In Order to Boost Refugee Numbers, Church World Service Wants New Way to Admit Them

Anyone can be a refugee!

Instead of student visas (that have an expiration date) for college age foreigners, they want refugee status for them. And, that means besides a free ride to college they would get “services” to support them (and of course would never be expected to leave!).

Services means social services like housing, medical care, and food all supplied by you, the US taxpayer.

If they got their way, students like Khaled Awad who stabbed a rabbi in Boston last week, would not have to leave the country when a student visa expired, as it did for this creep.

Egyptian man charged in Boston rabbi stabbing overstayed student visa, was in US illegally: ICE

Check it out at Fox News. 

Now, here is Crux (a Catholic publication) reporting on Church World Service’s plan.

They are busy, busy, busy finding new ways to get more refugees into the US!

Church group seeks ‘educational pathways’ for refugees to reach America

NEW YORK – A new report from a faith-based organization calls for the federal government to create educational pathways for refugees to resettle in the U.S., as the Biden administration looks to rebuild the nation’s refugee resettlement program.

The report, from international faith-based advocacy organization Church World Service, was published July 1. It focuses on four steps for the Biden Administration, the first of which would be granting refugees admitted into the U.S. to pursue higher education refugee status, which would provide them more robust and longer-term protections than temporary student visas.


In April, however, Biden received backlash after he announced he would not increase the refugee admissions cap from the 15,000. The president then backtracked on that decision a month later and raised the cap to 62,500, with a goal of resettling 125,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 2022.

The Church World Service report notes that rebuilding the refugee resettlement program to that capacity is not an easy task. Therefore, it argues, it will be important for the Biden administration to consider complementary pathways, which “places focus on exploring ways to open educational, employment, family reunification, and other humanitarian pathways to refugees.”

Under an education pathway, the report says that these students “would be selected on the basis of their educational qualifications, in addition to their need for protection and a durable solution.”


President Trump attempted to give some power to state and local governments to determine resettlement in their states. CWS, and here Erol Kekic, sued the Trump administration because they (partnering with the feds) want to continue to decide which cities and states will get which refugees.


The United States has some of the best universities in the world, [and] they deserve students who can bring new, invigorating perspectives to their classrooms,” Erol Kekic, senior vice president of Church World Service’s Immigration and Refugee Program, said in a statement.

Now get this!  These new types of ‘refugee’ would not count in the annual cap—a cap expected to be set in September at 125,000!

That said, the report also argues that the Biden administration should count refugees admitted into the U.S. through an education, or other complementary pathway, separately than those admitted on humanitarian grounds. Instead, the report argues, it should increase admissions.


It suggests that the U.S. government establish a separate target number of refugees to admit in addition to the 125,000 person goal anticipated to be set for the upcoming fiscal year.

“Educational pathways must not compete with humanitarian-based resettlement, and any educational or other complementary pathway should be designed to ensure that this separation is maintained,” the report continues.

Other steps Church World Service suggests the Biden administration take to implement an educational pathway include working with resettlement agencies to make sure student-refugees have the core services in place to excel as new Americans and students.

That last bit means that the contractors (aka resettlement agencies) get paid by taxpayers to help the student refugees (clients!) get their services!

One of my favorite pics of all time. The ‘Christians’ of CWS.

If you are new to RRW, here (below) are the nine major refugee contractors licking their chops about the money that will flow to them as Biden opens the refugee spigot.

And, for ambitious readers I have a huuuge archive on Church World Service partly because it was that contractor that ‘inspired’ me to write this blog in the first place back in 2007!

It was CWS that wanted to change my county by changing the people.


Former Career State Department Employee Says Fraud is Rampant in US Resettlement Program

Recently we reported on the news from Reuters that a massive fraud investigation is underway involving the admission of Iraqi so-called ‘refugees’ to the US.

State Department Admits Massive Fraud in Iraqi Refugee Program

Now a former State Department officer comes forward with a first hand account of the Iraqi fraud and charges that the entire program involving refugees from many continents is riddled with fraud.

