Bavaria, Germany: Arrival of Syrian refugees forces change in school dress code

Emergency housing for Syrian Muslims has been set up next to a high school in Pocking, Germany and school officials warn parents to not permit their girls to dress provocatively.  Changing the West to accommodate Islam? From The Local (hat tip: Joanne): A school in Bavaria has sent a letter home to parents warning them … Continue reading Bavaria, Germany: Arrival of Syrian refugees forces change in school dress code

Montana Alert! Group wants to bring in Syrian refugees to replace your aging population

Although, Montana is not like Wyoming which has never had a refugee program (only a smattering of refugees have been resettled in ‘Big Sky Country’ over the last several years), but that could soon change. Based on the comments to an opinion piece at the Helena Independent Record, the citizens there have no clue what … Continue reading Montana Alert! Group wants to bring in Syrian refugees to replace your aging population

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society says we may have to admit 200,000 Syrian refugees

This is how they work!  They constantly raise the ceiling so that the 65,000 they have been demanding looks small in comparison to the 200,000 they would really like to drop off in your towns and cities. The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of nine major resettlement contractors being paid to resettle refugees, is at … Continue reading Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society says we may have to admit 200,000 Syrian refugees

CATO immigration "specialist:" Bring Syrian refugees in, but cut off their welfare

If any of you are Libertarians and think the CATO Institute is the last word on libertarian good sense, you may not know that crazy CATO is for a free flow of immigrants around the world.   Here Alex Nowrasteh,  CATO immigration specialist, makes an emotional pitch to bring in Syrian refugees, but remembering that … Continue reading CATO immigration "specialist:" Bring Syrian refugees in, but cut off their welfare