Rape case against French official crumbles; lies on asylum application partially responsible

Update July 2:  Asylum seeker was a hooker, here.  I wonder how she got into the US in the first place?  New English Review has a story today too, here.  Case shows dark underbelly of African asylum seeking world, here. Update:   Just received Debbie Schlussel’s much juicier post on this story, here. You would have … Continue reading Rape case against French official crumbles; lies on asylum application partially responsible

Comment worth noting: Brits to stop “insensitive” DNA testing of African asylum claimants

From time to time we receive comments that merit attention on page one and this is one such comment. Received from the “Opinionator” to this post from yesterday about how Somalis and others cheat their way into the UK. It’s bad enough the people of the UK (and particularly England) are being trampled by incoming … Continue reading Comment worth noting: Brits to stop “insensitive” DNA testing of African asylum claimants

Going bonkers in Britain over genetic testing of asylum seekers

From the Associated Press: LONDON — Britain is using genetic tests on some African asylum seekers in an effort to catch those who are lying about their nationality, drawing criticism from scientists and provoking outrage from rights groups. The United Kingdom Border Agency launched the pilot project in September amid suspicions there might be a … Continue reading Going bonkers in Britain over genetic testing of asylum seekers