Tsarnaev grant of asylum steams Bill O’Reilly

O’Reilly:  Why are we supporting questionable foreign folks?

(LOL! He doesn’t know the half of it!)

I’m an ‘occasional’ fan of O’Reilly, and happened to catch part of his show last night when he used Alan Colmes as a punching bag about the Boston Bomber family’s reported $100,000 dip into the pockets of American taxpayers.

If O’Reilly continues to investigate the refugee/asylum system, I will be his number one fan!

Mediaite has the story and the clip:

Bill O’Reilly kicked off his show tonight expressing outrage with the mother of Boston bombing suspects the Tsarnaev brothers for accusing the United States of a conspiracy to frame and kill her children, when her family has been taking more than $100,000 in welfare benefits for years. O’Reilly and Monica Crowley expressed outrage at the lack of welfare oversight, and when Alan Colmes challenged their claims, O’Reilly told Colmes to “shut up.”

O’Reilly called the mother “disgraceful” for her comments, and asked exactly why “we the people [are] supporting questionable foreign folks.” He wanted to know why President Obama and Governor Deval Patrick aren’t expressing outrage with the fact that the Tsarnaevs were getting welfare assistance, decrying the lack of outrage as “business as usual” for an immigration policy and a welfare system that turns a blind eye in situations like these.

Watch the 8 minute segment on Mediaite.

The Asylum question!

Why did we let them in and how persecuted could they have been if they were, and are, traveling back and forth?

Funny that the Mediaite report just focused on the welfare use, but to me O’Reilly’s outrage about their “vacations” to the land of persecution struck a cord.

Readers, we have seen it over and over again.  We give refuge to people who claim persecution and then we see them go ‘home’ for visits and to do business.  We have written at RRW about Bosnians going ‘home’ because they still own property, Mesketian Turks have houses to sell back ‘home’ and we can only speculate that they too must go back to Russia for occasional business, but the most outrageous are the Somalis.  (Muslims all!)

We are resettling Somalis by the hundreds each month RIGHT NOW, yet many we have fed, housed, clothed and educated go back for various reasons—primarily “business” or to visit the family. Who can afford a plane ticket to Africa?   But, we can’t forget that dozens of ‘youths’ went back to learn the fine art of Jihad, here in 2008!

Since the beginning of the 2013 fiscal year we have resettled 3,674 SomalisIf that rate continues we will be bringing  nearly 9,000 Somalis to your cities this year, putting 2013 right up there with some of our top resettlement years (since 9/11!) for Somalis!

BTW, the family reunification program for Somalis recently re-opened after being closed for years because of widespread fraud—those getting in as ‘family’ were found (through random DNA testing) not to be related at all.  The State Department admitted that tens of thousands of Somalis are in the US illegally!

Yet, we have one report after another that the new government of Somalia is welcoming American Somalis HOME!

Don’t forget!

The Gang of Eight bill will make it easier for so-called asylum seekers and refugees to be admitted to the US because it makes whole groups of people eligible while under the present  system they are still supposed to prove they personally fear persecution!

Please Bill keep investigating!

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