Australia to limit refugees from South Sudan, Somalia and Iran

The new limit will apply to privately sponsored refugees.
It isn’t the limitation that got me interested, it is their private sponsor program that began in 2013.  Private groups can pay in a big chunk of cash to care for a refugee or a refugee family for a year.  Every one of those privately sponsored means one less refugee the government will sponsor.  Very interesting!

Somalis arrive aussie
By 2013 tens of thousands of illegal aliens seeking asylum had arrived by boat in Australia. People traffickers in Africa were directing them to a wide open border. At that point the clamp down began which saw thousands housed in offshore detention facilities.

Here is the news from The Guardian yesterday, story titled:

South Sudan, Somalia and Iran excluded from one of Australia’s refugee programs

Humanitarian migrants from eight countries will be prioritised under one of Australia’s refugee resettlement programs, with other nationalities told their applications are highly unlikely to be accepted.

The Guardian understands the priority countries are: the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Syria and Iraq. Nationals of several other specific countries that were previously considered for resettlement, such as South Sudan, Somalia and Iran, are now excluded and will not be able to access the program. The move has been condemned by some community leaders as “clear discrimination”.  [Keep reading because the restriction is only for a tiny portion of their refugee flow—-ed]

The resettlement scheme, known as the Community Support Program, is one element of Australia’s broader humanitarian program, which, this year, offers up to 1,000 places, taken from within the broader program of 16,250 places. [1,000 places are up for grabs, but how many are actually sponsored this way when you see the price tag below!—-ed]


It allows community groups, businesses, families or individuals to sponsor and support a refugee to come to Australia. But each privately sponsored place reduces by one the government’s resettlement commitment.

The program was previously the Community Proposal Pilot, started in 2013.


The Community Support Program is based loosely on Canada’s private sponsorship program.

Since the late 1970s, more than 280,000 have been resettled in Canada by private sponsors, who commit the equivalent of one year of social security – about $30,000 – in cash or by in-kind commitment of housing, clothing, furniture and food, to assist a refugee family of five to settle into the country. [This in-kind stuff can be a sham as they get a bunch of junky furniture and claim it has a higher value.—ed]

Now get this!  With one-year support expected to cost $100,000 for a family of five, the government is basically telegraphing the cost of just one third-world family. Yikes! And, frankly what is the incentive for a private group to do this?

Australia’s scheme is much more expensive – to sponsor an individual refugee costs about $48,000, a family of five about $100,000 – and, for every humanitarian migrant privately sponsored, the government resettles one fewer under its program.

Of course the Open Borders Lefties in Australia are complaining because they obviously want the Australian tax payer to bear the burden!

This “offset” has led to criticism of the scheme as the government abrogating its commitment to resettle refugees, instead outsourcing resettlement to private individuals or community groups.

More here.
The Cato Institute was pushing such a program at one point, but frankly it was just to add more refugees to your towns and cities (for globalist labor needs), not to reduce the government-sponsored flow.

Trump and Turnbull
Trump and Aussie PM Turnbull discuss dumb deal!


Asylum seekers held in offshore detention have mental health issues.  

I sure hope none of those the Trump State Department is admitting are among those mentally impaired (like the Youtube shooter).
From UN News:

Australia-bound asylum seekers left mentally scarred by years of detention on Pacific islands, warns UN refugee official

Under a deal agreed between Australia and the United States, some 1,000 detainees from Nauru will be repatriated to the US. Around 180 have already left the island.

Read it all here.
I wonder what is holding up the arrival of more refugees under the Obama/Trump “dumb” refugee swap deal.  See Australia deal archive here.

Trump on pace to break Bush record of lowest refugee resettlement numbers since 1980 law enacted

Trump and Bush
Bush (so far) holds the record for low refugee admission years:  Bush admitted 27,070 in 2002 and 28,117 in 2003

We have now reached the six month mark of the first full fiscal year of the Trump presidency and Trump could easily break the Bush record set in 2002 of 27,070 refugee admissions for one year.
(See post here on the Bush record low years.)

