This should keep enquiring minds busy!
Here is CIS’s press release this morning:
Launching of New Immigration Data Portal
Washington, D.C. (March 12, 2018) – The Center for Immigration Studies announces the creation of a new immigration data portal. The portal consolidates government agencies’ most recent immigration statistics in one location, allowing easy access to detailed information on a multitude of key topics in immigration such as crime, illegal immigration, and labor.
Visit the data portal at:
The Center’s goal is to lessen the challenge of finding important immigration statistics so that fact-based research can play a larger role in informing the national debate on immigration policy. Whether the user is searching for specific numbers on refugee arrivals by country of origin, E-verify statistics reports, or the jobsite location and wage data of requested foreign workers, this portal will make finding the data dramatically easier.
Mark Krikorian, the Center’s executive director, said “It is my hope that the immigration debate will benefit from the launching of this data portal. It is imperative that immigration policy be formed by accurate data; this initiative will make it easier for all parties to access crucial immigration statistics.”
We know that already, but as month number 5 closed last night (FY18 began on Oct. 1, 2017), we have more evidence that the refugee industry must be in complete financial chaos.
As you know the whole admissions industry is based on a ponzi-scheme of sorts where nine federal contractors*** which monopolize all resettlement in the US are paid by the federal government on a per refugee head basis. Fewer refugees=less money in their coffers.
And, as I said here, the contractors got fat and lazy on the federal dole and have not raised sufficient funds to avoid layoffs and office closures.
I suspect too that there must be internal conflicts within the fake non-profit organizations*** and between them as they are bidding for fewer and fewer bodies.
8,583 refugees have been admitted in 5 months.
That means that, if the present rate continues, arrivals will be around 20,500 for the full year. And, that would mean that Donald Trump will beat the George Bush record lows:
In the immediate wake of 9/11, Bush admitted 27,070 in 2002 and 28,117 in 2003.
Here is a map from the Refugee Processing Centershowing where the 8,583 refugees have been placed so far this fiscal year.
I know the numbers are hard to read, nothing I can do about it.
Here are the top ten ‘welcoming’ states in descending order: OH, TX, WA, NY, CA, PA, NC, AZ, GA, IL. For the umpteenth time, if Congress doesn’t reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program in its present window of opportunity, you can expect the numbers to explode again as soon as Trump is no longer in the White House (unless someone like Trump is elected next time). *** For new readers:
These are the private contractors that are paid by the head to place refugees in your towns and cities.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! From most recent accounting, here.
They must have found something at the USCIS or a thousand Burmese living in the US right now wouldn’t have gotten a letter to report to a USCIS office.
Was there fraud in transit country, Malaysia???
(Checking WrapsnetI see that since FY06 we have admitted a whopping 167,583 Burmese people and they were coming before 2006 and are still coming, see map below.)
Here is a short article at the Des Moines Register about the “summons” Burmese living in Iowa have received:
Dozens of refugees in Iowa received letters from immigration officials asking them to appear for an interview and provide information that validates their status.
The refugees are from the country formerly known as Burma, a group that has grown in the past five years to include more than 8,000 living in Iowa.
She [Abigail Sui] said at least 50 refugees in Iowa, all who came from Burma and to the U.S. through Malaysia, got the letter from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Department that requested the in-person interview. One letter required travel to Indianapolis, while a refugee from Indiana appeared at the USCIS offices in Des Moines for an interview Monday, according to EMBARC.
“A current USCIS investigation has raised concerns about identity and biographic information provided to USCIS in a number of cases involving Burmese refugees, including many who have resettled in the U.S.,” said Sharon Rummery, a USCIS public affairs officer based in San Francisco.
She said in an email that the USCIS sent 1,000 requests for interviews nationwide that “will help determine the refugee’s immigration status or eligibility for future immigration benefits.”
The interviews are voluntary, but Sui said that she thinks consequences are possible if the refugees do not go.
Already facing resettlement hardships, the refugees would have to fund a trip to the interviews and take time off work, said Sui. In addition, no interpreters would be made available.
Can you hear the immigration lawyer stampede now—no taxpayer-funded interpreters is a big no-no! And, how dare the Trump Administration dig more deeply into the US Refugee Admissions Program. More here.
Here is a map from the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Centershowing where the 167,583 Burmese have been placed since FY06. Obviously there is an error as there is no number on the dark blue Indiana. Texas takes top honors.
My archive on the Burmese may be found by clicking here.
Most of the Burmese are not Muslims but in the last few years, the US has begun admitting larger numbers of the so-called ‘Rohingya,’ Muslims from Burma and Bangladesh.
“We’ve never seen a cut of this size and also a cut of this impact.”
(Hans Van de Weerd an executive at the International Rescue Committee)
Warning!Although this is news you will find valuable, especially if you live near one of the soon-to-be-closed resettlement sites, remember that this is temporary and when Trump is no longer in the White House, the refugee industry will go in to high gear to make up for what they will call the lost Trump years! In order for that not to happen, CONGRESS must dump or reform the Refugee Act of 1980! Reutersis reporting the impending closure of 20 offices.
Demonstrating that elections have consequences, it was only in 2016 that the State Department was on a high attempting to add about 47 offices to their roster of resettlement towns and cities. Now this….
