Regarding South Africa: Trump has thousands of African refugee slots available

Ann Coulter, Mark Steyn and Tucker Carlson have all gone to bat this week for the white South African farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been threatened by the black South African government now in power in the nation the International Left dubbed the “Rainbow Nation.”
Here is Ann Coulter on twitter yesterday tweeting out a link to a story about the exploding tragedy for whites in S.A. by Leo Hohmann at VDARE.  Hohmann reports that the President does have the power to arrange for an emergency declaration for the clearly persecuted farmers.
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However, he doesn’t even need any emergency declaration because in his Presidential Determination for Fiscal Year 2018, here, you can see in the graph below that he has 19,000 slots allocated for the resettlement of African refugees to the US.

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45,000 is the cap set by the President last September, at the present rate of admissions, the US might reach about 21,000 total from the whole world for the year.

And, below, from Wrapsnet you can see that 5 months in to the fiscal year, only 3,188 have been allotted from Africa.
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In that same report, we learn that the State Department wants to pluck mostly Somalis out of the xenophobic South Africa (S.A. blacks have been terrorizing blacks from elsewhere in Africa who believed the Rainbow Nation propaganda and went there for a better life only to be attacked by the S.A. blacks.)
US State Department in September of 2017:

From Southern Africa, we expect to admit 1,500 refugees – primarily Somalis from South Africa and Congolese from Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

(Checking Wrapsnet I see that we have processed in to the US 60 ‘refugees’ from South Africa in the last 5 months—surely no white refugees or we would have heard about it.)
See where the UN’s interest in S.A. lies….
Their only concern seems to be xenophobia (African blacks persecuting other blacks):

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Xenophobia in the Rainbow Nation! Say it isn’t so!


Church World Service to the rescue?

As I told you in my first post this morning, federal refugee contractor Church World Service (71% funded involuntarily by you) has an office in Johannesburg in conjunction with the US State Department and the UNHCR.
Seems like a no-brainer that the office could be directed (by the new Secretary of State Pompeo) to start processing the white South Africans (there is plenty of evidence that they are being persecuted due to their race).
For those in the refugee industry who say that refugees must have left the country of their persecution before consideration, that whole concept is out the window now since we have processed Iraqis directly from Iraq.  We were processing Cubans from an office in Cuba and right now we are bringing in Ukrainians (1,027 so far this fiscal year) directly from Ukraine.

Bottomline, if the President wanted to do it, he could just tell the State Department to shift its priorities for resettlement and use some of the remaining 15,812 slots from Africa for white South Africans.

We will be watching to see if the federal refugee contractors, the big nine below, will push for the Christian whites to be resettled in America, after all they will be paid by the head for their work, so why not?
The nine federal contractors….
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services!  From most recent accounting, here.


Australia might save some of the white South Africans

Saying they deserve a place in a “civilized” country, Home Affairs Secretary, Peter Dutton, said the Australian government is looking for ways using humanitarian/refugee avenues to move some of the hardworking South African whites out of the increasingly violent racist ‘Rainbow’ Nation—South Africa.
If you are new to the story, see my previous post here about a petition (19,000 have signed so far) to bring some to the United States.
From The Guardian:

Australia considers fast-track visas for white South African farmers

White South African farmers “deserve special attention” from Australia due to the “horrific circumstances” of land seizures and violence, Peter Dutton has said.

The home affairs minister told the Daily Telegraph on Wednesday his department was examining a range of methods to fast-track their path to Australia on humanitarian or other visa programs.

South Africa’s new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, is pursuing a policy of appropriating farm lands without compensation for redistribution to black South Africans.

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Free speech! South African style….

The policy has led to reports, including in the Australian media, that white farmers are being murdered at a rate of more than one per week.

“If you look at the footage and read the stories, you hear the accounts, it’s a horrific circumstance they face,” Dutton said.

The home affairs minister noted Australia has refugee, humanitarian and other visa programs which have the “potential to help some of these people”. He said he had asked his department to look at the options “because from what I have seen they do need help from a civilised country like ours”.

“The people we’re talking about want to work hard, they want to contribute to a country like Australia,” Dutton said.

