New excuse for asylum: Bad things could happen to me if I don’t join a gang in my home country

Oh brother,  here is a story reported by Brenda Walker at VDARE that we need to watch. It seems that the Mira youngsters (twin boys and a sister) were living with granny in El Salvador but claiming they might be made to join MS-13 or have bad things happen to them if they didn’t, they … Continue reading New excuse for asylum: Bad things could happen to me if I don’t join a gang in my home country

UN temporarily halts refugee program for Burmese, suspects fraud?

This story comes from a blog (Art of Patience Free Burma) and I didn’t find it on official websites so I cannot verify this report.   However, sources knowledgeable about these camps have told me privately that fraud is occurring and people not eligible to enter the US are doing so. The United Nations refugee agency, … Continue reading UN temporarily halts refugee program for Burmese, suspects fraud?