What is wrong with Minnesota? A Scandal Trifecta….

“How dumb are we? Honestly, I think it is impossible to plumb the depths of our stupidity.”

(John Hinderaker at Powerline blog)

“A Scandal Trifecta” is what John Hinderaker at Powerline blog is calling the latest news from the state where ‘Minnesota nice’ takes on new meaning almost daily.
Sorry, I know a lot of good smart Minnesotans, but just now when I wrote about Sweden likely being the first European nation to fall to the Islamists, it struck me as interesting that Swedes in past centuries populated Minnesota…hmmm…is there some defect in the genes?  A gene that is driving people to succumb to invasion? A suicide gene?
One of my top posts in recent days is this one—You are old and white and we are taking over Minnesota!
suitcase with cash

Everyone has been sending me this latest news about millions in cash leaving Minnesota for Africa, much of it alleged to have been generated by welfare fraud perpetrated by a certain group of Africans the Minnesota nice people (the infidels) continue to welcome to the state.

Continue reading “What is wrong with Minnesota? A Scandal Trifecta….”

Corruption and bribery alleged in UN refugee office in Sudan

And, the allegations are coming from a humanitarian publication under the UN umbrella.
Why do you care?
Because the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is the first stop for most refugees coming to your towns. (We took 53 from Sudan in the last 7 months). 
This is just more evidence that the US State Department should be cutting the umbilical cord to the United Nations Refugee Program. If we are going to be taking refugees from third world hell holes we should be doing the choosing and the processing without UN ‘help.’
(Don’t miss the chart below showing the UN as the first step in the screening of refugees to be your new neighbors!)
You know this is going on everywhere!
Continue reading “Corruption and bribery alleged in UN refugee office in Sudan”

Trump is killing temporary refugee program, or is he?

“I think we should fold all of the TPS people that have been here for a considerable period of time and find a way for them to be [on] a path to citizenship.”

(White House Chief of Staff John Kelly)

From time to time over the years, I’ve reported on the ridiculously named “Temporary Protected Status” immigration program that has allowed many migrants (who were likely already in the country illegally from TPS-designated countries) to stay in the US and work, get drivers licenses and probably thus vote!  (Designated usually in the wake of a now long forgotten natural disaster.)

trump wall thumbs up
How much is Trump going to give away to get the wall?

As The Hill reports, the Trump Administration is ordering that most (some of whom have been here for nearly 2 decades) begin to pack their bags.
But here we learn it is all apparently part of the ‘art of the deal,’ and that perhaps the administration will find them and the ‘Dreamers’ a path to citizenship if they get a few things, including the wall, but only if Congress actually passes a law—a comprehensive bill (ugh! it’s back!).
Can’t we for once address each immigration program on its merits or demerits! And are we really going to give legal status to hundreds of thousands who are here illegally?
Continue reading “Trump is killing temporary refugee program, or is he?”

Refugee admissions from Africa and the Near East/South Asia way off the mark

While the Europe ceiling has been almost reached after 7 months.
As you know, the President set the CEILING for refugee admissions for Fiscal Year 2018 back in September at 45,000.
We are now 7 months in to that fiscal year and the US State Department database (maintained by contractor Wrapsnet) has a detailed accounting of who we have admitted and where they are from.
First, here (below) is a graph showing the CEILING and the actual monthly admissions numbers for the last ten years. On April 30th, the seven month mark, we have admitted 12,188.
When you go to Wrapsnet, here, this is data from a spread sheet found by clicking on this line under Admissions Reports: PRM Admissions Graph April 30, 2018.
(They usually update these numbers around the 5th of each month for the previous months of the fiscal year.)
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The world is divided into 5 regions for the purpose of setting ceilings and admitting refugees.

See how many we have admitted so far….
Continue reading “Refugee admissions from Africa and the Near East/South Asia way off the mark”

Minnesota: Opposition to Welcoming America is growing….

…..as more citizens are waking up to Leftwing community organizing tactics!
The Winona Daily News published a story last evening that is mostly meant to show that opposition to Welcoming America is coming from a bunch of nativist naysayers, but for me it shows how grassroots activists (paid by no one!) have been successful in educating small communities across the upper Midwest about the goals of the Soros-spawned Welcoming America community organizers.
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I first heard of Welcoming America in 2013 when they were a featured presenter at a meeting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania put on by the Obama Office of Refugee Resettlement.
The ORR had contracted them to beat back “pockets of resistance” to refugee resettlement.
You should take a moment to read that post.
It is a good thing I quoted the Soros connection directly from Welcoming America’s website at the time because that page is mysteriously absent from their site now!
For the really ambitious among you, please see my entire archive on Welcoming America and its founder David Lubell.  They are your classic, hard Left community organizers promoting diversity is beautiful for your towns (more Democrat voters and more cheap labor!).
But, it is more than that…..

They are changing America by changing the people!

And using taxpayer dollars to do it!
Continue reading “Minnesota: Opposition to Welcoming America is growing….”