No sympathy for the Catholic Bishops

The whining continues from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) about being cut out of the federal largess via those lucrative Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) human trafficking grants awarded at the start of the new fiscal year.

I told you about the controversy, here, two days ago.   The USCCB is saying those secular agencies that did get the millions of taxpayer dollars have no experience in the field, AND that the ORR was responding in advance because the ACLU had filed suit claiming the Catholic agencies weren’t offering the “full range of reproductive services” (code of course for birth control and abortion).   On whose side did you think the Obama Administration would be?

From Catholic Culture:

The director of media relations of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is charging that the new recipients of a federal grant to assist victims of human trafficking lack experience.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement declined to renew a grant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) to aid victims of human trafficking–likely because of the agency’s refusal to offer trafficking victims a “full range of reproductive services.” MRS has assisted 2,700 victims since 2006.

Bishops, when you take money from government it’s a form of sleeping with the devil and, if you have a conscience, the consequences are usually not happy ones in the long run.  There is no law against helping victims of trafficking all by yourself you know!

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