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Refugee resettlement agencies*** are preparing to shutter more than 20 offices across the United States and cut back operations in more than 40 others after the State Department told them to pare their operations, according to plans seen by Reuters.
The slated closures, which are being reviewed by the State Department for final approval, follow President Donald Trump’s decision to dramatically reduce the number of refugees that will be allowed into the United States in 2018.
The State Department has said the drop in refugee numbers, from the 110,000 ceiling set by the Obama administration to 45,000 for 2018, means the country no longer needs all of the 324 resettlement offices that were operating at the end of 2017. This year’s cap on refugees is the lowest since 1980.
The offices, run by private non-profit agencies that contract with the U.S. government, provide a range of services to refugees, from assisting them in finding housing and jobs, to helping them navigate banking, medical care, school enrollment and other complexities of life in America. [Complexities=getting their welfare!—ed]
Opponents of the resettlement program say it is more costly to resettle refugees in the United States than it is to give aid to displaced people overseas.
“The changes will consolidate smaller affiliates, reduce costs and simplify management structures to help the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program run in a way that is fiscally responsible and sustainable in the long term,” State Department spokeswoman Cheryl Harris said in an email.
“We’ve never seen a cut of this size and also a cut of this impact,” said Hans Van de Weerd an executive at the International Rescue Committee, one of the nine resettlement agencies. [Why isn’t newshound Miliband quoted?—ed]
While the size of the U.S. refugee program has fluctuated over the years, it has never seen an across-the-board cut to dozens of offices in such a short period of time, he said.
Van de Weerd said the cuts could make it difficult for the United States to ramp up refugee numbers in the future. “It took years to build up this capacity,” he said. “Once you break it down it’s not easy to build it up again.”
Continue reading here.
Below is a screenshot of a portion of a very useful graphic Reutershas prepared. Click here to see the entire page.
***These are the nine federal contractors which refer to themselves as VOLAGs (Voluntary agencies, Ha! Ha!) which will lose some of their subcontractor offices (see list here before it is revised). The number in parenthesis is the percentage of federal funding each gets to place refugees in your towns. They are paid by the refugee head thus the focus on Trump’s admission numbers.
Linda Hartke is the second refugee contracting agency CEO in a matter of months to step down apparently involuntarily from the leadership of one of nine federal refugee contractors.***
She follows Lavinia Limon (USCRI) who was, we heard from sources, “pushed out” last October (see here). No explanation was ever given about Limon’s departure, but it came at about the same time that investigations into LIRS had commenced.
This is what Michael Patrick Leahy is reporting at Breitbartthis morning:
Linda Hartke is out as CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, three months after Breitbart News first reported on an internal investigation into claims of financial irregularities and harassment at the embattled non-profit under her leadership.
“Today, Linda Hartke, President and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), announced her departure from LIRS after eight years of service,” LIRS said in a memorandum sent to its donors, Lutheran congregations, and the U.S. government on Tuesday.
A source familiar with the operations with LIRS tells Breitbart News that the Board of Directors fired Hartke on Thursday of last week, a consequence of the findings of the internal investigation into her tenure as CEO.
“The issues related to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIaRS) are widespread but are rooted in the main areas of financial mismanagement and the incompetence of leadership,” a source familiar with the operations of the refugee resettlement industry told Breitbart News in November, adding that “seven key areas” were the focus of the internal investigation:
Financial Mismanagement
Failure to Address Financial Irregularities Discovered by Independent Audits
Wasteful Spending
Concealment of Taxable Income
Timesheet Fraud
Budget Grant Fraud
Large Severance and Settlement Payouts to Avoid Public and Board Reporting
The State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) has contracted with LIRS and eight other voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) to resettle refugees admitted into the United States under the Refugee Admissions Program. Over the past several decades, federal payments to these VOLAGs have averaged about $1 billion annually.
Virtually all of LIRS’s revenues come from the federal government.
Continue reading hereand see LIRS leadership efforts to make her departure sound so warm and fuzzy.
Yes, LIRS is a federally funded resettlement agency that I have followed for years sucking down on average 95% and up of its funding from you, the US taxpayers (see my most recent accounting, here). We sure hope that in addition to the Dept. of Health and Human Services looking into its grants management that the US State Department is doing the same! And, where the h*** is Congress?
Not such a happy place to work!
Just yesterday, I came across the Glassdoorand got a few screenshots of comments from employees that let you know what an internal mess was going on there in recent months.
Here are just three of those. (When you read these, consider that all this was going on while you paid for it including Hartke’s over $300,000 annual income/related income package.)
LIRS near you? Then this is what you must do….
Be sure to go here and see LIRS’s subcontractors working in 23 states. See if you have an affiliate near you. It is up to you to make sure your people know about the turmoil at the top of this food chain! LIRS headquarters is where your local agency gets most of their funds. And, it is LIRS headquarters that works with the US State Department to choose which refugees are to be placed in your towns and cities.
*** These are the nine federal contractors paid by you to place refugees in to hundreds of towns and cities via their subcontractors (see directory of offices).
They sit down with the Dept. of State every week in Washington to divvy-up the incoming refugees to be distributed (unbeknownst to you) to your towns. Although, due to the Trump slowdown, there are fewer to divvy-up each week.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place those refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! From most recent accounting, here.