Germany: Somali Refugee Kills Three Wounds Five in Obvious Islamic Terrorist Attack

Update:  I went on a search this morning to see if US corporate media was reporting on this story. Not seeing much.  But, here is a publication that says he killed and wounded women, and one boy was injured.

As usual, even as it was reported that he shouted “Allahu Akbar” when he proceeded to knife to death perfect strangers, authorities were still reporting that his motive for the attack is unclear, and besides he is just another mentally impaired Somali doing what Somalis do!

The UK Daily Mail has their usual big spread including videos and photos of the horrific scenes in an iconic German city.

The Daily Mail says he was welcomed to Germany during the migrant invasion of 2015, so see this first!



(Before I hear from critics, I have no problem posting a video from RT!)

I like how the Daily Mail provides a summary right up front.

Keep reading for the gory details….

Revealed: Somali knifeman who killed three people at random while yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ in German terror attack ‘came to Europe as a refugee in 2015’ – amid praise for hero locals who tackled him

  • Police confirmed multiple fatalities after a mass stabbing in Wurzburg on Friday
  • The suspect has been identified as a 24-year-old Somali man living in Wurzburg
  • The Somali immigrant had moved to the German city of Wurzburg back in 2015
  • He was admitted to a psychiatric unit just a few days earlier, security official said
  • Videos showed pedestrians holding the attacker at bay with chairs and sticks [Because of course no citizen can carry a gun!—ed]

Here is the terrorist….at least he is dutifully wearing a facemask so as not to help spread the China virus.

See my Invasion of Europe archive by clicking here.

My files on the invasion go back at least ten years.

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