Antifa, CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center work together to silence speech

You haven’t seen it on cable news, or on the pages of the Washington Post or the New York Times, but last weekend brazen domestic terrorists working on behalf of Islamists shut down speaking events they disapproved of in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
This extremist tactic of intimidating speaking venues, such as hotels, isn’t new, but it is on the upswing in the age of Trump. And, I think that is because the Hard Left has really lost it, their frustration and anger at losing the White House must have pushed them psychologically over the edge. They are very dangerous people.
Our friend James Simpson has the full story here at The Daily Caller.
Here are a few snips:

Brannon Howse
Brannon Howse is the organizer of the events shutdown by anti-free speech domestic terrorists.

Antifa groups used information from the Southern Poverty Law Center to successfully shut down four conferences on the threat of Islam scheduled in Wisconsin and Minnesota last weekend.

The hotels slated for the events were flooded with threatening calls, and the organizers voluntarily canceled one of the events following numerous warnings that it would not be safe. A fifth conference in Des Moines, Iowa carried on in defiance, despite leftists showing up to disrupt the proceedings.

The conferences were hosted by Worldview Weekend, a conservative Christian organization that produces radio and TV shows and sponsors events nationwide. The SPLC posted the locations for these venues, after which Antifa groups urged their members through social media to attend events and swamp the venues with threatening calls and messages.


The conferences sought to expose how leftists supported by George Soros, the John Templeton Foundation and other donors are intimidating America into silence by labeling anyone who exposes them as “racists,” “Islamophobes” and “white supremacists.” An event last fall featuring this author and DHS whistleblower Philip Haney was canceled by the venue following a similar campaign from Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) operatives.

On that last line, see my post Wednesday on the slick Taneeza Islam (former CAIR-MN civil rights activist) who practiced these same tactics in South Dakota.
Simpson explains what happened and then wraps with this:

Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim and now Christian apologist who heads the Truth In Love project, was slated to speak at a number of the canceled events. He reacted strongly in a video about the cancellations posted on Saturday:

“Who shut us down folks? The Islamo-Marxist-Fascist oppressors in this nation, the same groups that we’ve been traveling around this nation warning you about…. How did that happen? It started with CAIR… the front group for the Muslim Brotherhood. Then they’ve joined with the Southern Poverty Law Center… Then they got Antifa involved… and we know their M.O. – they’re domestic terrorists… If you think we are living in a free nation any more… that this is the land of the free and home of the brave, we better wake up soon. Religious liberty, the right of assembly, the right of our speech, is gone. This is the M.O. now. This is the tactic they are using to shut us down.”

Watch Pastor Shahram Hadian, here:

Simpson continues….

Howse broadcast an hour-long live special Sunday night to describe what happened and the issues that would have been covered in these events.

He said he is considering legal action, among other options, and that he will also be releasing a movie this fall recounting this weekend’s events and many others he has witnessed over the last 12 months.

“The things that are happening represent an existential threat to our rights as Americans and our very way of life,” he said.

Read all of it here.

The greatest threat!

Everyone must make sure to spread this news far and wide through whatever means are available to you because the mainstream media won’t do it!  The threat is real and it is the biggest threat facing America today—the silencing of our voices.
And, I’m going to nag all of you to find avenues of speech for yourselves!
Write blogs, facebook pages, open twitter and gab accounts, create e-mail lists to friends and family, write letters to editors, and if necessary speak in your churches and other civic groups because the more of you willing to speak, the harder it will be for them to silence us all.

Press Release: International Rescue Committee (again) on low Trump refugee admission numbers

In a press release dated yesterday, the Manhattan-based International Rescue Committee (IRC) asks its followers to contact members of Congress and Senators to pressure the Prez to fulfill the 45,000 refugee CEILING set by Trump last fall.

From his perch in Manhattan, Miliband pulls down a nearly $700,000 annual salary (doing well by doing good!) while he dabbles in UK politics, specifically the Brexit controversy.

At the present rate the Trump State Department will admit about half that number and the resettlement contractors*** are shaking in their boots.
Each refugee admitted represents money, your money, to their budgets and reports are that at least one of the nine that have monopolized all resettlement to the US for a decade might not survive.
That is not true for the IRC, it is rolling in money….
Which reminds me (as I read this press release)—where is “moneybags” Miliband? Why is he not quoted? Too busy mucking around back home in the UK?
This press release wouldn’t be worth mentioning except for one nugget I found interesting (and for the fact that I love writing about this super rich Manhattan-based taxpayer-funded organization making decisions for small city/town America.).
Here is some of it:

New York, NY, April 11, 2018 — Midway through the 2018 fiscal year, which ends September 30, just 10,584 refugees have been resettled to the United States. By contrast, 39,098 refugees were welcomed to the U.S. in the first half of the 2017 fiscal year—even with the slowdown on admissions due to the Trump Administration’s refugee bans. This decline in refugee admissions represents a stark 73 percent year-over-year drop. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) projects that a series of excessive red-tape vetting and processing changes will result in no more than 23,000 refugees being resettled in FY18, barely achieving 50 percent of the ceiling.

