Refugee contractor that got nearly a half a billion from US taxpayers in under five years, wails over Trump's budget

Miliband in Manhattan
British national and one-worlder, IRC CEO David Miliband, pulls down an annual salary package of $671,749 (doing well by doing good!).

The contractor is the International Rescue Committee with Moneybags Miliband at its helm.
But, what is so interesting is that Moneybags isn’t quoted in their press release yesterday in which they denounce the Trump Administration’s FY19 budget as “counterproductive and misguided.”
It will cut their funding dramatically because the IRC not only places refugees in your towns and cities, they are operating all over the world supposedly doing ‘humanitarian’ work that they say benefits American foreign policy.
Could Miliband be on the way back to the UK?
Will he be taking a pay cut if he stays?
Before I even get to their temper tantrum over Trump, here is just a portion (screenshot) of one page at USA Spending showing the income they received from you, American taxpayers, (via grants and contracts) from FY14 to FY18 (inclusive).

USA Spending

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This is a portion of one page at USA Spending. There are 11 pages for the IRC just since FY14

Here is some of the press statement from the IRC yesterday in response to the release of the President’s FY19 budget:

New York, NY, February 12, 2018 — Today the Trump Administration put forward its Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) budget request – echoing last year’s attempt to drastically cut humanitarian assistance, development aid, and refugee resettlement programs.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) denounces the Trump administration’s proposed cuts as counterproductive and misguided. Rather than putting America First, it threatens both America’s values and our interests by crippling a vital component of US foreign policy at a time of increased challenges to global security and stability, and great humanitarian need.

Nazanin Ash
Nazanin Ash (left), IRC Veep, at Clinton Global Initiative, is quoted in the IRC’s statement rather than Moneybags. Miliband usually takes top billing in media statements. Hmmmm? On the Trump budget she said: “For the second year in a row, the Administration has proposed cuts to foreign aid that endanger lives.” (and salaries!)

The FY19 Budget Request proposes a 30% cut to the International Affairs Budget from Fiscal Year 2017 levels, including a 43% cut to development assistance, a 23% cut to global health programs, and a 19% cut to humanitarian assistance.


Now is not the time to abandon America’s bipartisan commitment to the world’s most vulnerable.

The request also proposes a 26% reduction to programs that serve newly and recently arrived refugees, asylees, and Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) recipients from Iraq and Afghanistan. Refugee resettlement has a long bipartisan history reflecting long-held American values – the IRC has been offering refuge to families fleeing war and oppression for over 80 years.

Reduced funding would not only impede the ability of refugees to access fundamental services like ESL and job training and contribute economically to their communities, it would also slash federal funding that goes to states and localities that receive refugees.  [The feds are supposed to be paying for the whole refugee program in your state—ed]

Then here comes their favorite meaningless mumbo-jumbo that is supposed to make you willingly open your wallets wide:

Helping the world’s most vulnerable is rooted in America’s values and traditions as a beacon of peace and democracy. [Surprise! The word ‘vulnerable’ used only twice in this release.—ed]

More here. No mention of the financial hit they will surely take!
By the way, Ash does not appear as one of the top salaried employees on the IRC’s most recent Form 990 (here) although from reading biographical information it seems she was on staff for that year.  Wow! take a look at those salaries you help pay!  (You should find them on page 16.)
Pay cuts coming? 

Headline: 25 reasons to end Somali refugee resettlement now

That is the headline yesterday at!
This is a must-read story and a keeper.  Pass it out to friends and family and the next time you attend a public meeting, where refugee advocates will tell you that refugees aren’t terrorists and criminals, have your proof handy.
Hohmann has compiled an eye-popping list of Somali criminals that surely is the tip of the iceberg because we only learn about new cases when some local media outlet has the guts to report on the nationality of an arrested perp, and if the story breaks out of the local community.
Readers need to know that most Somalis in the US are here through the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program or through the chain migration it has spawned. 
So, although it is a good step that the Prez has increased Homeland Security’s vetting process (here), that won’t solve the problem of the children we raised with our tax dollars becoming criminals and Jihadists. begins with the recent case of the Mall of America stabber who admitted he was attempting to kill for Allah.

