Some asylum seekers in Europe pretend to be Rohingya

Here is a new twist in the asylum racket. Since Rohingya Muslims from Burma/Bangladesh are being promoted as the most persecuted people on the planet (a claim we have challenged here for years), some illegal immigrants are claiming they are Rohingya Muslims in Europe and in Canada in hopes of getting the much-coveted refugee status. … Continue reading Some asylum seekers in Europe pretend to be Rohingya

Burma: Violence escalates again between Buddhists and Muslim Rohingya

I continue to write about faraway Burma (Myanmar) because American readers need to know that there is an on-going push by federal refugee contractors to bring Rohingya Muslims to the US for resettlement.   So, please pay attention to what is happening in Burma so you might be able to protest any big push for more … Continue reading Burma: Violence escalates again between Buddhists and Muslim Rohingya

Rohingya Muslim refugees riot, burn Buddhist temples in Bangladesh

Update October 17th:  Buddhist monks demonstrate against Islamic organization coming to Burma, here. Supposedly the Rohingya “refugees” were angry about a facebook insult ….. ho hum Here is the latest from Reuters: (Reuters) – Bangladesh accused Muslim Rohingya refugees from Myanmar on Monday of involvement in attacks on Buddhist temples and homes in the southeast … Continue reading Rohingya Muslim refugees riot, burn Buddhist temples in Bangladesh

Saudis send money for Rohingya Muslims, but don’t want them in Saudi Arabia, why?

And, why should we worry about Cox’s Bazar? Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah announced yesterday that the kingdom will send $50 million to help Muslims in Burma in an obvious PR move.  However, we have other reports, including one new one from a Bangladeshi newspaper that says once again that Saudi Arabia has imprisoned hundreds of … Continue reading Saudis send money for Rohingya Muslims, but don’t want them in Saudi Arabia, why?

Security expert, B. Raman, warns of Rohingya connections to terrorism

Update:  I would really like to write a post about this but have no time.  Please watch this little news clip.  A handful of protestors wearing ‘no Rohingya’ shirts supported Myanmar’s President’s earlier proposal to the UN to resettle what they believe are illegal alien Rohingya’s elsewhere.  Having watched this issue evolve I have great … Continue reading Security expert, B. Raman, warns of Rohingya connections to terrorism