Advocacy group says U.S. is failing to expedite Iraqi refugees who helped U.S.

A press release from Human Rights First states: Only 4,200 Iraqis with U.S. ties have made it to the United States since 2003, though at least 20,000 have applied, and the number of U.S.-affiliated Iraqis may be as high as 146,000, according to a new report issued today by a leading human rights group. The … Continue reading Advocacy group says U.S. is failing to expedite Iraqi refugees who helped U.S.

Comment worth noting: Why are Iraqi refugees given more than the local poor American?

That is the gist of a reader’s comment we posted yesterday here.  Msdreamgirlusa is commenting on a post from late last year about refugees going to Ohio and so I’m posting it here now so it won’t be lost at an old post you likely wouldn’t see. Her comment demonstrates a point we have made over … Continue reading Comment worth noting: Why are Iraqi refugees given more than the local poor American?

UN says 5,000 Iraqi refugees are coming to U.S.

I don’t know where these refugees fit into our overall program, but a report from Syria says: Around 12,000 Iraqi refugees living in Syria will be resettled in Europe and the United States, according to an official from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Germany, the US, Canada,The Netherlands and other countries, have agreed to … Continue reading UN says 5,000 Iraqi refugees are coming to U.S.

Comment worth noting: Why do we “resent” Iraqi refugees?

Here is a comment from reader Liz posted at our fact sheets link above. I volunteer for the List Project, which resettles Iraqi refugees who worked for the U.S. government in Iraq as translators, doctors, engineers, to name a few. As a result of their association with Americans, they are hunted, killed, and have their … Continue reading Comment worth noting: Why do we “resent” Iraqi refugees?