Burma’s famous democracy advocate Aung San Suu Kyi being pushed to speak up for Rohingya Muslims

Aung San Suu Kyi is so far refusing to join the cabal of human rights activists and the media pushing her to defend the Rohingya Muslims involved in the recent riots in Burma’s Rakhine Province.  Could it be that she knows that some among them are outside agitators and Islamic extremists and that some Buddhists … Continue reading Burma’s famous democracy advocate Aung San Suu Kyi being pushed to speak up for Rohingya Muslims

UN and US State Department pressure Bangladesh to take in more Rohingya Muslims

…and Bangladesh, a Muslim country, says NO!  Will we be next? Here is more on the on-going battle for Burma (aka Myanmar) between the Buddhists and the Rohingya Muslims, from the Myanmar Times: DHAKA – Bangladesh refused last week to open its border to Rohingya Muslims fleeing communal violence in Myanmar despite pressure from the … Continue reading UN and US State Department pressure Bangladesh to take in more Rohingya Muslims

Burma: Muslim Rohingya riot, burn homes, kill residents after leaving mosque

Update June 10th:  Fighting continues in Rakhine as armed Rohingya rebels continue to terrorize Buddhists, here. Special note to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops—these are the “persecuted” people you want to bring to America? From Eleven Media Group: Eleven Media Group)- Dozens of Rakhine people were killed amidst the Rohingya terrorist attacks in border … Continue reading Burma: Muslim Rohingya riot, burn homes, kill residents after leaving mosque

Rohingya connection to terrorist groups being searched here at RRW

Just an interesting bit of information I noticed yesterday in looking at our stats—-lots of people are looking at a 2009 post about the State Department having identified Burmese Rohingya people as being connected to Islamic terrorist groups.   For some reason that three-year-old post is getting a lot of attention.   Unfortunately, the State Department has … Continue reading Rohingya connection to terrorist groups being searched here at RRW