‘Government Slaves’ website gives list of 400 websites Google is attempting to chill, RRW is on it

Here is the news, hat tip: Judy

Government Slaves:

The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent media. The ‘New Media’ lead by the likes of Infowars, Breitbart, Natural News and many other great independent sites will have an uphill battle when it comes to getting their content in front of readers. Google has announced they will be doubling down on their ‘Orwellian’ practice of making stories disappear from their monopolistic search engine. Outlined in their Gestapo like 160-page handbook, Google describes exactly how they plan to suppress any information they deem unfit for readers.

Continue here, see the list and learn about other search engines to consider.

Screenshot of a portion of the list of 400. We are in good company:

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South Carolina governor wants no refugees from six countries named in Trump travel ‘ban’

So what!

The feds will do what they want to do as most Republican governors have figured out already.  And, since Trump’s State Department is still being run by the pro-more-refugees bureaucrats, does anyone really think they will give a ‘rats rear end’ about the wishes of a governor from a former (gasp!) Confederate state.

Now, if Governor McMaster picked up the phone and called the Prez about his concerns about refugees then that would really be something to brag about (and might even accomplish something)!

And, one more thing (or maybe two!)… I wish these state pols would learn more about the program.  First, we don’t take refugees from Yemen (maybe a tiny handful over the years) and most Iranians coming are Christians.  Then consider the countries of great concern for sending potential troublemakers—Afghanistan, Iraq and Burma—which are not among the six!

I just told you yesterday that we are increasingly bringing devout Muslim Rohingya people from Burma, and they could go to SC rather than a Christian Iranian family!

Most of these governors get snookered (by DOS bureaucrats) because they get some low level staffers to do the research and frankly they couldn’t possibly understand or imagine the tricks the feds and the contractors will pull.

On the plus side, I guess I can say that the governor’s statement at least sends a media message.

Also, new readers should know that your state prepares ‘plans’ for how your state will handle refugees and you can contact your state coordinator (find them here, but contact list is 2 years old) and ask for your state’s plan.  Don’t expect anything more than a mealy-mouthed bureaucratic document, but you might find a bombshell, so do it.

From the Post and Courier  (hat tip: Joanne):

COLUMBIA — Gov. Henry McMaster has requested the federal government no longer resettle refugees in South Carolina from the six countries targeted by President Donald Trump’s travel ban.

Rohingya Muslim ‘refugees’ could be placed in SC instead of Iranian Christians.

The request comes in an annual plan each state submits to the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the Department of Health and Human Services laying out how the refugee programs are administered in the state. [By the way, ORR doesn’t choose the refugees, the UN does with the Dept.of State and DHS—ed]

Citing concerns with the vetting process for refugees from areas the Trump administration has identified as terrorism hotbeds, the fiscal year 2018 request from South Carolina’s Department of Social Services asks the federal government to block refugees from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from being directed to the Palmetto State.


McMaster first publicized the request in a speech Monday night in Anderson at U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan’s annual Faith & Freedom BBQ fundraiser.

He explained that governors cannot stop the State Department from resettling refugees but said “we can voice our opinion on what we would like to do and not like to do.”

“We’ve got nothing against refugees,” McMaster said. “They’re facing all sorts of turmoil and problems.”

But pointing to the ongoing threat of “terrorists in the world,” the governor went on to tell the crowd ….

Continue here.

The crowd (the Republican voters!) will think the gov is protecting them and instead the feds will send them those Afghanis, Iraqis and Burmese Rohingya (probably snickering as they do it!) which cannot be thoroughly screened any more than Somalis or Syrians can.

If SC Governor McMaster really wanted to do something useful he should tell Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley to suspend the entire US Refugee Program for FY18!

Gallup (again): 147 million migrants would come to US right now (if they could)!

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This is a number to remember!

When I told you about Gallup’s recent survey of countries that are the least and most accepting of migrants yesterday, I noticed this survey I missed in June.

The present US population is about 325 million. 

So you can see that 147 million wannabe migrants is huge.

