Yesterday Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban won for Europe (although most countries don’t know it) an astounding election victory for Western Civilization. If the President invited Orban to the White House it would strike a mighty blow against his own nemesis—George Soros!
If President Trump wanted to put icing on his recent immigration control cake, he should invite Orban to the White House and give him a lavish state dinner. Such a move would turn the whole world on its head! Heck, use the occasion to kick start a discussion about dumping the 1951 UN Refugee Convention. (See here.)
There are many stories about Orban’s win, but Politico is a good choice to quote since they can’t control their animus (in supposed news reporting!) toward the man and what he stands for!
Orbán wins landslide to secure third straight term
BUDAPEST — Viktor Orbán’s right-wing Fidesz party won a landslide victory in Hungary’s general election on Sunday, setting the stage for the prime minister to pursue his nationalistic vision and fight more battles with Brussels.
The result gives Orbán a third consecutive term as prime minister and a strong platform from which to further rail against migrants and Muslims, stage crackdowns on NGOs and mount strong resistance to greater EU integration.
More clashes between Budapest and EU institutions, particularly the European Commission and European Parliament, look assured. Orbán opposed a Commission plan to distribute migrants around the bloc while the Parliament has voted to put Hungary on a path toward censure for backsliding on democratic standards.
The election result will also likely embolden far-right parties and populists across Europe inspired by Orbán.
Orbán, who built a fence on Hungary’s southern border during the 2015 migration crisis, constructed his election campaign around strong a strong nationalist and anti-migrant message. The U.N. human rights chief earlier this year branded him a racist.
It really came down to one issue—immigration. Are you listening Donald?
But a senior Fidesz official said the anti-migrant message was key. “It is simply the fear of migrants. Fidesz did a single-issue campaign and it was successful,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
More here.
See my previous posts on Hungary, here. My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. Contactthe White House! and tell the President to invite the victorious Orban to his home—the White House orMar a Lago!
Whoa! Now that would shake up the No Borders International Left for sure!
Peter Dutton is talking about the 1951 Refugee Convention that is under the control of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Yes! Let’s push for an end to the UN Convention. Each country should make its own immigration policy!
He has a point!
Resettlement is not possible for the millions of migrants moving around the world, so why not create a better system to care for them where they are!
In fact, President Donald Trump told the United Nations this very thing on September 19, 2017 (see here).
But, the time is now and that means we should be on the offense and question the very underpinning of a system that is dangerously flawed, erodes national sovereignty, and is costly!
From The Guardian:
The home affairs minister, Peter Dutton, says “like-minded” countries [like the US!—ed] should come together to review the relevance of the 1951 United Nations refugee convention, arguing the document is outdated and does not account for the modern movement of people.
Peter Dutton: Is the 1951 Refugee Convention relevant today?
In a wide-ranging interview with Guardian Australia conducted on Tuesday, Dutton flagged a reluctance to allow the elderly family members of immigrants to come to Australia, and a desire to incentivise new arrivals to move to regional communities. He also reaffirmed the country’s commitment to a nondiscriminatory immigration policy.
Dutton said he agreed with statements made by the British prime minister, Theresa May, and others suggesting the UN convention relating to the status of refugees could be modernised “or at least an update of the way in which the convention works and what it provides for”.
He said countries’ efforts to resettle refugees were “token” given the numbers of displaced people, and argued offering support to refugee camps would be more effective than resettling a small portion of the refugee population.
Continue reading here. See that he backtracked on earlier remarks about saving white South Africans. Contactthe White House!
Tell the President to go on the offense and push for dumping the 1951 UN Refugee Convention.
If nothing else, a debate on the issue would be extremely useful and might even force our do-nothing Congress to reevaluate the Refugee Act of 1980—a law that has over time allowed the UN to call the shots on who comes to the US as refugees.
See my Australia category byclicking here.
This is from a short article at The Catholic Recordin Kentucky. It’s about how difficult it was for a new employee with Migration and Refugee Services in Louisvilleto learn the ropes about the resettlement process.
I can relate since I’m still learning the system after writing about it for nearly 11 years, but one bit caught my attention! Here is what Catholic Charities of Louisville’s “employment team leader” Somali Ahmed Hussein told the new guy on the block:
One of my co-workers who is always willing to share his story and answer questions about his experience as a refugee is our employment team leader, Ahmed Hussein.
Ahmed is a Somali refugee who came to Kentucky after spending eight years in a Kenyan refugee camp. I remember when I first met Ahmed, I asked why they chose Louisville as a destination, and his response was really eye-opening to the entire resettlement process, “Man, we didn’t choose Louisville, they (the United Nations High Commission for Refugees) choose for you, and you take the destination they offer.”
You know what!
Since the US State Department and their resettlement contractors*** NEVER explain to the public how locations are chosen (it is one of the most closely held secrets of the whole process), we’ll go with Mr. Hussein’s explanation until we get some real answers!
And, have a look at this graphic I found. It’s a couple years old, but it does give you some idea of where the UN is placing Somalis!
I missed this article in 2016:
This is the Top Twenty list of cities (targeted by the UN?) from that map:
Minneapolis-St. Paul – 646
Columbus, Ohio – 412
Buffalo, N.Y. – 361
Syracuse, N.Y. – 307
Dallas-Ft. Worth – 302
Salt Lake City, Utah – 276
San Diego – 275
St. Cloud – 243
Louisville, Ky. – 236
Phoenix, Ariz. – 218
Seattle, Wash. – 212
Erie, Pa. – 207
Atlanta – 159
Glendale, Ariz. – 155
Tuscon – 154
Boston – 153
Houston – 150
Nashville – 148
Kansas City, Mo. – 145
Portland, Ore. – 132
Contact the President by clicking here. Tell him it is time to get the UN out of our refugee resettlement business!