“We want people who want to come here, abide by our laws, integrate into our society, work hard, not lead a life on welfare. And I think these people deserve special attention and we’re certainly applying that special attention now.” [They definitely do not want those Muslim illegal aliens that the Trump Administration is taking off Australia’s hands, however.—-ed]

More here.
I have many posts on South Africa over the years about how the Marxist country has become increasingly xenophobic and racist with South African blacks working toward a nation for only their own people Click here for my South Africa archive.
It is astounding to me that we take hundreds of black Africans—mostly Somalis—as refugees from South Africa, but not the whites.
That may change as a movement is growing to pressure the Trump Administration to include white South Africans in the 19,000 refugees we are expected to take from the continent this fiscal year.
Did you know that refugee contractor Church World Service is working with the UN and the US State Department in Johannesburg to move Africans of all stripes that South Africa doesn’t want (so far not the white ones!) to Your Town, USA?  I wonder if whites are showing up there to apply for refugee status?

Hungary working to build anti-invasion alliance

Everyone knows this can’t continue…..

More Invasion of Europe news….
In light of recent election results in Austria and Italy, Hungary and Poland are working to build a new coalition that seeks to preserve Western values and Christianity in Europe.
Before I get to that Reuters story, see Patrick Buchanan here who astutely comments on what people are willing to fight for (and I hope and pray he is right!):

Who owns the future? Who will decide the fate of the West?

The problem of the internationalists is that the vision they have on offer—a world of free trade, open borders and global government—are constructs of the mind that do not engage the heart.

Men will fight for family, faith and country.

But how many will lay down their lives for pluralism and diversity? Who will fight and die for the Eurozone and EU?

Now here is Reuters on the latest development from Europe and those who know history and want to save Europe!

BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungary aims to coordinate more closely on refugee policy with Austria and Italy after elections there boosted anti-migrant parties, broadening an alliance of EU states focused on internal security.

Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Monday that the approach to migration of the Vienna government and the center-right in Italy was very similar to the bloc’s central European member states.

winged hussars 2
The Poles, the Hungarians and the Austrians are remembering history! And, I bet so are the Muslims!

“So it is obvious that we will work together in the future,” he told Reuters in an interview.

“This is not against the western part of Europe, this is against migration, and this is in favor of our interests because we put security first.”

A bitter row over migration policy sparked by the biggest influx of refugees into the European Union since World War Two has undermined trust within the bloc and weakened its unity, with its eastern states refusing to sign up to a quota system favored by several richer members to the west and north.

In refusing to accept Muslim refugees, Hungary and its neighbors in the Visegrad group – the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia – have cited security concerns and the desire to preserve the traditional Christian make-up of their societies.

Upcoming election—Trump should invite him to White House!

[Hungarian PM Viktor] Orban has been one of the EU’s hardliners on migration and is campaigning on a fierce anti-immigration agenda ahead of Hungary’s own national election on April 8, when he will seek a third term in office.

More from Reuters here.
And go here for my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive and don’t miss my earlier post this morning about the invasion from Africa.

European rescue boats rushed to Libyan coast to pick up migrant invaders, took them to Sicily

Invasion of Europe…..
This is just a tiny peek at the monstrous Mediterranean ‘refugee rescue’ scam that has been going on for years with the mainstream media playing along.
Although this news is from last year, it is a topic we have not adequately covered.

Golfo Azzuro
The Golfo Azzurro sitting low in the water, packed to the gills with Africans ferried to Europe.

Here is what you need to know about the ‘rescue’ ferry—-Golfo Azzurro (one of several).

In June 2016 the Golfo Azzurro has invited the ‘Boat Refuge Foundation’, a Dutch foundation, to go for a search & rescue for saving boat refugees in the Mediterranean Sea. The vessel is managed by Adrian J. Sonneveld, Captain and shipmanager. The Search & Rescue operation is managed by the Italian Coastguard. Golfo Azzuro will be operated under the Panama Flag. The Boat Refuge Foundation will charter the vessel for a symbolic price. The board of the Golfo Azzurro Foundation based in Rotterdam.

