Wouldn’t you love to know who in the White House was responsible for Trump putting on a dinner for Muslims during Ramadan after he had already “broken the tradition” by not holding one last year?
It just became another opportunity for the “Muslim community” to protest Trump’s immigration slowdown. They say its his rhetoric, but his immigration policies are the real threat to them. Of course Yahya Hendi loved Barack Hussein Obama! Normally I wouldn’t be writing about this except for the fact that the name Yahya Hendi jumped out from a news story at CNN in the lead-up to the dinner.
Who is that you ask?
He is a Muslim chaplain at Georgetown Universityand was previously the Imam for the mosque in the next county east of where I live.
And, it was a Washington Timesarticle in the summer of 2007 about his trip to Saudi Arabia that was part of my education when I first began writing RRW.
In 2007, Hendi told a Saudi audience that by the year 2015, there would be 30 Muslim mayors of American cities.
Over ten years ago I reportedthat an Imam was bragging in Saudi Arabia that America would be electing Muslim mayors in droves (30 by 2015, he said). His prediction has not materialized here so far, but it looks like the Hijrah is moving ahead at a rapid pace in the UK where the English people have apparently given up.
(The Tommy Robinson episodedemonstrates that better than anything).
Here is The Independentheadline (with a bit of the story):
Meet Sheffield’s new mayor, the black, Muslim, former refugee whose viral inauguration photo charmed the world: ‘I’ll be doing things differently’
When I’m ushered into his parlour, the new Lord Mayor of Sheffield is sat with his feet on his desk, firing off emails about creating a post of Sheffield Poet Laureate.
Despite the rarified surroundings – mahogany furniture, upholstered sofas, fine china teacups – he swears like a Yorkshire trooper and laughs infectiously. He is still wearing his Dr Martens and his ceremonial chain.
Charlene White is a 37-year-old British journalist, not a teeny bopper. Bye! Bye! UK
“It’s a good accessory,” he smiles.
Asked how he feels about the global reaction to his now famous official inauguration photo, Councillor Magid Magid’s response is as unorthodox as the image itself.
“Mate… f*****g hell…” he tells The Independent, still apparently struggling for words. “It’s been surreal. Mad. I wasn’t expecting any of this.”
The 28-year-old’s election as the South Yorkshire city’s official first citizen last week made headlines around the world.He has received messages of goodwill from people as far and wide as New York and Syria. ITV News anchor Charlene White declared on Twitter that she might be “a little bit in love”.
This is partly because of who he is and what he’s achieved. Councillor Magid is not only the city’s youngest ever lord mayor – and the first from the Green Party – he is also a Muslim former Somalian refugee who arrived in the UK at the age of five, unable to speak English.
And it is partly because of that picture. In it, amid the shadowy, gilded confines of Sheffield’s Victorian Town Hall, he squats – complete with ceremonial chain, Dr Martens boots and wide-eyed smile – high on a balustrade.
‘If me doing this – as a black, Muslim immigrant – can spark someone to go out and change their bit of the world, that’s my job done’
“I’ve no idea why I got up there, mate,” he says. “It wasn’t planned. It was just me being myself. There’ve been [121] lord mayors before and I respect them all but I wanted to show I’ll be doing things differently. It just came out of that. I wanted to say this town belongs to all of us.”
More here.
Amazing and sad that we are alive at this critical juncture in history and witnessing an invasion of Europe that never should be happening.
Magid is doing what Islam expects him to do, it is the Charlene White’s (she is from an immigrant family too) that are making Islam’s supremacism possible.
The one thing that makes America different from the UK and other European countries is that we still have FREE SPEECH!
It is vitally important that you exercise that right! They cannot shut us all down, so please, please develop a network and talk about immigration and Islam. Develop your facebook channels, tweet, write a blog or letters to the editor. If that is too difficult at least develop an e-mail chain for family and friends and keep talking!
Not surprising of course, but what is surprising is that he is actually being prosecuted.
You can bet this wouldn’t be happening if Hillary was President!
And, how is this for timing—see my previous postthis morning about a retired foreign service officer blowing the whistle on widespread fraud in the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. Will the long arm of the law find the liars?
Longtime readers may remember our extensive coverage of Somali family reunification fraud first revealed in the Wall Street Journal in 2008 (behind a paywall now).
If you search RRW for ‘Somali family reunification fraud‘ you can find maybe twenty more posts on the topic over the years!
Don’t hold your breath that a large number of the tens of thousands who lied about who they are, will get caught, but this is a start!
From time to time, I post what I call “comments worth noting” that have been sent to me or in this case published on social media.
This (below) is a facebook entry from Peggy Traeger Tierney in Minnesota. Readers ask me all the time, what can I do? Well, this is a prime example.
Help educate your fellow citizens with a little investigative work of your own and then find a way to get it out more broadly—through facebook as Peggy has done, through twitter, via a letter to the editor, or consider writing your own blog (goodness knows we need more citizen journalists!).
In Minnesota we were told by the bright minds in the legislature that they couldn’t figure out what the refugee population there is costing the taxpayers, well here is one piece of the answer.
More recently the outrageous revelation that massive fraud had been uncovered with Somali-run publicly-supported daycare centers has Minnesotans again demanding an accounting. You too can do this!
This post is filed in my ‘Comments Worth Noting/Guest posts’category.
By the way, one of my top posts of all time is this one (2011) about how so many Somalis first arrived in Minnesota thanks to Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services of MN, and then World Relief. One of the reasons those federal refugee contractors chose Minnesota—generous welfare!
White South African farmers claiming persecution at home seek refuge in Australia
So I checked it out and see that the government of Australia has said they will get no special treatment, and indeed the Australian Leftists say that the government must first take care of the mostly Muslim migrants being held in detention on Nauru and Manus islands.
As you know the US is taking some of those detainees in the “dumb” Australia Deal. Story here:
White South African farmers won’t get special treatment, despite Peter Dutton’s earlier claims
It is pretty undeniable!
But, because I have been predicting for years that once the United Nations is forced to admit that blacks can be racists and that whites are applying for refugee status because they are being persecuted by people of color they will fight to the death to deny it! I once asked readers to imagine the day when the UN High Commissioner for Refugees must process white Swedes (or South Africans) in to the US. That alone might kill the entire refugee industry, I surmised. Heck, Trump could run a test! He could put white South Africans at the head of the line.
He could, you know!
In September his administration will send its “determination” to Congress which not only sets the numbers for resettlement for FY19, but sets priorities for which nationalities may be brought in.
In fact, he could classify white South Africans in the P-2 categorywhich would allow anyone in that group to be eligible and each individual would not have to prove that he/she is personally being persecuted. That would make the heathen rage (a phrase borrowed from a good friend)! Continue reading “White South African farmers apply for refugee protection in Australia; no special treatment for them”→