Samantha Power is one of those pushing Obama to bring more Syrian refugees to your towns

This news is a day old, so who knows maybe Obama has already decided the magic number of Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees he will be dropping into America towns and cities in the coming year. Last week we learned that Sec. of State Kerry consulted with key House and Senate committees, as the Refugee Act … Continue reading Samantha Power is one of those pushing Obama to bring more Syrian refugees to your towns

Saudi Arabia claims they have taken in 2.5 million Syrian refugees (prove it!)

No they haven’t taken refugees.  They may have tens of thousands of foreign workers there on a temporary basis, but they are not resettling any ‘refugees’ on a permanent basis.  And, I doubt the number of Syrians is in the millions. Go here and here to see how this controversy began.  Where is the UN High … Continue reading Saudi Arabia claims they have taken in 2.5 million Syrian refugees (prove it!)

Gov. Walker: We don't need more Syrian refugees, we need to deal with ISIS

2016 Presidential candidate Gov. Scott Walker just jumped to number one in my list of candidates talking with sanity in the face of the huge public relations and propaganda campaign on-going to bring in more Syrian Muslims (yes, 95% so far since 2012 are Muslims) to live in your town or city.   And, as … Continue reading Gov. Walker: We don't need more Syrian refugees, we need to deal with ISIS

Kerry briefs Senators, says we will take more Syrian refugees in coming year; shame on McCain!

Secretary of State John Kerry is probably getting a tongue-lashing at this very moment from refugee resettlement contractors who want the President to raise the ante and permit 200,000 refugees to be admitted to the US. The norm from the Obama Administration in recent years has been 70,000 (from all countries) which is already way … Continue reading Kerry briefs Senators, says we will take more Syrian refugees in coming year; shame on McCain!