Senators push for more “temporary” refugees—Syrians this time

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) has turned into a joke.  Maybe there were good intentions behind the idea of giving “temporary” refuge to people in the US (legally or ILLEGALLY) when their home country was embroiled in war or had been recently hit by a natural disaster, but now it has become one more backdoor amnesty. … Continue reading Senators push for more “temporary” refugees—Syrians this time

“Temporary” refugee indicted in Massachusetts on charges of lying to stay in US

No, can you believe it!  The Salvadoran is alleged to have lied on his application for Temporary Protected Status in order to stay in the US.  Imagine that! From Reuters: WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (Reuters) – A former Salvadoran military officer allegedly linked to the murder of six Jesuit priests during El Salvador’s civil war was … Continue reading “Temporary” refugee indicted in Massachusetts on charges of lying to stay in US

Learn all you need to know to get legal immigration status for Haitians

That’s right, for a flat price of $99 you can participate in a phone seminar to learn all the inside skinny on how to get Haitians Temporary Protected Status.  The seminar announced today at Immigration Daily appears to be geared to lawyers in the immigration industry who are working all the angles on Haitians. Here is … Continue reading Learn all you need to know to get legal immigration status for Haitians

Tom Tancredo: Temporary refugees never go home

Thanks to Susan for sending this opinion piece by former US Representative Tom Tancredo regarding Temporary Protected Status for, most recently, Haitians.  We told you about the Obama Administration decision here. From World Net Daily: Like most “emergency” programs set up by government, the benefits of gaining “Temporary Protected Status,” or TPS, as a refugee do … Continue reading Tom Tancredo: Temporary refugees never go home