Refugee News Round-up: First Week of April 2021

“Biden’s delay on welcoming refugees has been a huge disappointment for refugee advocates.” (Boston Globe columnist, Marcela García) The refugee news from the last week primarily revolves around two main themes—the ‘children’ surging across the US border and where to put them before releasing them into the country; and why Biden has yet to sign … Continue reading Refugee News Round-up: First Week of April 2021

Refugee News Round-up: Third Week of March 2021

I’ll begin this week with high praise for Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene who introduced legislation in the House of Representatives that calls for a moratorium on immigration. It will go nowhere, but she deserves much praise for doing something the Republicans rarely do—she went on the offense!    The foolish GOP chickens, time and … Continue reading Refugee News Round-up: Third Week of March 2021

Denmark Telling Syrian Refugees that it is Time to Go Home!

Human rights activists, of course, condemn such action! Invasion of Europe News… Remember this story from 2006 as you read about how those mean Danes want to send Syrians home! In 2006, Syrians in Damascus torched the Danish embassy over those Mohammed cartoons.  And, yet now Danes are expected to welcome and pay for the … Continue reading Denmark Telling Syrian Refugees that it is Time to Go Home!

New Public Charge Rule Does Not Apply to Refugees or Special Immigrants from Afghanistan or Iraq

I’ve reported this news previously, but still get questions about it. It is wonderful that the President is making it harder for people who would be a burden on our social services (aka welfare system) to stay in the US, but the new rule does not apply to perhaps the heaviest users of our social … Continue reading New Public Charge Rule Does Not Apply to Refugees or Special Immigrants from Afghanistan or Iraq

Summer of Discontent for US Catholic Bishops! Why? Trump Not Listening to Them!

The filthy rich US Conference of Catholic Bishops is at odds with the Trump Administration over immigration policy—so what else is new! Here is a long (too long) recitation of everything the President is doing to annoy Catholic Bishops, but one thing is missing and that is that the Trump Administration has reduced by tens … Continue reading Summer of Discontent for US Catholic Bishops! Why? Trump Not Listening to Them!