Mary Doetsch at the Washington Examiner (emphasis is mine):

The Iraqi refugee fraud is just one of many scandals

The State Department’s recent admission that thousands of Iraqis likely filed fraudulent refugee applications for resettlement in the United States is not a surprise. Instead, the actual shock is that the State Department is finally admitting to what has long been known.

Disturbingly, in terms of the fraud-laden U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, history is simply repeating itself — as it appears that the massive deception inherent in the Iraqi resettlement program can no longer be willfully ignored. According to the Reuters report, U.S. authorities are pursuing what they termed a “sweeping fraud investigation” of potentially more than 100,000 Iraqis. At least 500 Iraqis have already entered the U.S. as “refugees,” while tens of thousands of others are pending resettlement.

The inquiry, although being called one of the “biggest fraud investigations in recent history,” is only one in a long line of resettlement scandals. As early as the 1990s, fraudulent refugee claims were commonplace in the in-country refugee program in Cuba, which ultimately resettled more than 90,000 Cubans, and among the over 36,000 Somalis who entered the U.S. in the early 2000s under false identities. Similarly, as many as 1,700 individuals who posed as Burmese “refugees” gained fraudulent entry into our country a decade later by falsifying their own data or using the personal information of other persons. To date, at least for the Somalis, it appears that none of these fraudsters have been prosecuted or deported despite violating federal law and swindling the refugee program.

These are but a few of the scandals that have plagued the USRAP since its inception more than 40 years ago. Sadly, the refugee resettlement industry, which morphed into a numbers-driven, financially motivated business, grew blindly at the expense of the public and our national security. During my eight years as a State Department refugee admissions coordinator who served throughout the Middle East, Africa, Russia, and Cuba, I saw firsthand the flagrant abuses and scams that permeated the resettlement program. I witnessed widespread exploitation and misuse from identity fraud and marriage and family relation scams to private individuals profiting from their involvement in USRAP and the distortion of the actual refugee definition to ensure greater numbers of people who were simply migrants were admitted as refugees.

Is Hetfield saying that the ends justify the means?

Far too often, both the governmental and semiprivate power brokers within the industry consistently found ways to ignore, and at times cover up, the fraud and abuse.

Commenting on the Iraqi investigation, Mark Hetfield, the president of HIAS, one of the nine federally funded refugee contractors that implement refugee resettlement, called resettlement a scarce and valuable commodity.

“People … are going to do anything they can to access it,” he said to Reuters.

There is more, but please visit the Washington Examiner and help drive their numbers. 

One of my astute readers pointed out the failure in logic of this line from the June Reuters story:

A State Department spokesperson declined to comment on the scope of the investigation and internal government deliberations, but said the fraud scheme did not affect security vetting of refugees.

If they are finding that the Iraqi refugee wannabes are liars, then how do they know if “security vetting” is not affected.  Hmmmm!

See Doetsch’s earliest attempt (in a letter to the Chicago Tribune) to reveal the extent of the fraud she witnessed.  And, as far as I know, no one in authority in Congress or even in the Trump White House in 2017 had asked to debrief her.

Retired Dept. of State worker fully supports President Trump's efforts to rein-in refugee program

Somali and Rohingya Muslims Celebrate World Refugee Day in Greeley, Colorado

The “crowd?” The purpose of UN designated World Refugee Day events, like this one in Greeley, is to create a positive media spin, to generate  warm and fuzzy feelings as the Open Borders Left changes America by changing the people.


It wasn’t exactly a crowd in attendance at Greeley’s celebration of World Refugee Day on June 20th, and it really wouldn’t be worth writing about except for the fact that back in 2008 I created an entire category here at RRW to archive all of the news and controversy coming out of Greeley as the Somalis flowed in to work at massive meatpacking plants located in the area.

Meatpackers wanted the cheap refugee labor so desperately that they caved to demands for religious accommodation at many plants throughout the West and the Midwest.

I began following the controversy in my first year (2007) of writing this blog and today begins my 15th year.  Am I nuts?

