Need for court interpreters increasing in Wyoming

Governor Matt Mead keeps saying, they (refugees) are coming to Wyoming anyway, so we need a plan. According to this article some immigrants are arriving in the Wyoming court system and require interpreters that are not readily available.  The Wyoming Public Radio story mentions Chinese (Mandarin), Spanish, and an occasional Laotian or Somali speaker. However, … Continue reading Need for court interpreters increasing in Wyoming

Saudi press calls Burmese Buddhists “bigots,” while they themselves deport Africans by the thousands

This is your laugh of the day (other news coming soon is pretty grim!). You have to hand it to them, the Saudis have a lot of hutzpah! In an editorial in the Saudi Gazette, they blast Burma for its treatment of the Rohingya Muslims while they themselves are deporting Africans by the thousands so … Continue reading Saudi press calls Burmese Buddhists “bigots,” while they themselves deport Africans by the thousands

Pennsylvania: Burmese refugee shoots wife, faces death penalty

Well what do you know—another refugee criminal case (requiring a translator of course!).*** Never forget! Diversity brings strength to your “welcoming” community, or so we are told!  See our previous post on Burmese living in poverty in America, kids dropping out of school. From Lehigh Valley Live  (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’ crime finder!): Prosecutors are seeking … Continue reading Pennsylvania: Burmese refugee shoots wife, faces death penalty

Welcoming counties! Are you ready to provide foreign language interpreters?

Please pay attention Wyoming!  Do you have a plan for your county courts? Continuing on a theme we have been mentioning lately thanks to reader ‘pungentpeppers’ interest (and ours!) in the issue, “welcoming” counties can now add to their social service budgets (in addition to welfare of all sorts, medical care and subsidized housing), the … Continue reading Welcoming counties! Are you ready to provide foreign language interpreters?