Eight Buddhist fishermen killed by Rohingya Muslim asylum seekers in Indonesia

Update:  18 Rohingya to stand trial in killing of Buddhists, here. But from most news accounts you would never know that the Buddhists were hit the hardest when clashes broke out in a detention center in Indonesia.  And, get this!  there were 100 Rohingya to 11 Buddhists!  Wait till that news gets back to Burma! … Continue reading Eight Buddhist fishermen killed by Rohingya Muslim asylum seekers in Indonesia

Media and Muslims: It’s always about the poor maligned Muslim Rohingya

I’ve been writing about the Rohingya (Bengalis) for years and have watched the Muslim grievance lobby, human rights agitators, and government contractors sucker the media into believing that everything evil in Burma has nothing to do with Rohingya (they are only, and always! the poor victims) and has everything to do with Buddhist racism toward … Continue reading Media and Muslims: It’s always about the poor maligned Muslim Rohingya

No such thing as a separate ethnic group called Rohingya; peaceful coexistence with Muslims not likely

Longtime readers know that we have been following the Rohingya Muslim story for years and when they finally burst on the scene in a big way in your US/Western towns and cities as refugees (small numbers are coming to the US already), just as the Somalis did decades ago, at least you will have a … Continue reading No such thing as a separate ethnic group called Rohingya; peaceful coexistence with Muslims not likely

Rohingya Muslims warmly welcomed in terrorist-ridden southern Thailand….

….and the Saudis are hypocrites! Nobody wants Rohingya Muslims (except of course the US Conference of Catholic Bishops), least of all the Thai government that fears they are arriving on their shores to add to the already aggressive Islamist population in Thailand’s southern provinces, so why they sent a bunch of the recent Rohingya “asylum … Continue reading Rohingya Muslims warmly welcomed in terrorist-ridden southern Thailand….

Thailand trying to save itself from economic and cultural ruin by deporting Rohingya Muslims

Update January 15th:  The UN putting the screws to Thai government, here. Well, that isn’t the title all of the mainstream media news accounts use (or any of them use!) to describe the recent discovery of 400 illegal migrant Rohingya being held by traffickers in Southern Thailand.  The usual title of the story sounds like … Continue reading Thailand trying to save itself from economic and cultural ruin by deporting Rohingya Muslims