There are 9,656 posts here at RRW, which I began publishing with my friend Judy in July of 2007. I surely would have hit the 10,000 mark if I hadn’t been deplatformed for awhile in 2019.

I can’t say I’ve accomplished much other than creating a massive archive.

My category entitled ‘Greeley/Swift/Somali controversy has 97 posts in it.  Anyone interested in writing a book about how giant globalist meat companies have changed America have their research done for them!

One little nugget I learned when I started writing about Greeley, which I visited in my 2016 travels to see meatpacking towns which experienced demographic change, was that Greeley has the dubious distinction of being considered the birthplace of Al Qaeda.


See for yourself!

Legacy of Islamic revolutionary’s hate haunts Greeley

I wrote about Greeley’s dubious role here in 2008:

Muslims in Greeley today and that city’s role in the birth of Al Qaeda

Enough of my trip down memory lane.

Here is the news about World Refugee Day with its focus on Somali refugee Abdi Adan who doesn’t work in a slaughter plant but works for the Lutherans to supply more Somali workers for globalist meatpackers in Colorado.

By the way, they are getting jazzed everywhere throughout the West as Biden promises 125,000 refugees from Asia, Africa and the Middle East will be admitted beginning in October.  See cheap labor needed in Idaho!

For new readers this is in addition to the millions flowing in illegally now.

From the Greeley Tribune:

Greeley community celebrates World Refugee Day with annual event at Delta Park

A day dedicated to inclusivity, diversity and celebration

A Somali man assisted by Lutheran Family Services in his resettlement to Greeley now has a job with the agency managing other refugees’ cases.

Abdi Adan was one of several refugees who shared their stories Sunday at the annual World Refugee Day Celebration at Delta Park in Greeley. Adan spoke of past hardships, spending 18 years in refugee camps in Kenya before moving to the United States with his family. His children were awarded citizenship in 2019.

Adan praised Lutheran Family Services for helping him resettle to the United States.

“Finally, I am very happy to be part of the LFS team who are dedicated to serve refugees,” Adan said Sunday. “My message to all refugees over the world, is to not give up hope no matter how long you struggle in refugee camps and just wait your chance for a better life.”

World Refugee Day is meant to make sure refugees know the community wants them, supports them and is a welcoming place for all different types of people, according to Immigrant and Refugee Center Executive Director Lisa Taylor.


The Greeley Tribune reports that about 50 people were in attendance to demonstrate that Greeley was “welcoming,” but one wonders where were the other 100,000 or so residents of the city.

And, by the way, it is worth mentioning the list of organizations putting on the party whose purpose was to continue to normalize the idea of changing the American heartland with the importation of diverse, and in this case, Muslim refugees.

Different organizations from the community — The Immigrant and Refugee Center, Lutheran Family Services, Soccer Without Borders, Trust For Public Land, the city of Greeley and High Plains Library District — collaborated to provide a memorable experience for attendees.

What the heck does the Trust for Public Land have to do with this?  They are a radical leftwing environmental group I know from my days of fighting to keep private lands out of the hands of the federal government.

Check out the pictures at the Greeley Tribune.

Sure looks like the “crowd” was mostly the volunteers for the groups putting on the event, but of course the newspaper is never going to tell you that!

Memory Lane: Refugee Criminals and Terrorists Through the Years

When reader Paul pointed out to me that in an opinion piece from Billings Montana entitled: “Guest opinion: Billings should welcome refugees in our community,” included this paragraph it sent me on a trip down memory lane (something I plan to do more of as my 14th year writing this blog begins on Thursday)!

It would be naïve to believe that all Montanans agree with us, but we suspect many concerns about refugee resettlement are rooted in misinformation. Refugees are distinct from those seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. Refugees come at the invitation of our federal government and, as a Heritage Foundation report notes, already “undergo more vetting than any other immigrants to the U.S.” It’s a credit to our government that not a single one of more than 3 million refugees resettled since the Refugee Act was signed in 1980 has taken the life of a U.S. citizen in a terrorist attack.