The next time you debate with a NO Borders activist ask them if they would draw the line at some number or whether they are supportive of 147 million people arriving here as soon as they could buy a plane ticket.

Ask them what that would do to jobs, housing, schools, food security, medical care, open space/parks, etc.

Gallup’s ‘Coming to America’ here.

Nearly 150 million people — or 4% of the world’s adult population — would move to the U.S. if they could. That figure is larger than the next four most popular destinations combined. If everyone who wanted to move to the U.S. had their way, the country’s total population would increase by almost 50%.

So they want to move to a racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, gun-loving, Trump-leading country?   Hmmmm!

Here are the top ten most desirable destinations. Notice that Sweden and other Scandinavian socialist countries do not make the top ten.

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Gallup: who in the world ‘welcomes’ refugees?

Much to my surprise, five African countries are in the top ten “accepting of migrants” countries in the world.

Five African countries are in the top ten most accepting of migrants.

So why is the US responsible for taking tens of thousands of so-called refugees from Africa every year? Can’t they stay in welcoming parts of the continent?

Here is the fascinating report from Gallup:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Many countries on the front lines of the recent migrant crisis in Europe are among the least-accepting countries in the world for migrants, according to Gallup’s new Migrant Acceptance Index. Nine of the 10 countries that score a 2.39 or lower (out of a possible 9.0) on the index are former Soviet bloc countries — with most located along the Balkan route that once channeled asylum seekers from Greece to Germany. Israel, which has dealt with its own influx of asylum seekers from Africa in the past decade, is the only non-European country with scores this low.

There is a lot of really good stuff in here.

Notice that the US is number 18 on the list for welcoming migrants putting us above Germany and all of Europe on Gallup’s “Migrant Acceptance Index.”

Here (below) are the top ten “least” and “most” accepting.

The full list is below in Gallup’s news story.  While the US is 18th (most accepting). European countries that have been overrun are increasingly less accepting–Germany is 23rd, the UK is 38, Italy 43, France 46, Belgium and Greece below that.

I have to laugh because both Iceland and New Zealand take only tiny numbers of refugees so of course they haven’t experienced the ‘joy’ that some countries, especially in most of Europe, have had yet.

On the “least”  accepting side, numbers 12 and 13 are Pakistan and Afghanistan. You will see that the Middle East generally is the “least” accepting region of the world and the Muslim parts of North Africa are near the bottom too (when Gallup lists by region).

Go here for more, I’m sure you will find some juicy bits of information (for use now or to save for later).

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This post is filed in my ‘where to find information‘ category, here.  There are 565 previous posts there.

As of today, we are 1,024 refugees over ceiling for FY17

Tillerson and Trump
In a few weeks Donald Trump and Sec. of State Tillerson will be announcing how many refugees could be admitted in FY18 which begins on Oct. 1. If they announce 50,000 or up then you will know Trump is not serious about reforming the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. Obama himself had two years under 60,000.

So far the total number of refugees admitted to the US in FY17 is 51,024.

For the first time in the history of the over 3-decades-old program, we have surpassed the CEILING.

(Thank the Supreme Court for that—for writing law!)

And, since inauguration day we have admitted 21,007 refugees according to data stored by the US State Department at Wrapsnet.

83% of the 51,024 come from 8 countries (see below).

Here is a map showing where the 51,024 have been placed:


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Alaska is 68 and Hawaii is 3 (since they have been begging for more diversity this isn’t going to cut it!)


Top five ‘welcoming’ states are California, Texas, New York, Washington and Ohio.

Here are the eight countries which dominate the refugee flow to America this fiscal year (from October 1, 2016 to today):

DR Congo (8,927)

Iraq (6,701)

Syria (6,463)

Somalia (5,905)

Burma (4787)

Ukraine (4,030)

Bhutan (3,030)

Iran (2,423)

Total for those eight is 42,266

In the 51,024 there were 22,156 refugees of various Muslim sects making the total Muslim percentage in this year’s flow 43% as of this writing.