UNHCR opens refugee pow-wow in Geneva tomorrow, plans for America’s refugees

And, they are going to be planning for America to get more Muslims.  Well, they don’t say it exactly that way, but that is the gist of it. Here is the press briefing from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (on the “consultation”).  I wonder how many American bureaucrats and NGOs on the taxpayer’s dime … Continue reading UNHCR opens refugee pow-wow in Geneva tomorrow, plans for America’s refugees

Dutch arrest 12 Somalis in alleged Christmas terror plot

Update December 27th: Five of the 12 are released, here. Update: This Somali publication claims the Dutch authorities caught a big fish, here. Several readers sent me this story yesterday. When these events occur, I wonder whether the citizens of Holland say to themselves, maybe Geert Wilders (stop Muslim immigration to the Netherlands) has a … Continue reading Dutch arrest 12 Somalis in alleged Christmas terror plot

Comment worth noting: the German approach to society

We received the following comment from “Whatever” in response to a post from January on a German home-schooling family receiving asylum in the U.S.: The reason why the Germans are so against home schooling is because they have a different philosophy. Germany is a free country, yet is has gun control. That is not a contradiction, as Germans … Continue reading Comment worth noting: the German approach to society