I don’t have the energy right now to go into the subject of the traitors at the Heritage Foundation or the fact that the UN picks our refugees, but I am sick to the death of the line I highlighted above.  And, never mind the fact that the Biden Administration is softening its stance on vetting after Trump put in place stricter vetting.

Note the qualifiers: “taken the life of a U.S. citizen in a terrorist attack.”  Well, they sure as hell have come close!  And, if you count the Boston Bombers who were refugees via the asylum system, they sure did kill Americans.

In 2010 a Somali refugee was arrested and ultimately convicted for planning a bomb attack on Portland’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

And, more importantly remember that some terrorist attacks were planned by refugees but thwarted before they could execute their plans.

Without a doubt, some refugees have, sure as hell, raped Americans and committed other violent crimes.

They have killed some of their own fellow refugees as well, but apparently the refugee apologists don’t care about whether they kill foreigners or their own family members.  I guess they don’t count!

Back in 2017 I put together a list of some refugee terror attack plans and included additional crimes perpetrated by the thoroughly “vetted” refugees!

(On some older posts that were initially lost when I was deplatformed a couple of years ago, the formatting isn’t the greatest, but the information is still there.)

Repost: Ten US cases of refugee Islamic terror arrests/convictions

Uzbek refugee sentenced to additional 20 years in prison for attempted murder

Ho hum! Another Somali stabbing, Minnesota this time (again)

In refugee-saturated North Carolina, Burmese refugee kills Burmese children in his neighborhood

Boston bomber family: maybe we shouldn’t have come to America

I have over 9,000 posts here at RRW, so I am sure there are other refugee criminal posts I’m missing above, but I think you get the drift.

And incidentally, a Somali refugee just went on a killing spree in Germany, so what makes anyone think this isn’t going to happen here:

Germany: Somali Refugee Kills Three Wounds Five in Obvious Islamic Terrorist Attack

The federal refugee contractors and their hundreds of subcontractors are out now frantically searching for new unsuspecting communities willing to ‘welcome’ some of Biden’s promised 125,000 refugees expected to begin arriving on October first of this year.

Thus you may see pieces in your local paper, like the one above from the Billings Gazette which are for the purpose of softening-up your town or city so citizens don’t resist their plans to change America by changing the people.

For new readers, here are the nine major contractors.  So far the International Rescue Committee has its hooks in Montana.


Germany: Somali Refugee Kills Three Wounds Five in Obvious Islamic Terrorist Attack

Update:  I went on a search this morning to see if US corporate media was reporting on this story. Not seeing much.  But, here is a publication that says he killed and wounded women, and one boy was injured.

As usual, even as it was reported that he shouted “Allahu Akbar” when he proceeded to knife to death perfect strangers, authorities were still reporting that his motive for the attack is unclear, and besides he is just another mentally impaired Somali doing what Somalis do!

The UK Daily Mail has their usual big spread including videos and photos of the horrific scenes in an iconic German city.

The Daily Mail says he was welcomed to Germany during the migrant invasion of 2015, so see this first!



(Before I hear from critics, I have no problem posting a video from RT!)

I like how the Daily Mail provides a summary right up front.

Keep reading for the gory details….

Revealed: Somali knifeman who killed three people at random while yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ in German terror attack ‘came to Europe as a refugee in 2015’ – amid praise for hero locals who tackled him

  • Police confirmed multiple fatalities after a mass stabbing in Wurzburg on Friday
  • The suspect has been identified as a 24-year-old Somali man living in Wurzburg
  • The Somali immigrant had moved to the German city of Wurzburg back in 2015
  • He was admitted to a psychiatric unit just a few days earlier, security official said
  • Videos showed pedestrians holding the attacker at bay with chairs and sticks [Because of course no citizen can carry a gun!—ed]

Here is the terrorist….at least he is dutifully wearing a facemask so as not to help spread the China virus.

See my Invasion of Europe archive by clicking here.

My files on the invasion go back at least ten years.