Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual Reports to Congress are Running More than Two Years Late

But, Congress has never seemed to care (likely because no one there bothers to read anyway!).

This post is a service for serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program. 

Go here to read the entire document:

The Annual Report to Congress, in which the Office of Refugee Resettlement analyzes the entire program and the refugee population for a given year, is required by law to be submitted to Congress in January of the following fiscal year.

In other words we should expect the FY19 report to be available in January 2020.  But, much to my shock I just now checked the Annual reports and find that the last one that ORR published is the FY16 report!

By the way, this report should not be confused with a report the President will be sending to Congress along with his Presidential Determination for FY2020 which begins tomorrow!

The reports that are now very late are a treasure-trove of information on the program and serious students should at least see the FY16 report (published in June of 2018) to get an idea of, for instance, the percentage of refugees finding jobs and/or using welfare.

It also includes pages and pages of federal grant money—-millions of dollars—going out to ‘non-profit’ groups for myriad reasons.

Some of you might also like to see how much payola your state is getting from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

About ten years ago the ORR was equally remiss in getting these reports done in the time frame outlined by the law, then for a few years they got better at it, but I guess they are again dragging their bureaucratic feet!

A list of all Annual Reports is here.


Dear Trudy, Why are We Obligated to Take One More Iraqi or Afghan Refugee?

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s esteemed foreign affairs columnist Trudy Rubin has penned an opinion piece dripping with venom and bias against the President (and White House aide Stephen Miller) claiming we still owe US citizenship to thousands more Iraqi and Afghan “translators” who supposedly all helped the US military.

Trudy Rubin says we must admit thousands more Afghan and Iraqi ‘interpreters’ to America! I want to know when is enough enough?

The war in Iraq ended in 2011, so first let me ask why after 8 years we still must be giving anyone from Iraq (maybe with an exception for truly persecuted Christians) a taxpayer-funded new life in America?

We spent enormous blood and treasure giving Iraqis new leadership and a fresh chance at governing themselves, why must we move tens of thousands of the newly freed Iraqis (mostly Muslims) to a town near you?

Just a reminder here, dear readers, that when we go to war in a Middle Eastern country the Leftists will claim, now and forevermore, that we are morally bankrupt if we don’t bring that country’s nationals to America!

To hear Ms. Rubin you would not know that since the fall of 2006 through last week we admitted the following astronomical numbers from these two countries.


11,142 refugees and 59,104 SIVs (those that supposedly helped us) 


143,135 refugees and 18,530 SIVs

All of the SIVs are not so brave and helpful. Maybe Ms. Rubin doesn’t know about Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon.

(Below I’m going to show you all where Ms. Rubin can find accurate numbers so that maybe next time she won’t get all her facts from refugee contractors who make fat salaries off the US taxpayer and thus have a pecuniary interest in ever-growing refugee numbers.***)

So I guess Trudy Rubin doesn’t think we have already done enough!

Here is the Philadelphia Inquirer piece that got my blood boiling.

And, by the way, by highlighting a sympathetic case she deploys the sob story method to play on her readers’ emotions. I can do that too….learn more about the convicted rapist Jasim.

For extra added measure she throws in the canard that our population is declining in America so we need all these new people to pay taxes.

Another Trump scandal: Blocking visas for Iraqis who saved American lives

Apart from Ukraine-gate, another White House scandal revved up recently, almost unnoticed.

The White House effort to block legal immigration shifted into overdrive. The State Department announced last week it would slash the already shrunken U.S. refugee program almost in half, to 18,000 admissions over the next 12 months, nearly eliminating America’s historic role as a safe haven.  [I’m questioning why America always has to be a safe haven!—ed]

And the Trump team is trying to limit the impact of a recent D.C. District Court ruling that it end years-long delays in granting special immigrant visas (SIV) for thousands of Afghans and Iraqis who helped the U.S. military – as mandated by Congress. 

The SIV mandate is a joke.  Then Sen. Ted Kennedy added the provision for SIVs to a defense authorization bill and so there was never a Congressional debate on Iraq and Afghanistan SIVs.

What kind of moral bankrupts try to shut our doors to those who saved American lives?

Cry me a river! 

Look who is talking!

“With one final blow, the Trump administration has snuffed out Lady Liberty’s torch and ended our nation’s legacy of compassion and welcome,” says the Rev. John L. McCullough, president of Church World Service, a cooperative ministry of 37 Christian denominations.

Just a cooperative ministry of 37 Christian denominations?

John McCullough pulls down a salary of over $300,000 a year as President and CEO of Church World Service, a federal refugee contractor that got over $40 million in federal tax dollars in a recent year to place refugees throughout America while acting as a leading far left Open Borders political agitation group!

(Ms. Rubin might want to have a look at CWS’s Form 990 here.)

Even more shocking is the White House willingness to betray Iraqis and Afghans who are at risk because they helped the U.S. military.


Administration callousness beggars belief. Many of these applicants and their families have been hiding for years under death threats.

Meantime, State Department data show that only 1,649 Afghans got SIV visas in 2018, a 60% drop from 2017.

See how she cherry-picks the numbers to put Trump in the worst light! Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, it is time to stop the SIV program? Haven’t we brought enough already?  Isn’t 59,104 enough already!

As for Iraqis, the situation is far worse. Those in greatest danger – such as military interpreters and their families – have been tossed into a huge pool of applicants also entitled to visas because they worked for U.S. civilians. That backlog has reached 100,000.

