Just now dawning: Homegrown Jihadists in America

But, you can just hear the wails of anguish from “officials” who have been maintaining for the last few years that America is different.  We are a melting pot, therefore our Muslims are better than Muslims elsewhere.  The theory goes that once we give them a nice education and a shot at upward mobility they will forget all about the Jihad imperative—NOT!

Judy reported the dawning in the New York Times the other day, and I told you about the Wall Street Journal, here.   Now here is National Public Radio (NPR) on the House Homeland Security Subcommittee hearings on Tuesday on the issue of homegrown jihad.


A spate of incidents where homegrown militants allegedly plotted or committed acts of terrorism has a growing number of officials, lawmakers and experts worried about how to prevent more incidents of radicalization in America’s Muslim communities.


“In these cases, terrorist organizations not only successfully recruited Americans, but they provided the requisite training for those Americans to carry out attacks,” Rep. Jane Harman, a Democrat from California, said Tuesday during a House Homeland Security subcommittee hearing that she chaired. “We don’t have too many more chances to get this right.”


But even as the threat of homegrown extremists becomes more apparent, U.S. intelligence officials and outside terrorism experts alike concede that they still don’t understand the process by which a tiny number of Muslims become radicalized toward violent acts.

DON’T UNDERSTAND THE PROCESS!   Why the hell doesn’t the Homeland Security Subcommittee invite in Robert Spencer, or Andrew Bostom, or Daniel Pipes, or Patrick Poole, or Paul Spherry?  The list is very long of experts who can explain the process! 

Just this morning Paul Spherry has a lengthy explanation of the process at Frontpage magazine.  Here is one of the many important things he says:

How do Muslims raised in America become so radicalized?

They’re steeped in the anti-American hate of mosques and national front groups (like CAIR, ISNA and the Muslim Students Association) controlled by the radical Muslim Brotherhood and funded by the Saudis. Through sermons and Saudi literature and the media, they teach them that America is the enemy.

This is the jihad factory, fueled by jihadi websites, churning out homegrown terrorists. And the FBI is only now trying to dismantle it.

Who do they have testifying in Congress?   The Rand Corporation, some professor from Illinois (not a surprise!) and Zogby!  Here is Rand’s non-answer, “outside sources!”  Yes, some for sure, but you better be checking the inside sources!

“Research suggests that no single pathway towards terrorism exists, making it somewhat difficult to identify overarching patterns in how and why individuals are susceptible to terrorist recruitment, as well as intervention strategies,” Kim Cragin, a terrorism expert at the Rand Corp. think tank, said at the hearing.

One thing that is clear is that the process usually involves outside, active forces, and that they are rarely so-called self-radicalizations, where people become violently militant merely by absorbing Internet postings.

“Overwhelmingly, there is a mentor involved in the radicalization process,” Cragin said.  [Mentor! Just say it Mr. Cragin, the mentors are in the mosques in every city in America!]

Then we have spin-meister Zogby who is one of them if he is promoting the America -is-different-so-it-won’t-happen-here myth.

“America is different in concept and reality,” James Zogby, the founder and president of the Arab American Institute, said at Tuesday’s hearing. But, he added, “some alienated young men from these communities have become susceptible to radicalization.”

What the heck is he talking about, alienated young men?  The Somalis who left Minnesota and the DC-5 Pakistanis most recently were integrated, well educated, with an excellent shot at the American dream.

Back to Spherry:

The secularity of the American Muslim community is a myth. In fact, a larger share of American Muslims (80%) say their religion is an important part of their daily lives than British Muslims (70%), according to a recent Gallup poll. And our Muslims are nearly as militant in their faith as Iranians.

The same survey finds a disturbing percentage of American Muslim youth — 26% — are seething with anger compared with the national average among respondents aged 18 to 29.

These findings dovetail with a 2007 Pew Research poll finding an alarming 26% — or roughly 100,000 — of U.S. Muslims aged 18 to 29 condone suicide bombings against non-Muslim “civilian targets.” That roughly tracks the 35% of young Muslim Brits who told Pew the same thing after some of them bombed the London subway.

Clearly, young Muslim Americans are as prone to radicalization as their European counterparts.

Spherry:  More radicalization will occur as more Muslim refugees enter the country!

As we dig in deeper in Afghanistan, hostility among our own Muslim population will only grow deeper. And as we import more refugees from Muslim countries, demands for Shariah (think: Taliban) law will only grow shriller.

But, we aren’t going to curtail Muslim immigration anytime soon (maybe only after some Muslim refugees or asylees blow something up bigtime, will we even consider it).  Back to NPR now and the politically correct notion that its all about working with the immigrants and doing research in their American immigrant communities.

U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been studying radicalization, but a number of experts say that prevention efforts have to be focused on the local level with outreach programs and community policing.

“No government entity exists that is committed to sponsoring this research,” said Stevan Weine, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Illinois [in a not so subtle plea for more research funding!], referring to “investigations into the family and community dimensions of violent radicalization in the United States.”


“Somalis are not our only concern,” he said in a prepared statement for the hearing. “Our concern should include all of those from failed states that house extremist militant movements. At present, that includes Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.”

With that last part I agree with Professor Weine, but I don’t agree we need more psychological research—it is Islam stupid!  Just be brave enough to say it!

For new readers :

The US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread immigration fraud was revealed through DNA testing.  That specific program has not yet been reopened, but will be soon.  Nevertheless, thousands of Somalis continue to be resettled as I write this.

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