Why should US/Europe take Syrian refugees while Gulf Arab states take ZERO?

Update September 7: More here at Breitbart. Gulf States fear terrorists in refugee flow! Update September 4:  Maybe Obama will ask the Saudi King why they aren’t taking in any of their fellow Muslim refugees (don’t hold your breath), here. Update September 3: The world is beginning to notice! More here.  Far Left US refugee … Continue reading Why should US/Europe take Syrian refugees while Gulf Arab states take ZERO?

Trump speaks out on Syrian refugees: we aren't saving Christians, just the Muslims

Thanks to Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit for spotting a brief mention by Presidential candidate Donald Trump in Las Vegas on Saturday.  Go to Gateway Pundit for the story and the video clip. Trump is almost right. It isn’t zero Christians, but it’s pretty close to zero.  Although we have admitted a small handful of … Continue reading Trump speaks out on Syrian refugees: we aren't saving Christians, just the Muslims

Poland: No Syrian refugees for us!

In ‘Invasion of Europe’ news, maybe Poland will be one of the few European countries to save itself…. From the Guardian which calls their position “baffling” and “pungent:” “We don’t want terrorists here,” the Polish pensioner says, when asked about EU plans to resettle refugees more broadly across the continent. “Have you seen what they’re … Continue reading Poland: No Syrian refugees for us!