At least one news outlet notices the slanted news on Burma’s Rohingya

I’ve got loads of alerts filled with stories from all over the world declaring essentially that “monks have gone wild” killing Rohingya Muslims in Burma.  So, it was a relief to see that at least this one lonely story is reporting that the world news media is slanted in favor of the Muslims (always the … Continue reading At least one news outlet notices the slanted news on Burma’s Rohingya

Illegal alien Rohingya Muslims pushing into Assam region in India

I don’t have time to write about it, but in order to keep our Rohingya Reports category up-to-date readers should know that India continues to have problems with thousands of illegal alien Rohingya Muslims from Bangladesh who are causing friction and violence in India’s Assam Region.  Some of the region’s other religious and ethnic groups … Continue reading Illegal alien Rohingya Muslims pushing into Assam region in India

Rohingya human rights abuse drumbeat is maddening

Update July 21:  Here is a piece that makes my point—check out this Saudi academic talking about how Rohingya children are being grilled naked and alive in Burma by Buddhists.   Meanwhile, we still have no explanation for reports of Rohingya immigrants imprisoned in Saudi Arabia  a country which takes no refugees!  What a bunch of … Continue reading Rohingya human rights abuse drumbeat is maddening

UNHCR: We don’t want those Rohingya either, not our problem

Too much of a hot potato for UN head honcho socialist and squanderer of our tax dollars Antonio Guterres also I see. The gist of this story is that Burma’s (Myanmar) President apparently said to the UN—‘you take care of the Rohingya or send them to a third country for resettlement.’ From the Boston Globe: … Continue reading UNHCR: We don’t want those Rohingya either, not our problem