At the six month mark, the Trump Administration operating well under a CEILING of 45,000 refugees, is at 10,548 admitted so far.

Assuming that rate continues for the next six months, Trump could be at 21,000 (give or take a few) for the year, handily smashing President Bush’s record.
Since the nine federal contractors*** are paid on a refugee per head basis for placing the refugees in your towns and cities, they surely are taking big hits to their budgets.
Here is a map from Wrapsnet of where those 10,548 have been placed. Wyoming is the only state in the nation that never signed up to ‘welcome’ refugees and for some unexplained reason, Hawaii gets very few even though the government there has said they welcome diversity!
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Sorry numbers are not clearer. They aren’t very clear at the website itself.

Top ten resettlement states are in descending order: OH, TX, NY, WA, CA, PA, AZ, NC, GA, and MN.
Admissions by month for the last ten+ years (Wrapsnet):
wrapsnet by month
The top sending countries so far in FY18 are:

DR Congo (2,569)

Bhutan (1,925)

Burma (1,769)

Ukraine (1,176)

Eritrea (760)

Muslim numbers drastically reduced to 16% of total.

In recent years the Muslim refugees accounted for sometimes as close to half of all refugee admissions. As of April 1, of the 10,548 admitted, 1,725 are Muslims of one sect or another.  (Data maintained at Wrapsnet)
Significant numbers of Muslims are coming in the Burma and DR Congo flow.
Let the President know what you think!

Contact the President by clicking here.

*** The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services!  From most recent accounting, here.
As long as the nine contractors are paid largely by you via Congress and the US Treasury, and then act as community organizing/political agitators, there will never be serious reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.

German 'model' detention center is former US Army base

Invasion of Europe news…
German officials are looking at replicating the facility in Bavaria throughout the country so that asylum seekers are pretty much contained in one fenced facility while they wait for a decision about whether they will be deported or not.
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From Deutsche Welle:

In Bavaria, one model “reception center” is home to more than 1,300 asylum-seekers. Directors say the barbed-wire enclosure and lack of privacy are for “safety” and efficiency. One resident says “it’s a wasted life.”

Is this what the future of asylum management will look like in Germany?

On the outskirts of the romantic UNESCO World Heritage city of Bamberg in Bavaria, one passes through an unforgiving security checkpoint manned by tough guards to enter into a facility lined with barbed wire. This was once a US army base, complete with cinema, supermarket and disco.

Since July 2016 the long, light-colored barracks have served as refugee housing. The streets are named after types of trees. During my visit in December, a thin man in a track suit stood at a roundabout and waved: “I tell you the truth!” he yelled to me. There are guards everywhere. Welcome to the Upper Franconia Reception Center.


The way the government sees things, the Upper Franconia Reception Center provides refugees with everything they need. They can even receive text notifications about the status of their asylum applications, which they submit at the facility, on their cellphones.


The Federal Administrative Court has an office here, as does the region’s immigration agency. The welfare agency is in Block E. This is all “state of the art” in Krug’s eyes: “If the government decides to put refugees into centralized accommodations, then our facility is definitely a good model.”

Controversial proposal by interior minister

Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer

Deutsche Welle continues….

That is exactly the plan advocated by Horst Seehofer, the interior minister in the new federal government and a member of Bavaria’s conservative Christian Social Union (CSU). He has presented plans to open “anchor centers” to house asylum applicants from their arrival in Germany until their requests are granted or they are deported.

And the first one may well be built in Bavaria. The centers that Seehofer proposes are intended to provide efficiency, as well as maximum control over the people who come to Germany hoping to find more sustainable living conditions.

Seehofer has for years presented a hard line on immigration and frequently come into conflict with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


Whether the Bamberg model will be replicated elsewhere remains to be seen.

There is much more and definitely worth reading.
If the German government put out word throughout Africa and the Middle East that all migrants flooding in to Germany would be housed in large facilities it would surely act as a deterrent to many others trying to get to ‘welcoming’ Europe.
And, hey, couldn’t the US run more detention centers—a kind of one stop shop until asylum decisions are made.  Expensive? Probably, but better than just releasing so many to their supposed relatives and expecting them to show up for their asylum court date.
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. And, I’ve written a great deal about dear Deutschland, here.