Of all the countries on President Trump’s list of 11 banned from sending refugees, Somalia has by far the worst track record of assimilation.

Mall of America jihadist Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham

That ban expired last week and the U.S. will start accepting refugees again from the 11 high-risk nations, although Trump promises a more “extreme” vetting.

Vetting, however, offers few guarantees that the refugees will become good Americans. Many of the Somalis who have run afoul of the law came here as child refugees, making them impossible to vet.

Recently we learned the Somali refugee who knifed two brothers at the Mall of America was not responding to a confrontation over an attempt to steal clothing – a false narrative put out by Bloomington police last November – but actually carried out an unprovoked act of jihad.

How do we know this? He admitted it in late January with a public statement to the court.

In the prepared statement, Mahad Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America on Nov. 12 to “answer the call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-Baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State.”

That is all I am snipping! You must click here and see the other astounding cases.

Many of the cases are from Minnesota, so if you are on twitter and want to have some fun, use the hashtag #LittleMogadishu .
If you are looking for something to do on a snow day, have a look at my category labelled ‘crimes’ with over 2,000 posts on the subject of immigrant crime in the US and around the world.
Reminder: Over the next few days I will be traveling, so don’t look for new posts here at RRW (after today) until early next week.  I probably won’t be able to post comments either.

FAIR: Refugee resettlement costs taxpayers billions; welfare biggest chunk

I’m happy to see that more national immigration control groups are addressing the costly UN/US Refugee Admissions Program!  Where are you Heritage?

muslim-welfare chart
Graphic (using ORR data) is not FAIR’s or Breitbart’s, but is from a 2015 report by then Senator Sessions Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

John Binder writing at Breitbart tells the latest story here:

Over a five year period, American taxpayers are billed more than $8 billion for the resettlement of thousands of foreign refugees every year, a new study finds.

In research conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), analysts concluded that annual refugee resettlement costs American taxpayers about $1.8 billion a year, and over five years, about $8.8 billion.

FAIR’s research found that of the $1.8 billion annual cost of resettling refugees in the U.S., about $867 million was spent on welfare.

Continue reading here.
And, go here, for FAIR’s report.
Reminder: Over the next few days I will be traveling, so don’t look for new posts here at RRW (after today) until early next week.  I probably won’t be able to post comments either.

A reader asks: Who is resettling refugees in North Carolina?

And, part 2 of reader Robert’s question was: How can I find out where those Aussie detainees will be placed in my state?
Robert’s question was in response to this post:

Flight glitch causes some delay as Australia’s rejected ‘refugees’ head to US

I’m glad he asked because it reminds me that there are so many people reading RRW now who haven’t been with me for the last almost 11 years and so they have missed information previously posted.
First, a reminder that at the top of RRW (under the header) is a page entitled: FAQS! Finding Stuff.  I think most of you will find something useful there. And, if you are just relying on e-mail notices about each of my posts and not coming to the blog, you are missing a lot.  (Even if you aren’t on twitter, if you come to RRW you will see my twitter feed in the right hand column and see other related news that I don’t have time to post!)
Linked in FAQS! is the US State Department’s State-by-State index of refugee contractors working in your states. I don’t know how thorough they are with keeping it updated, you may find errors in contact information and phone numbers.

Writing about NC reminds me: Does anyone know whatever happened to the Burmese biter who was being resettled in NC last spring?

But, before I post the offices in North Carolina—a state with a huge number of contractors at work—on the issue of where the Australian rejected ‘refugees’ are going, I doubt you will find out.
If you called each office in NC, they will tell you you can’t have that information (privacy). The only possibility of finding out is if some local newspaper is inquisitive enough, but expect any story to be of the squishy PC variety.
You might consider contacting your members of Congress and see if they can find out. They likely won’t have any more luck than you, but it will be a good lesson (for them) in how this program is run so secretively.
Also, since there are large numbers of Burmese refugees in NC already, look to the Rohingya (Burmese Muslims) we have been told are coming from Australia to be placed in Burmese communities even though we know that Burmese Christians fear the Rohingya refugees.
The Burmese Rohingya Muslims are not on the Trump “banned” countries list.

