Obama must be getting ready to give temporary refugee status to Guatemalans

It’s called Temporary Protected Status and we’ve talked about it many times on these pages.  So what makes me think so?  I wrote a post about Guatemalans wanting TPS, here, at my other blog and just in the last two days dozens and dozens of readers are arriving there by googling the subject and finding … Continue reading Obama must be getting ready to give temporary refugee status to Guatemalans

Thousands of Syrians apply for “temporary” stay in the US

We reported earlier this year that the Obama Administration had granted “Temporary Protected Status” to Syrians already in the US.  They could be here for any of a myriad reasons, or indeed be here illegally, but now they won’t be required to return to Syria (forever!). One could argue that we do need to give … Continue reading Thousands of Syrians apply for “temporary” stay in the US

A quarter of a million “temporary refugees” seek permanent resident status now

I’ve mention the Temporary Protected Status program on many occasions on these pages.  Readers need to know that a quarter of a million Central American illegal aliens living in the US are now making a push to be granted permanent resident status.   Here is a post I wrote two days ago at Potomac Tea Party … Continue reading A quarter of a million “temporary refugees” seek permanent resident status now

Obama says yes to MORE “temporary” refugees—Syrians

Thanks to a reader for sending this, I had missed it yesterday. The Obama Administration has agreed to let Syrians who are in the US now for any reason—students, tourists, illegal aliens, etc—stay basically forever.  They call it “Temporary” Protected Status and we told you that Non-profits (which will surely get something financial out of … Continue reading Obama says yes to MORE “temporary” refugees—Syrians