So the State Department knows there are unhappy Iraqi refugees here

What are they going to do about it, apparently not much! This is an exchange at the State Department’s daily press briefing yesterday about Iraqi refugees unhappiness and desire to go home to Iraq.  QUESTION: Do you have an update, perhaps, on Iraqi refugees asked about from yesterday?*  Specifically, what can the U.S. Government do … Continue reading So the State Department knows there are unhappy Iraqi refugees here

Is Obama abandoning the Iraqi refugees?

From the Pro Publica website comes news that Obama has changed our policy towards Iraq in more ways than militarily. Pro Publica describes itself as “an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest.” “Public interest” is usually a code word for leftist, and this group is funded by the Sandler Foundation, which … Continue reading Is Obama abandoning the Iraqi refugees?

Christian Iraqi refugees in U.S. probably will not return

Two Chaldean bishops told Catholic News Service (CNS) that Iraqi Christians will not return, although conditions in Iraq have improved. “No one in the United States will go back to Iraq or the Middle East because the future for children, (opportunities for) education and life are better here,” said Chaldean Bishop Ibrahim N. Ibrahim [of … Continue reading Christian Iraqi refugees in U.S. probably will not return