The ‘refugee rescuers,’ apparently including the Italian government at its height of operation, wanted you to think that they were intercepting the migrant boats close to the European coast when in fact they were picking up, the mostly economic migrants (not refugees!), only a few miles off the Libyan coast.
One brave researcher shows you in his youtube video how he can prove that so-called rescue ships like the Golfo Azzurro were actually literally acting as ferry boats. He purchased a ship tracking service and in this shot he shows how close the Boat Refugee Foundation’s ship went to the African coast.
Below is a screenshot from Luca Donadel’s damning video (we missed it last year!).  Go here to to see it all. (English subtitles).
Luca youtube
Coming to your town!
And, if you think this is Europe’s problem, think again. First, what is happening in Europe dooms Western Civilization, but bringing it closer to home…. Do you see Malta in there (tiny island nation below Sicily)? The US regularly (illegally in my opinion) is picking up hundreds of the migrants there annually and taking them to Your Town, USA.
And we are still doing it!
I have followed the Malta air lift for years and checking Wrapsnet this week, I see that we have taken 53 illegal migrants who landed on Malta to America as full-fledged refugees in the first months of FY18 (under Trump!).
See my huge Malta archive here.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. Don’t miss my many posts on Hillary’s role in the destabilization of Libya, the launch pad for the invasion.

Special Immigrant Visas for Afghans help refugee contractors stay afloat

I heard recently that the refugee resettlement agencies (the big nine)*** which the State Department contracts to place refugees in your towns and cities were busy resettling ‘interpreters’ from Afghanistan and those federal payments were helping keep them financially afloat.
So…I checked some numbers at Wrapsnet and was amazed by what I saw.  Sure enough we are bringing in Afghans at an astounding rate.

From FY08 to FY18 we have admitted 49,358 ‘interpreters’ from Afghanistan and that number does not include their spouses and children. Holy cow!

Were there really nearly 50,000 people doing translation work for us? (And, more to come!) 
I know I can hear it now—-shouldn’t we take care of those who helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan (while we were helping their countries!), but really, 50,000 and more!  (I think you can also surmise from this flood of supposedly friendlies out of Afghanistan that we are done there, but that is a story for another blog.)

Know that our usual bunch of federal contractors are paid to place those ‘refugees’ as well.

Poster boy for Iraqis who helped Americans! Jasim Ramadon doing 28 years to life for brutal rape.

I early on wrote about the Special Immigrant Visa program for Iraqis that ol’ Ted Kennedy got placed in a Defense Authorization bill in the dark of night in 2006, but have never followed it closely. (Numbers of slots available were low. For comparison, we admitted 18,084 ‘interpreters’ from Iraq during the same time period we have admitted nearly 50,000 Afghans!).
However, I see this morning that Donald Trump, when signing the Defense Authorization bill for FY18, also signed in to law a new Afghan Special Immigrant Visa program which permits the entrance to the US of thousands more Afghans in that category.
Read all about it here, and note that the ‘interpreters’ don’t even have to have been employed directly by the US government! They could have been working for allies and presumably NGOs too!  
(I have something else I have to do today, so this is just your intro. to this under-the-radar push for more Middle Easterners to be distributed around the US.)
Here are screenshots of a few pieces of the data at Wrapsnet.

Below is the top of the data sheet on our Afghan admissions.

Circled in red is the column for Special Immigrant Visas compared to the number of regular refugees from that country.  On the fourth line down, that is California which is obviously being flooded.
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This is the bottom half of the same data chart:

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Refugee numbers (column one) are relatively low for Afghanistan, but the SIV numbers (column two) are huge!

See that in Trump’s first (partial) year in office (FY17) we admitted an astounding 16,866 ‘interpreters’ and in this fiscal year (2018) to March 5th we have already admitted 7,017! Again those numbers do not include spouses and children.
To conclude, although the regular refugee numbers are way down as we reported here.

8,583 refugees have been admitted in 5 months.

You can add to that another 7,017 paying SIV clients (and their families!) for the VOLAGs (resettlement contractors) to place in your towns.  (There are also ‘interpreters’ still coming in from Iraq, but numbers are much lower now.)
***Here are the nine federal refugee contractors. They have been complaining as their regular paying client numbers (refugees) have declined, but it seems they have some taxpayer supplied funds coming in with this huge push to bring in Afghan ‘interpreters’ and their families.
The original Refugee Act of 1980, that set up this monstrosity, envisioned a public-private partnership that over the years has almost completely morphed in to a federal program.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.