Thailand to deport latest groups of Rohingya asylum seekers

What is a country to do—just about anywhere in the world these days massive numbers of migrants are on the move looking for jobs and social services. In and around Southeast Asia it’s impossible to do the Greek model of border security. Thailand won’t let this latest group of Rohingya Muslim asylum seekers stay and … Continue reading Thailand to deport latest groups of Rohingya asylum seekers

Iran and the OIC double-teaming Burma on Rohingya issue

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the government of Iran both plan to send delegations to Burma (Myanmar) to give that Buddhist country a tongue-lashing about their alleged mistreatment of the Rohingya minority there.  (Remember the monks!) Here is the story about the OIC delegation.  And, here, Iran gets into the action to defend what … Continue reading Iran and the OIC double-teaming Burma on Rohingya issue

Rohingya update: Islamic organization finds another way to get into Burma

We reported, here, in October that thousands of Buddhist monks came out to protest the announcement that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation was planning to set up shop in Burma.  The monks carried signs that said “Get out OIC” and “we are not an Islamic country.”    The monks prevailed and the OIC was banned. Now … Continue reading Rohingya update: Islamic organization finds another way to get into Burma