“Temporary” refugee should get legal residency says 6th Circuit Court of Appeals

And, we should strike the word “alien” from the US Code says Senior Judge Damon J. Keith. I thought this story might just contain a little nugget of information on ‘Temporary Protected Status‘—another backdoor amnesty program for aliens who got into the US illegally and then because of a storm (decades ago!) or an earthquake … Continue reading “Temporary” refugee should get legal residency says 6th Circuit Court of Appeals

Obama extends TEMPORARY “refugee” status to Hondurans and Nicaraguans

Josh Gerstein writing at Politico nails it when discussing our ludicrously-named backdoor immigration program—Temporary Protected Status. Here is Gerstein’s most “undercovered” story of the week!  (Emphasis mine): My candidate for undercovered news story of the week: the extension of TPS for immigrants potentially subject to deportation to Honduras or Nicaragua. What’s TPS? Unheard of in … Continue reading Obama extends TEMPORARY “refugee” status to Hondurans and Nicaraguans

Menendez: ‘Temporary refugees’ should have a path to citizenship

Yes, that is from the beleaguered New Jersey Senator, Robert  Menendez now facing corruption charges.  Could that Gang of Eight soon become the Gang of Seven? The story about immigrants with Temporary Protected Status wanting to become citizens (because honestly they are already permanent!) needs some clarification before you read it. A migrant with TPS … Continue reading Menendez: ‘Temporary refugees’ should have a path to citizenship

Feds want more Haitians to sign up for “temporary” refugee program

I wondered why I was seeing notices about new registration periods for Temporary Protected Status for Haitians, and I had noticed mentions of Hurricane Sandy and wondered how that affected Haitians in the US illegally (or already on TPS). Here, in late December, David North writing at the Center for Immigration Studies blog tells us … Continue reading Feds want more Haitians to sign up for “temporary” refugee program