[They are so deceptive, the reason the number is so high, 39,098, for the first half of FY17 is because Obama presided over October, November, December and most of January and his outgoing State Department was pouring them in as fast as they could before Trump was inaugurated.—ed]

Now this next bit is rich!
Here we have Hans (most likely still a Dutch national) who works for a British national (David Miliband) lecturing us about “core American values.”

Said Hans Van de Weerd, Vice President, US Programs, International Rescue Committee:

“Halfway through FY18, the U.S. is establishing a record on resettlement that runs counter to core American values of freedom and welcome and strategic interests abroad.

I can’t believe that they think they can still sell this silly notion, that somehow by curtailing immigration to the US from Muslim countries, we make Islamic terrorists angry (angrier?) with us.

Hans bald
Hans Van de Weerd lectures us on “core American values!”

“Drastically diminished refugee arrivals have detrimental consequences for U.S. national security and foreign policy interests, including fueling the anti-American narratives of the very terrorist organizations we aim to defeat. The Trump Administration must change course in the second half of FY18 and meet its commitment to admit 45,000 refugees.” [For the umpteenth time, the 45,000 is a CEILING, a cap, NOT a target!—ed]

Now, here comes the part that interested me most. 

We know that the contractors have been dependent on the large number of SIVs entering the US (Iraqi and Afghans who supposedly gave us support at some point) to help feed their budgets (see my recent post here).  However, apparently even those numbers are dropping (eeeek!).

Shocking drop in March in admissions of those who assisted U.S. missions

Without explanation, only 510 Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) recipients arrived during the month of March, a more than 68 percent drop compared to average monthly arrivals in FY17.

Total SIV arrivals overall in the first half of FY18 have declined by 28 percent compared to the same time period in FY17.

I wonder (if there is a slowdown), if it is because they are running out of places to put them.  Supposedly most go to San Diego or Northern Virginia where there is an overload of  SIVs and as we reported here, they aren’t finding work.

U.S.-affiliated Iraqis (P-2s) left behind

These are supposed ‘beneficiaries’ and their family members. They always say they are translators, but they could have been taking out the garbage.  See here.

U.S.-affiliated Iraqis are individuals who provided critical services, like translation, to U.S. missions abroad and now face persecution as a result.

Conservative estimates suggest that there are approximately 50,000 Iraqis with close affiliations with the U.S. government waiting for interviews to have their cases for resettlement processed.

Yet, only 36 U.S.-affiliated Iraqis have arrived in FY18.

Then here is Hans’ wrap-up:

It’s time to pressure the Administration to pick up the pace on refugee resettlement. Take action now.

Click here to see what they want their groupies to tell Congress.
You should tell your member of Congress and US Senators what you think too, but honestly I have little hope they will get off their duffs and do anything, so right now, it is best to Contact the White House and tell the Prez to hang tough!
And, for fun, ask him why we pay David Miliband over a half a million a year so he can do his anti-Brexit political agitation work in his home country.
See my David Miliband archive here.  Waaahhh! What will I do when he finally goes home!
*** I post the contractor list almost every day because I want new readers to know exactly who is responsible for driving the US Refugee Admissions Program (in addition to the UN!).
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services!  From most recent accounting, here.


South Dakota: Meet Taneeza Islam, your friendly Muslim (activist) next door!

I wish I was tech-savvy and knew how to design a Bull S*** meter for stories like this one.
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)/Muslim Brotherhood activist to speak in Huron, South Dakota on Sunday (April 15th) to assure all of you that there is nothing to fear from migration of Muslim political activists to the Great Plains!
She believes in meeting those who belong to “vilified” groups, she says.
That is so funny because, by intimidating the speaking venues, she actually shut down events in South Dakota a few months ago where speakers who disagree with her political views were scheduled to speak.  Wasn’t she vilifying them with her actions?
It would serve her right if the tables were turned on her and she was silenced! (But, we don’t do that because we believe in free speech!).
See my Taneeza Islam archive here.
From the Huron Plainsman 
(Sub-headline should read CAIR political activist to speak to ‘Connecting Cultures’)

‘Discussion on Diversity’ focused on Muslims

People are encouraged to attend a free “Discussion on Diversity” featuring Taneeza Islam of Sioux Falls at 1 p.m. Sunday, April 15, at Top Floor Events.