Harrisonburg, Virginia: Perdue admits that they are hiring locally as refugee arrival numbers 'plummet'

When I saw this story yesterday at WMRA Radio , I figured it was one more of dozens of stories I mentioned here and here recently.  Talking points have obviously gone out to the gullible/biased media about the mean Trump Administration and its plummeting refugee admission numbers. I wasn’t going to bother posting it until I came to the juicy bit near the end.
Forget the humanitarian mumbo-jumbo, refugee resettlement is about finding cheap labor (supported with your tax dollars) for big corporations especially BIG MEAT and BIG CHICKEN!  And, the next time you hear about the bipartisan support for the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program remember the R’s are looking for laborers for their big business pals and Chamber of Commerce lobbyists.

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BIG CHICKEN companies like Perdue are being questioned about working conditions in plants around the country.  And, Church World Service brings them more refugee workers! Photo and story:

From WMRA Radio:

But last month, a Perdue spokesman confirmed that refugee applicants to the Bridgewater plant have dwindled significantly, and that the company is filling positions from the local community.

Before I give you the rest of the story, you should know that Harrisonburg is in the heart of House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte’s district.  The Judiciary Committee is responsible for the Refugee Admissions Program. I’d like to know if Perdue is the reason Goodlatte has never made any significant move to reform the refugee program!
Now here is the rest of the boo-hoo story.  At least WMRA Radio tells listeners that Church World Service is being paid by the feds (by you!) for their ‘religious’ charity!

Trump’s Policy Sharply Reduces Refugee Flow to Harrisonburg

Following President Trump’s decision to sharply restrict the number of refugees allowed into the United States, the State Department has informed refugee resettlement offices nationwide to trim operations or even close. One of those offices is in Harrisonburg, which has a long history of refugee resettlement.

Harrisonburg’s general open-mindedness, low cost of living and high employment in industries that don’t demand English, such as food production, have allowed the city to resettle from 175 to 200 refugees every year.

But the feds recently informed some 40 refugee resettlement offices nationwide to cut back their operations, according to Reuters. Twenty are expected to close.


Church World Service at White House
Church World Service protesting against Donald Trump at White House.

Jim Hershberger runs the resettlement office for Church World Service in Harrisonburg. Church World Service is one of nine agencies*** nationwide that contracts with the federal government to resettle refugees. He says ten branches of those agencies nationwide have already closed. Although there are no plans for the Harrisonburg office to close as of yet, it hasn’t had a single refugee arrival in two months since mid-February.


I am worried that we won’t have the money to continue to offer services to refugees like we like to do. [How about doing the hard work of raising PRIVATE money!—-ed]


Church World Service is funded by the federal government to help recent arrivals find jobs and apartments, and to enroll them in English classes, driving classes, and their children into school.

In fact, according to our most recent accounting, Church World Service is 71% funded out of your taxpayer wallets!
Here it comes! Slaughterhouse workers needed!
WMRA Radio continues…..

The changes are being felt at the poultry plants too. Poultry is a big industry in Rockingham County and long considered a pipeline for immigrants and refugees.

Perdue’s Kenneth Lambert. It’s a great business model for Perdue. Federally-funded Church World Service finds them workers and the taxpayers subsidize the other needs of refugee workers with food stamps, low income housing, medical care, etc.

Two years ago, the workforce at the Perdue plant in Bridgewater was 42 percent immigrant, according to its Director of Operations Kenneth Lambert.

KENNETH LAMBERT: Our countries are made up of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatamala, Honduras, Cuba, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Bosnia, Russia, Kenya and right now we have a couple of people from Uganda.

But last month, a Perdue spokesman confirmed that refugee applicants to the Bridgewater plant have dwindled significantly, and that the company is filling positions from the local community.

No comment from school officials regarding the refugee slowdown.  Gee, I wonder why?

Fewer refugee arrivals may impact local schools as well.