Eight of nine federal contractors*** are working in North Carolina attesting to the fact that the state has rolled out the welcome mat!

Here are screenshots of the federal contractors’ contact information for North Carolina (a state they are turning blue through immigration).
In the left hand corner, as in this first screenshot, is each subcontractor’s primary contractor.
See the contractor list at the end of this post. The only tricky one is Episcopal Migration Ministries which often hides behind its other name: Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS).
NC contractors 1
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See my NC archive by clicking here.
Knowledge is power!
I urge all of you to use the FAQS! here at the top of the page and do some research. Then type your state’s name into my search window and find out what I’ve reported from your state during the last ten plus years!
***These are the nine federal contractors that monopolize all US resettlement. Only the IRC is absent from NC. Number in parenthesis is the amount of federal dollars (your money) going to their budgets.
Don’t miss this post about Church World Service yesterday.


US Refugee admissions plummet even further

On the first of January we reported the facts about the extremely low refugee arrival numbers so far in this fiscal year (FY18 began on October 1, 2017) and now Michael Leahy (Breitbart) has a summary of where we stand during the first two weeks of January.
201 is the number for the first two weeks and the fact that it is low is the reason you are seeing so many articles popping up in local papers quoting resettlement agency employees wailing about Trump-the-meany. 
For the umpteenth time, these ‘non-profit’ groups’ federal funding is tied to the number of refugees arriving, so budgets are being wreaked and thus the hissy-fits.
Frankly, if they had raised sufficient private money (in the ways normal charities do), they wouldn’t be so on-the-edge in lean times.
In fact, if they had raised private resources they could keep themselves busy by taking better care of the refugees they previously dropped off in your towns!
But, here is the truth of the matter, they can’t raise enough private money because the general (giving) public isn’t behind what they do!  They need to have their hands in taxpayers’ wallets in order to survive!
Enough of my usual harangue, here is Leahy at Breitbart:

Refugee admissions to the United States fell to a new low during the first two weeks of January.

Between January 1 and January 15, the number of refugees admitted into the country fell to a mere 201, the lowest number admitted during any two week period in more than a decade.

Below is a map of where the 201 went. The numbers are hard to read, but top five ‘welcoming’ states for the first two weeks of January are: Washington, California, New York, Ohio and Minnesota.

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From Wrapsnet for January 1-15, 2018

Leahy continues….

Seventy-nine percent of these refugees, or 158 out of 201, came from four countries: Ukraine (80), Burma (29), Bhutan (28), and Eritrea (21).

The religious mix of arriving refugees continued the trend seen in the first three months of FY 2018 from September 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017: More Christians and fewer Muslims than under the Obama administration.

Eighty-five percent of these refugees, or 171 out of 201, were Christian, while only four percent, or eight out of 201, were Muslim.

This contrasts dramatically with the last full fiscal year of the Obama administration, FY 2016, when 46 percent of the 84,995 admitted refugees were Muslim and 44 percent were Christian.


Voluntary agencies (VOLAGS)***, who have been paid more than $1 billion a year by the federal government for more than the past decade to resettle refugees, are beginning to feel the financial pressure caused by the reduced revenue associated with fewer refugee arrivals.


A number of local resettlement agencies operating under the broader umbrella of the VOLAGs around the country are either shutting down their operations or shrinking them dramatically.

“Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque [Iowa] is preparing to end its refugee resettlement program after 77 years in operation. The primary reason the program is closing down is because the numbers of refugees are down,” Catholic News Service reported last week.


In September, President Trump set the ceiling of new refugee admissions for FY 2018 at 45,000.

Based on the current rate of admissions, total FY 2018 numbers are likely to be well under that number. If refugee admissions continue at the same pace as they have for the first three and a half months of FY 2018 for the remaining eight and a half months of the fiscal year, total refugee arrivals for the fiscal year will be slightly less than 19,000.

There is much more here.
***VOLAGs is what the nine federal refugee contractors like to call themselves. I call them government contractors. As long as taxpayers pay them by the head to place refugees in your towns and cities while they, at the same time, are permitted to act like political community organizers and agitators, there can be no reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.