Screenshot (374)

A second-generation Muslim who was born in Michigan, Islam will talk about the Islam religion, as well as immigrants and refugees.

An RSVP-only lunch will be served during the event for a small fee (notice luncheon time change). Beverages and brownies will be available for everyone during the event.

Please RSVP lunch reservations to Amy L. Bennett at and provide your name and the number of guests.

“We’re not trying to change beliefs, we’re trying to add value to our own,” said Amy Bennett, a member of Connecting Cultures in Huron, who was instrumental in organizing this program, along with Rhonda Kludt, Kim Rieger and Fern Marie Mattke, who helped secure a Thrivent Action Team Grant.

“Being Muslim in our nation can be very tenuous and painful for some,” said Bennett, who is Jewish. “How can we fulfill their lives without treating them like that? We want to respect someone else’s place or opinion. I’m willing to listen to your story and how it impacts you and understand how you feel that way.”

Bennett said she noticed a site for Taneeza Islam one day when she was looking at Facebook, and explored her further on YouTube.

“Her video was welcoming and approachable — with such a hot topic,” Bennett said. “We shouldn’t be afraid to have hard conversations.

What we should be afraid of is when we don’t have any conversations.”

Tell that to Ms. Islam!
At this point the Huron Plainsman gives a recitation of highlights from Ms. Islam’s bio, but fails to mention that she was CAIR Minnesota’s Civil Rights Director stirring up trouble for a St. Cloud high school in 2010, see here (among other things!).
In Islam’s own words:

“I believe the best way to overcome intolerance and hate is to actually meet a person from the group that is being vilified,” she said.

“I am the norm of what American Muslims are really like.”

LOL! But, that is precisely what we fear the most—that you, Ms. Islam, are the norm!
I’m guessing, but I think CAIR/Muslim Brotherhood wanted an Islamic political activist in South Dakota when they saw the opposition growing to more refugee resettlement there and Taneeza Islam is it.
Maybe someone should contact Ms. Bennett, since she wants to hear different viewpoints, and ask her to hold another luncheon for the opposing view on Muslim migration, CAIR, and sharia law in America! Wouldn’t that be the fair thing to do?
My very large South Dakota archive is here.

Australia "dumb" deal update: Aussie Libs want US to take families

Let me say at the outset that the Australia deal struck by the Obama Administration in its waning months is dumber than dumb and Donald Trump should have followed his first instincts and cancelled the whole thing (as even the Australians suspected he would) and been done with it in February of 2017.
Here we see that Australian immigration official Peter Dutton is being blamed for not allowing an Afghan family (who attempted to break in to Australia illegally) that have been split between the mainland and offshore detention to apply to come to the US.

Dutton’s call to rethink the 1951 UN Refugee Convention has to make the No Borders agitators crazy!  Out to get him now for sure!*

Not one word in The Guardian story about whether the US has any say in this! 

I believe the US State Department has already said that we aren’t taking extended families of the detainees (so far 220 of Australia’s rejects, mostly Muslim men, have been airlifted to Your Town, USA!).
For new readers, Australia had such an awful problem with boat people attempting to break in to their country that they made a new policy.  Anyone breaking in would be detained in offshore detention facilities and would never be admitted to the mainland.  That was about 5 years ago and they are sticking to the policy.  However! Lefties in Australia have been beating up the government ever since, so they found a way to wiggle out—thanks to Obama—by sending those they won’t grant refugee status to to America!
The Guardian:

Dutton urged to allow refugee families in Australia to apply for US resettlement

Split up refugee families stuck in limbo because of Australian government policy could be reunited if Peter Dutton let them apply for US resettlement from Australia, the opposition has said.

The comment follows revelations by Guardian Australia that a family of four had been split between Nauru and Australia since 2014.

Shayne Neumann
Leftwing “shadow minister” Shayne Neumann blames Dutton for not allowing sick Shiite Muslim family to reunite and apply for US resettlement.  Hey! Neumann, why should the US take on Australia’s migration problems!

Australian Border Force has told the 27-year-old daughter on Nauru that they could be reunited but only if her mother and sister returned to the island. The mother is in Australia confined to a wheelchair and awaiting surgery, and doctors have said she cannot go back.

While the mother and one daughter are in Australia they cannot apply for resettlement in the US, offered under a deal struck between the Australian government and the Obama administration. More than 220 have been resettled, out of a promise of “up to 1,200”.

By the way, something must have slowed the flow to the US.  Last report was over a month ago. Wonder what that is all about!

“Labor strongly supports the US refugee resettlement agreement and wants all eligible refugees – including those in Australia for medical treatment – to have the opportunity to apply for resettlement in the US,” the shadow minister for immigration, Shayne Neumann, said.

