Courtroom outburst in Utah refugee murder case halts proceedings

I had wondered what ever happened in the case of the little Burmese girl murdered in March 2008 by a fellow refugee in a Salt Lake City housing complex for refugees.  Hat tip: a friend from the UK. Yesterday, all those assembled in the courtroom, expecting to hear the accused murderer plead guilty and be … Continue reading Courtroom outburst in Utah refugee murder case halts proceedings

Refugee murder suspect appeared in court yesterday

Update April 12, 2008:   Catholic Community Services that resettled the child’s family makes a statement. This is an update of the story we have been following in Utah (read the latest at the Salt Lake Tribune).  It’s the sad case of the Burmese Karen Christian girl who was allegedly raped and murdered by another refugee, 21-year-old Esar … Continue reading Refugee murder suspect appeared in court yesterday

Refugee girl murdered in Utah

 Update April 5, 2008:  Police chief speaks with refugee community: Update April 4, 2008:   More on this tragedy here and here . Update April 3, 2008:  Here is a more detailed article from yesterday that confirms the suspect is also a refugee.  Read all the comments.  A 7-year-old Burmese Karen girl was found murdered in a … Continue reading Refugee girl murdered in Utah

540 Local Elected Officials Tell Trump to Open Refugee Pipeline

I told you here that the refugee industry was working on a letter to the President urging him to get the refugee flow into America moving again. Yesterday they sent the letter with 540 signatories. Says Amnesty International: By signing this letter, these elected officials have joined together to voice their commitment to welcoming refugees … Continue reading 540 Local Elected Officials Tell Trump to Open Refugee Pipeline