Under Stephen Miller, only 51 Iraqis were admitted in 2018 (as compared with 10,000 in 2016).  [LOL! Of course, gotta get their boogey man Miller in here.  Don’t they call this dog whistling!—ed]

“They [the SIV applicants] served bravely in support of our missions abroad, and we promised them a pathway to safety in return,” points out Deepa Alagesan, the supervising attorney who brought the successful court case on behalf of the International Refugee Assistance Project.

Under pressure from Congress, 4,000 [more—ed] of the rare refugee slots will supposedly be reserved for Iraqis who worked for the U.S. military. But will they ever receive them?

There is more here.

Haven’t we already done enough for Iraq? 

161,665 refugees and SIVs moved to America isn’t enough?

Was our blood and treasure squandered for a country that eight years after the war ended isn’t safe enough according to the refugee industry agitators?

Are we expected to bring Iraqi ‘refugees’ to our American towns for the next ten years and ten after that?  

*** For inquisitive readers, lazy reporters and for Ms. Rubin, here is where you can find accurate numbers. This is the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.

These particular data bases for Iraq and Afghanistan show placement for each state for refugee numbers vs. SIV numbers.

This is a screenshot of the page. Go to the page and click on the link and a large spreadsheet will open.

Who is Promoting More Refugee Resettlement? See Refugee Lobbying Group’s Useful Map

The Refugee Council USA (RCUSA) is a consortium of Open Borders groups and includes the nine federal refugee contractors that the US State Department hires to place refugees in your towns and cities.

RCUSA is reporting that we have almost reached the 30,000 refugee ceiling set by the President last year.

Right now as we near the first day of Fiscal Year 2020—October first—they have been busy lobbying whoever will listen to pressure the President into admitting 95,000 refugees in the coming year.

If you are interested in learning more about RCUSA, click here for my huge archive (I’ve been writing about them for at least 10 years!).  One fun fact is that Church World Service is the bank for managing their finances.

(I figure the federally funded ‘non-profits’ created RCUSA to keep their hands clean on the issue of lobbying!)

Earlier this month RCUSA published an interactive map showing who is supporting more refugee resettlement including churches, politicians, interfaith groups and businesses.

Here is a screenshot but you will have to go to RCUSA to see the interactive function!

One of those businesses in Michigan is Western Michigan Beef (no surprise!).


Again, go to RCUSA to see the interactive map, expand it for your state and see who is telling the President to admit tens of thousands of additional refugees beginning in less than two weeks.

This post is filed in my category Where to find information.

Rep. Jerry Nadler Says Trump Admin Not Consulting with him on Refugee Admissions

As you know at this very moment, the Trump Administration is wrestling with the decision about how many refugees to admit to the US for FY2020 that begins on October first.

Reps. Nadler and Lofgren never blasted Obama for being late with his refugee consultation that always came in the closing days of September!

You would think Mr. Impeach-him-now Nadler would have enough to keep him busy but he has taken time, along with Rep. Zoe Lofgren, to pen a letter to the President demanding his administration consult with Congress about the number and ethnic makeup of refugees the US will ‘welcome’ this coming year.

I know this is an in-the-weeds discussion, but it is worth mentioning because once again we see the fake outrage from the Dems who claim that Trump is not following the law about the process of refugee admissions.

I’ve been yelling about the lawlessness of the process for years. The Obama Administration didn’t follow the law nor has Congress, both on the Democrat and Republican side, but now Nadler’s letter represents one more bit of hypocrisy we see regularly in Washington!  No wonder voters are cynical!

The nerve of Nadler!

“We write to express our alarm that the Administration appears to be taking a cavalier approach to the statutory requirements and historic norms for the presidential determination for refugee admissions.”

“Statutory requirements” have been ignored for decades!

If going into the weeds interests you, go here to just one of many posts I’ve written on the subject.  You will see that no one has been following the law for decades, so that is the “historic norm.

This is just more fake outrage from the kings and queens of fake outrage!

Here is what The Hill is reporting:

House Democrats demand administration consult with Congress before determining refugee admissions

(By the way, the President has full statutory authority to set the level, a ceiling, and then the State Department “consults” with Congress, but Congress has no authority to change the number.—ed)

Reps. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), the respective chairs of the House Judiciary Committee and Immigration and Citizenship Subcommittee demanded that the Trump Administration administration consult with Congress before determining the number of refugee admissions to the country for the coming fiscal year.

In a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, Nadler and Lofgren pointed to a law mandating the administration discuss the refugee admissions with Congress, noting that fiscal year 2020 is 17 days away.

“We write to express our alarm that the Administration appears to be taking a cavalier approach to the statutory requirements and historic norms for the presidential determination for refugee admissions. For the past two fiscal years, the Administration has set historically low levels of refugee admissions while side-stepping or only nominally complying with critical legal requirements for consultation,” they wrote.

More here.

I wonder is there any way to make ‘lawmakers’ follow the law!

Find me on Facebook and at my other blog, Frauds, Crooks and Criminals

If you have missed news about refugees, I’m still writing about them at Frauds and Crooks and as of last night I am back up and running at Refugee Resettlement Watch’s Facebook page.

You can find the page here (48,000 likes!). I’ll post refugee news there that I might not use at Frauds and Crooks.  

See Frauds and Crooks by clicking here.

Although I’m not actively writing here at RRW, I see that hundreds of readers are still coming every day to access older posts—there are nearly 9,000 posts here spanning over a decade!  Use the search window, enter a few key words and I think you will find some useful information.