“The long-term issue of asylum seekers from Manus Island and Nauru in Australia could have been avoided entirely if Peter Dutton simply allowed eligible refugees in Australia the opportunity to apply to resettle in the United States.”

Nuts!  No offense to Dutton, but the US gets some say in this!
More here.
Asylum shopping!
Follow links back and see that this family with its health issues (including mental health issues) would be a huge burden on US taxpayers!  Legitimate refugees are to ask for asylum in the first safe country they enter, however, the whole system has been perverted and that is why the 1951 UN Refugee Convention should be trashed.
I have dozens of posts on the Australia “dumb” deal, click here to learn more.
*Don’t miss Dutton calls for reconsideration of outdated 1951 UN Refugee Convention, here.
Contact the White House!  Tell the President to cut it off now.  220 is too many already! 

Why is it our job to clean out UN refugee camps?

And, why is the Trump Administration continuing refugee resettlement started for no other reason (by George Bush and Barack Obama) than to please the UN?

Obama Secretary of State for PRM, Anne Richard with then UNHCR, now Secretary General of the UN Guterres, decided that the US should take 50,000 from the DR Congo.

Previous presidents jumped to the UN piper’s tune and said sure, the US will step up to take the Bhutanese and the DR Congolese because the UN asked us to.
These people were not our responsibility, no one could say we caused the problems that resulted in their care by the UN.
We have no strategic interest or reason other than to make the UN happy (and some big employers who want the cheap labor, the Dems who want voters and the contractors who want the payola!).
(By the way, there are other examples of cleaning out camps and of course the largest over the years have been the UN camps in Kenya, but the numbers have dramatically slowed in the last year, not so for the two I’m writing about now.  And, of course the UN has no interest in cleaning out the Palestinian camps and sending those people to other Arab countries.)

DR Congo express to America….

map DR Congo
The largest ethnic group of refugees coming to the US right now are DR Congolese. In the first 6 months of this fiscal year (’18) we admitted 2,569.
In 2013 the Obama State Department told the UN High Commissioner for Refugees that we would take 50,000 from the DR Congo over five years.
Checking Wrapsnet just now, I see that we have taken 40,899 since that promise was made, however going back to FY10, I see we are now at 49,476.  
Will the flow ever stop?
Based on the Bush Bhutanese deal, the answer is likely NO!

Nearly 100,000 Bhutanese scattered across America…

In 2006 we told the UN we would take 60,000 Bhutanese off their hands over five years.
These displaced people are really Nepali people that were kicked out of Bhutan and Nepal wouldn’t take them back.
map nepal and bhutan
Other western countries promised to take another 30,000.
Here in 2015 the UN reported on its “success” at that point in time:

A core group of eight countries came together in 2007 to create this opportunity for Bhutanese refugees to begin new lives: Australia (5,554), Canada (6,500), Denmark (874), New Zealand (1002), the Netherlands (327), Norway (566), the United Kingdom (358) and the United States of America (84,819).

Now 10 years after Bush Asst. Secretary of State Ellen Sauerbrey said we would take 60,000, we are at 95,841 (as of today). 

In the last 6 months, an additional 1,925 ‘refugees’ of Nepali origin that we call Bhutanese were resettled across the country.  I have to laugh because the total number in 2006 was 108,000 and between the US and other countries we have far surpassed that number now, so it begs the question—have more people arrived at the camps looking for resettlement in recent years?  (See one of my many posts on fuzzy math!)
Here is where 95,481 have been place in the US in just 10 years!
Screenshot (372)

Screenshot (368)
The numbers are difficult to read even in the original.  The top five ‘welcoming’ states are Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, New York and Georgia.  And, can you believe it, Hawaii, the state that is hankering for more diversity got zip!

I don’t believe there is a law that says we must take refugees that the UN wants us to take!
And, thus, I think it is time that the Trump Administration distanced itself from the dictates of the United Nations.  In fact, maybe it is time to do more than that! Let’s take the lead in rethinking the entire 1951 UN Refugee Convention.
Surely, if we are going to offer ‘welcome’ to legitimate refugees, we have smart people who would know how to pick the most worthy candidates and not just take in ethnic groups wholesale because the UN tells us we must!
See Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studies about the haphazard choices being made (even under Donald Trump!).
See my archive on the Bhutanese by clicking here.  The thing that has brought them to the media’s attention over the years is the fact that they have a high suicide rate in America.  In fact, for years leading up to 2006, they steadfastly maintained that they did not want to be “scattered to the four winds.”
Contact the White House, tell the President:  As your Administration prepares refugee plans for the coming fiscal year, stop asking how high, when the UN says jump!  We will pick our own refugees, thank you very much!