*** These are the nine major resettlement contractors who keep this secret well: How is your town or city chosen?
I post the contractor list almost every day because I want new readers to know exactly who is responsible for driving the US Refugee Admissions Program (in addition to the UN!).
(Catholic Charities works for the US Bishops.)
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
Bush (so far) holds the record for low refugee admission years: Bush admitted 27,070 in 2002 and 28,117 in 2003
We have now reached the six month mark of the first full fiscal year of the Trump presidency and Trump could easily break the Bush record set in 2002 of 27,070 refugee admissions for one year.
(See post here on the Bush record low years.)
At the six month mark, the Trump Administration operating well under a CEILING of 45,000 refugees, is at 10,548 admitted so far.
Assuming that rate continues for the next six months, Trump could be at 21,000 (give or take a few) for the year, handily smashing President Bush’s record.
Since the nine federal contractors*** are paid on a refugee per head basis for placing the refugees in your towns and cities, they surely are taking big hits to their budgets.
Here is a map from Wrapsnetof where those 10,548 have been placed. Wyoming is the only state in the nation that never signed up to ‘welcome’ refugees and for some unexplained reason, Hawaii gets very few even though the government there has said they welcome diversity!
Sorry numbers are not clearer. They aren’t very clear at the website itself.
Top ten resettlement states are in descending order: OH, TX, NY, WA, CA, PA, AZ, NC, GA, and MN.
Admissions by month for the last ten+ years (Wrapsnet):
The top sending countries so far in FY18 are:
DR Congo (2,569)
Bhutan (1,925)
Burma (1,769)
Ukraine (1,176)
Eritrea (760)
Muslim numbers drastically reduced to 16% of total.
In recent years the Muslim refugees accounted for sometimes as close to half of all refugee admissions. As of April 1, of the 10,548 admitted, 1,725 are Muslims of one sect or another. (Data maintained at Wrapsnet)
Significant numbers of Muslims are coming in the Burma and DR Congo flow.
Let the President know what you think!
*** The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
As long as the nine contractors are paid largely by you via Congress and the US Treasury, and then act as community organizing/political agitators, there will never be serious reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
We know that, so why am I posting yet one more “plummet” story that the refugee industry has fed the media?
Because in this story we see the beginning of the strategy for Fiscal Year ’19 which I mentioned herethe other day.
Right on cue they have begun the PR push for pre-Trump levels of refugee admissions.
From The Messenger:
International Center of Kentucky faces dwindling refugee arrivals
Albert Mbanfu, the center’s executive director, met with community partners Thursday to discuss resettlement issues. Mbanfu said after the meeting that the center is experiencing a slowdown but that the federal government isn’t saying why.
(Learn about Stakeholder meetings, here.) Mbanfu is presiding over a Stakeholders meeting that includes school and health officials, etc. These meetings are supposed to be open to the public, so all of you should be finding out when they are held and request to be present. After all, as the taxpayers paying for all of this, you are the biggest stakeholder of all! Photo:
The Messengercontinues….
In light of this [discussion about Trump slowdown.—ed], Mbanfu said the center has been asked to rework its budget. He said in a follow-up interview that the center has made cuts and reduced staff.
“A year and a half ago we were at about 30 and right now, full- and part-time staff, we are down to 22, and there are still plans to reduce that further,” he said of the agency’s employees.
During the meeting, Mbanfu also discussed plans to scale back funding for refugee resettlement agencies across the country.
“Beginning Oct. 1 [Fiscal year ’19 begins that day.—-ed], not all of the refugee resettlement agencies will be open,” he said. “Many will close their doors.”
Mbanfu said the center’s volunteer agency, the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, is working on a proposal to keep its affiliated agencies open. More information should be available in August or September, he said.
This is what I wanted you to see!
Despite the low number of arrivals, Mbanfu told the center’s partners it is going to ask for permission to resettle 440 refugees next fiscal year.
The center was previously granted permission to resettle that amount before Trump took office.
I have to laugh. I’ll bet some of those officials which have to cope with large numbers of refugees in the schools and health system are keeping their fingers crossed that 440 won’t be coming next year! The strategy is taking shape!
Apparently, the strategy is for all three hundred or so subcontractors (of the nine major contractors***) to prepare Abstracts for the coming year as if President Trump wasn’t even there. They know he won’t go for Obama-level numbers, but they plan to use their request for high numbers in the inevitable media agitation campaign. Those Abstracts go to the US State Department (as a basis for next year’s determination) and if the DOS was smart they would put the word out right now that they won’t entertain any Abstracts that come in at Obama-era levels. They could even put out a percentage. For example an Abstract must come in at say 25% of its FY18 submitted level.
If the Trump State Department does not head this off now, they face another refugee industry anti-Trump media blitz come September.
(They will get one anyway, but at least the contractors won’t be able to use their submitted Abstracts in the process.)
BTW, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has never lifted a finger to reform the refugee program. At one point, after those Iraqi refugee terrorists were caught in his home town, Senator Rand Paul took a stand against the program, but quickly shut down his criticism. I think KY is one of those states that welcomes cheap refugee labor for BIG CHICKEN! and for the Chamber of Commerce.
Wouldn’t you like to know what ol’Mitch and Rand are telling Trump behind the scenes about refugee resettlement!
*** For new readers, these (below) are the nine federal refugee contractors that have been driving more refugee resettlement for over three decades. The program will never be reformed as long as these fake non-profits are funded with taxpayer dollars and are permitted to wage political organizing/agitation campaigns.
The International Center of Kentuckyworks for the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a contractor which has a checkered past (in Kentucky too!). Go here for my USCRI archive to see what I mean. Don’t miss this one:CEO Limon is out!
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.