send your testimony to your elected officials in Washington and ask them for a response to you on their position on the program.   (You can do this part after you get your testimony in to the State Department by Thursday of this week! 5 p.m on the 29th).

Frankly, it is shameful that several major religious groups and some secular ones are paid millions of tax dollars each to bring more poverty to America and basically leave the responsibility for the refugees’ care on your local community.   For an average of 70,000 or so refugees annually, the program costs federal taxpayers over a billion dollars a year NOT including education, housing, food stamps and healthcare etc. some of which is carried on the backs of local and state taxpayers.  (See our most visited post, our fact sheet!)

If churches and synagogues want to adopt a refugee family for a year or two (until they assimilate and can get on their own financial feet) then they should do that with PRIVATE charity—that is what Jesus would do!   Jesus wouldn’t steal from others in the name of Christian charity!

In fact, those Lutherans in Baltimore who are planning their big lobbying push for June sure better be using private funds for lobbying Congress and not your tax dollars!  Remember they get about $30 million from you and only about an additional $1 million from private giving—they would fold if it weren’t for their permanent attachment to the government teat.

For new readers, to see some testimony from last year, click here, and then scroll back through the posts.  There are 21 posts archived there about last year’s testimony.  Those opposed last year sent more testimony than the ‘human rights’ advocacy gang.

Also, if you would like us to publish your testimony for this year, please send it to us!  The simplest format for me to convert to a blog post is for it to arrive in the body of an e-mail.  Use the Yahoo address in right hand side bar and I promise to check it more often during this week.  Put the word ‘testimony’ in the subject line so it jumps out from among the junk e-mails!

Please help spread this post to everyone you know on facebook, twitter etc.