It’s really where the city’s status as a melting pot comes to life. Students in city public schools come from 51 foreign countries and speak more than 56 languages.

Because Harrisonburg High has long been overcrowded, plans are underway for a second high school. But when asked if fewer refugees arrivals have eased the overcrowding, school administrators didn’t want to comment.

More here.
Next up: Catholic Bishops (big business headhunters) whine too!
***These are the nine supposed non-profit groups (LOL! Six are ‘religious charities’) that act as headhunters for big business which welcomes the cheap, compliant labor (refugees can’t go home and don’t know how to complain!).
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services!  From most recent accounting, here.

Another Uzbek refugee on trial on terror charges

I’m getting sick of these Uzbek refugees who should never have been admitted to the US under questionable circumstances in the first place—both George W. Bush and Obama were doing it!
Uzbekistan is a Muslim country, supposedly moderate, so the refugees we got are apparently the trouble makers the moderate government wanted removed.  Our Presidents said, sure we’ll take care of it for you.
This isn’t going to be a thorough post of Uzbek terrorists because I want to move on this morning, however I see just last month an Uzbek Islamic terrorist pleaded guilty to killing five in a Sweden truck attack.
Ten days ago we reported on Uzbek convicted terrorist Fazliddin Kurbanov who was found guilty of trying to kill a California prison warden (tried to behead him!).***

Trump and Turnbull
Trump agreed to take Australia’s rejected refugees, why?

My Uzbek archive is here.
Someone should write a book! See if you can get the Dept. of State and the CIA to cough up the real story on why we brought so many Uzbek fake ‘refugees’ to the US and distributed them around the country.

BTW, one of my major complaints with the US Refugee Admissions Program is that we aren’t picking the most needy people to be our refugees, we often use the program for extracurricular foreign policy objectives.  

Trump is doing it with the “dumb” Australia deal.  Bush did it with Uzbeks and Meskhetians. Before him Clinton did it with Albanians. Obama continued the Uzbek flow, and was doing it with Central Americans among others.
jamshid-muhtorov-bakhtiyor-jumaev (1)
Here is some news on Bahktiyor Jumaev and his alleged former Islamic jihadist roommate Jamshid Muhtorov—refugees who should never have been here!
From Breitbart:
(hat tip: Chris)

The trial for a refugee from Uzbekistan charged with providing material support to a terrorist organization by wiring money to the “Islamic Jihad Union” (IJU) began in Denver, Colorado, on Thursday.

Prosecutors claim Bahktiyor Jumaev developed a closeness with fellow Uzbek Jamshid Muhtorov when the pair shared an apartment and that the two men discussed joining the IJU through phone calls and emails by using code words such as “wedding” to describe jihad.

“It’s a crime to send money or property to a terrorist organization,” said prosecutor Gregory Holloway at a courthouse in Denver. “That’s why we’re here.”


In January, Jumaev’s lawyers asked a judge not to allow the prosecution to show jurors a video showing the beheading of FBI agents found on Muhtorov’s computer.

“There is no evidence that Mr. Jumaev viewed any or most of the Muhtorov electronic evidence, particularly the most violent ones,” the motion read.

Muhtorov was first arrested before boarding a flight in Chicago back in 2012 and is currently being tried separately. He has already served five years in jail without trial, and a decision last year to release him on bail was eventually reversed by a federal judge.

The men are two of a number Uzbek migrants charged with terrorism-related offenses in the past year. Last August, 22-year-old Uzbek-American Abror Habibo pled guilty to charges of agreeing to fund terrorist activity, after buying another man a plane ticket to Syria in order to join the Islamic State.

Uzbek migrant Sayfullo Saipov also faces charges of terrorist after carrying out a truck attack that killed eight people and injured at least a dozen others in the city’s deadliest attack since 9/11.

***Breitbart forgot to mention Fazliddin Kurbanov. The pair in Colorado were sending money supposedly, Kurbanov was actually planning bombings and tried to kill the prison warden.
And, don’t you wonder why Jamshid Muhtorov hasn’t gone to trial yet?