Tsarnaev grant of asylum steams Bill O’Reilly

O’Reilly:  Why are we supporting questionable foreign folks? (LOL! He doesn’t know the half of it!) I’m an ‘occasional’ fan of O’Reilly, and happened to catch part of his show last night when he used Alan Colmes as a punching bag about the Boston Bomber family’s reported $100,000 dip into the pockets of American taxpayers. … Continue reading Tsarnaev grant of asylum steams Bill O’Reilly

Canada making an effort to get rid of refugee frauds, including those who are already citizens

Can you imagine such an effort here in the US?  I can’t.  But, I guess they have had enough of asylum abuse north of the border. From the National Post: The government wants more money to crack down on so-called bogus refugees and others who may be inadmissible to Canada on security grounds, according to … Continue reading Canada making an effort to get rid of refugee frauds, including those who are already citizens

The New York Times addresses the great American asylum scam

Well, well, what do you know the New York Times published a feature story on asylum fraud yesterday (Hat tip: Judy)—never thought I would see the day!  I’m guessing it would have  been a glaring omission on the Times part in the wake of the fake allegations against DSK by an immigration fraudster, here. The … Continue reading The New York Times addresses the great American asylum scam